The Overthrow Of The
American Republic
Part 43
Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy-The Meeting

Sherman Skolnick

It was centuries in the making. The split between the Old World and the New World. Between East and the West. The Divide, the Vatican, the Reformation, the Protestant Church. The Capitalist World and their creation of their own "enemy", the Communist World.
It was the fall of 2003. In the view of some, there was a most unlikely meeting of two persons. At least as considered by some, each a spokesperson for a different faction. George Herbert Walker Bush. Promoted into the oil business by the British Royalty (actually German Royalty, the House of Hanover, masquerading as the House of Windsor). A functionary of the American CIA since 1959, using his front worldwide units of Zapata Petroleum Co., later Zapata Offshore. In 1961, supervisor of the disastrous aborted CIA invasion of Cuba at "The Bay of Pigs". 1976, Director of Central Intelligence, arranged the murder in Washington of a former top official of Chile. 1977-1981, Director of a pharmaceutical firm, complicit reportedly in the dope underground with cocaine, a by-product of the production of the secret base of Coca-Cola by Stepan Chemical Co., Northfield, Illinois.
October, 1980, French Intelligence videoed Daddy Bush arranging a traitorous deal with top officials of Iran near Paris. The Iranians were bribed to help the Reagan/Bush ticket win the Presidential/Vice President election by showing incumbent President Jimmy Carter as a wimp running for re-election. The bribery was to avoid the dreaded "October Surprise", if Carter got the release of the 52 U.S. hostages held by Iran. By the Bush treason, the hostages were held to exactly the moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were inaugurated. Bush was Vice President, 1981, and President, 1988.
Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. Son of the Irish Patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy. The Family having been from the 1920s, during Prohibition, making British royalty beholden to them. How? By Old Man Kennedy arranging to smuggle into the U.S. the booze products chartered by the British Royals. This was done with the aid of gangsters, Boston, Detroit, and Chicago. The criminals continued the distribution of the booze even after liquor was legal in the U.S. Teddy in 1964 survived an assassination plot in a sabotaged plane crash. His brothers, John F. and Robert F., did not survive murder plots, 1963 and 1968.
A transcript of the Fall of 2003 meeting, before the 40th Anniversary of the JFK murder.
Edward M. Kennedy: "George, I think by now, through your sources, you already know, the French CIA, for several decades now, has leaked out a few details as to Dallas. Although their people infiltrated the plot, their high-ups did not see fit to stop it, believing I suppose it could not be stopped or better to withhold details for blackmail. As you know, Oswald was a French intelligence agent, a hero, who fell between the cracks. His mother often said Oswald was under cover as with Naval Intelligence. Now my niece Caroline insists that I show you these films and documents."
[A projector is set up and the films shown. On one film, taken from the Overpass bridge, is shown the shots straight-on hitting Kennedy. Other parts of films, show one of the shooters using the storm sewer up on the railroad embankment, right near Dan Rather standing in the shadows nearby.]
George Herbert Walker Bush: "Teddy, you know the problem. Your brother Jack was soft on the Communists. Three weeks before Dallas, he ordered the coup against the Saigon regime of Premier Diem, a devout Catholic, and his two brothers, all anti-Communists---they were assassinated on your brother's orders. And your brother denied U.S. warplane cover at the Bay of Pigs, thus helping Fidel Castro, a Communist. Jack lost his nerve in 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis."
Teddy: "That Saigon matter is a frame-up, supposedly making the Vatican approve of what happened to Jack."
George: "Jack was allowing the country to be split on black-white racial lines by an agitator, Dr. King, a Communist."
Teddy: "I do not believe Dr. King was a Communist. I know Hoover hated us and said King was a Red."
"I suppose you know about the book written by a team of French Intelligence under a pen-name? 'Farewell America'."
George: "The main thing is your brother was dealt with like any Crowned Head of State. After the powers that be determined that your brother was a traitor, Lyndon [Baines Johnson, then Vice President] and I, and other noteworthy persons, including those in the Military and Intelligence, and others, arranged a public execution. On the facts, it was justified and proper."
Teddy: "George, it was not justified. Jack found terrible murder plots within the CIA, and was determined to scatter them to the wind and you know it. He would not instigate a nuclear strike against the Soviets. It is nonsense to claim Jack was a Communist, or soft on them. He wanted to take away the tax loophole favoring your oil pals."
George: "Your brother was a traitor. He had to be punished, as a symbol to all, that a traitor will have his head chopped off or his brains blown out, in public, for all to see."
Teddy: "My family has been in favor of silence on these subjects. They do not want to go public to rebut these outrageous accusations. Caroline, my niece, dissents. She demands the matters, the films, the documents, once and for all, be made public. Her husband, Schlossberg, a grain speculator, for business reasons, wants the silence to continue."
George: "Publicizing the details cannot be allowed."
Teddy: "Why?"
George: "Because the public is stupid. How can we explain high-level Affairs of State to dummies? The public execution was justified and necessary, and you know it. To reveal all the details now would tear the country apart."
So, on the 40th Anniversary of the assassination of John F.Kennedy, the media permitted, at least some did, the finger to be pointed at Lyndon Baines Johnson, now dead, once Vice President and then President. In espionage jargon, this is dealing with a sticky subject by a "limited hang-out", a throwaway detail.
Not accused, and they should be, are the British Royalty, the American CIA, Daddy Bush's Texas oil buddies, and Fascist killers high up in the U.S. Military and Intelligence agencies.
Considering that the French are holding all the cards---the films and proof as to Dallas---it was plain stupid for Bush, Jr., that is George W. Bush, to attack the Paris government regarding the plan to invade Iraq. Daddy Bush, maybe most have already forgotten, publicly opposed the pre-emptive attack on Iraq.
The oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press would not dare report any details, which they already know, of the meeting between Daddy Bush and Teddy Kennedy.
For background, visit our website series Overthrow, Part 42 and other parts. Also, as to revealing details of the Kennedy Family, see our four-part series on the murder of JFK, Jr., "What Happened to America's Goldenboy". Somewhere on our website is the FBI document showing George Bush, of CIA, was involved with in some way covering up witnesses as to the Dallas murder. As to Daddy Bush, the Corrupt Federal Judges, underground dope and cocaine, and Stepan Chemical Co., see our extensive website series "Coca-Cola, CIA, and the Courts".
More coming. Stay tuned.
Note: Mr. Skolnick's articles are on his website <> as well as <> MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of the same, COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick, archived.
Mr. Skolnick is a regular participant on a three-hour program "TALK RADIO FOR SPIES!", broadcast on a maximum power blowtorch radio from Toronto, and can be heard live and as archived, ON-LINE <> Thursday evenings (except if pre-empted by sports), starting at 11 p.m., Eastern Time; 10 p.m., Central; 9 p.m., Mountain; and 8 p.m., Pacific Time.
Recently published the book "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, A Who's Who of Treason & High Crimes---Exclusive Details of Fraud & Corruption of the Monopoly Press, the Banks, the Bench and the Bar, & the Secret Political Police. Can be ordered U.S./Canada 1-800-861-7899.
Can also be ordered through HOWEVER, recently they have played tricks with the price to blockade sales and marketing of this controversial book.


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