Photo Of 'Huge' UFO
Over Minnesota

From Brian Vike
Director - HBCC UFO Research

They are back BIG time!
6pm Saturday
November 29, 2003
West Central Minnesota
Five witnesses.
I only got one really good picture. I have a bunch of other shots but they are not as good. I saw bright flash in western sky. HUGE bright light. Then it ZIPS to a southeast position. Sits there.
I yelled for (hubby) and then for the boys who were having band practice. The object had by then moved to a southwest position and just sat there. Multiple lights flashing and appeared to be changing in shape. I will have each of them write up a separate statement.
The object then SINKS on the horizon VERY SLOWLY. As if to land? This lasted a good total of 20 minutes as of us able to view it. AND it was HUGE. Biggest I have ever seen for the distance.
Hubby had to leave and the boys were a little shell-shocked. They just couldn't believe what they saw. I continued to watch and a JET came in or at least it sounded like one and I grabbed my camera and keys and went to my car to pursue it.
By the time I got down to the lake I no longer could see it or the jet. But it was HUGE!!!!
I will send their statements later. They went off to a friends' house.
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Brian Vike
Director - HBCC UFO Research
Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call.
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