Downer Cows Are Eaten In Japan
Comment From Israel

By Drora Shavit
Tel Aviv

Dear Jeff,
I am also a member of the Rense Club in Tel Aviv, I was pleased to see that you posted another one of our letters today Beside Condi, Who Else Had Foreknowledge Of 911? )
I see that Downer Cows are replacing Zionism today on our website as the most
important subject. :-)
My sister sent me an email today from Japan which may interest you:
1. Total chaos in Japan at the moment, as many restaurants and chain restaurants in the business of selling the most popular Beef Noodle Soup are going out of business.
2. One of my sister's friends in her university in Tokyo is a student from Hokkaido island. His father is a beef farmer. This friend told my sister that Japanese farmers never waste or destroy cows as in other countries. He said that cows are extremely expensive in Japan, and that all downer cows, diseased or dead cows are thrown as a whole with the skin into a big pool of boiling water and mixed with a mixer slowly non stop until they dissolved into soup. The diameter of the round pool is around 10 meters/yards. He said it is a standard practice and the Japanese Health Department is turning a blind eye. When my sister asked him what could they possibly do with this soup? he replied that it is freeze dried and used as Bullion Soup cubes or curry which every Japanese family in Japan is eating with their noodles everyday as well as other countries around the world. He also said that the 2 minutes-Instant Japanese Dry Noodle bags with a packet of concentrated soup powder inside, which are sold all over the USA and the world, are made from these same diseased and dead cows.
3. Japan is importing many tons of cow brains from the US. It is considered in Japan to be a top delicacy and it is sold at a very high prices to exclusive restaurants. There is a mad run at the moment all over Japan to recall it. All the upper class of Japan consumed staggering amounts of these cow brains which have been proven to be a major carriers of prions.
4. The Japanese government published Friday a list of a few thousands items to be recalled from supermarkets. The confusion is so vast that no one knows what to do in Japan.
5. My sister gave her Japanese friends your website and there is a wild stamped now by Japanese to read your articles and listen to your archives in Japan. Do not be surprised if you will get a phone call for help from the Health Ministry of Japan. I hope the Japanese readers will not overload your website too much.
Please come and visit us in Israel, we promise not to feed you beef brains.
Drora Shavit
Tel Aviv, Israel
1. I am sending you this email via my web email instead of my Israeli email,
you have my permission to post it if you wish.
2. Thank you for interviewing our Israeli journalist Barry Chamish and posting his articles.
No one in our 'democratic' Israel will post him.
We now trust your website more than we trust our government.

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