- December 1387
A "fire in the sky, like a burning and revolving
wheel..." was seen in Leicester and Northamptonshire, England. The
objects "emitted fire from above, and others in the shape of long,
fiery beams".
- December 16, 1742
- On December 16, 1742, a member of the Royal Society in
London was about to cross St. Jame's Park on his way home from a meeting
when he saw a strange object in the sky while on his way home. He described
the large, bright object as moving slowly and having a flame coming out
the back. It had a frame on one end, "like bars of iron".
- "...a light arose from behind the trees and houses,
to the south and west, which at first I thought was a rocket, of large
size. But when it rose 20 degrees, it moved parallel to the horizon, and
waved like this - - he draws an undulating line -- and went on in the direction
of north by east. It seemed very near, its motion was very slow. I had
it for about half a mile in view. A light flame was turned backward by
the resistance the air made to it. From, one end, it emitted a bright glare
and fire like that of a burning charcoal. That end was a flame like bars
of iron, and quite opaque to my sight. At one point, on the longitudinal
frame, or cylinder, issued a train in the shape of a tail of light more
bright at one point on the rod or cylinder; so that it was transparent
for more than half of its length. The head of this strange object seemed
about half a degree in diameter, and the tail near three degrees in length."
- The observer signed himself "C.M.," probably
preferring to remain anonymous to avoid the expected skepticism and scoffing
of his fellow members. (Harold T. Wilkins, "Flying Saucers on the
Attack," p. 206)
December 1948 - Early Sighting - Russia
- Moscow, Russia. Above Moscow a number of longish, fish-shaped
metal objects were seen, reflecting the sunlight. (Vallée, Anatomy
of Phenomenon, page 54)
- December 22, 1958 - Flying
Saucer Witnessed & Photographed In Russia
- In 1958 as Poland was in the middle of the first eastern
UFO flap the press was overwhelmed by the amount of sightings and lowered
their garde and quite a large number of cases was published. And for a
short time the subject was not taboo. Some respected newspapers as Dookola
Swiata, a monthly magazine for popular science, dared to present
the possibility that these UFO sightings could be connected
to ET's and little green men. Before this, thoughts like that were a one
way ticket out of the scientific communion. Allthou articles about space-journeys,
spacemen and MIB's was presented as Space Fables. One of those articles
was about an incident in the Carpathian Mountains (an area with much UFO
activity at the time) which caused a number of journalists to go to the
site for research. But the article to come out of this work was modest.
Even the news of a photographed UFO on December 22nd at Muszyn was treated
in the same way.
- 1958. About 3:00 on December 22nd Dr. Stanislaw Kowalezewski
took at photo (see picture) of a shimmering light coming from the clouds.
Although he had no filter on his camera he took the photo through the window
hoping the light would make the film record the orange glow. Dr. Kowalezewski
said that he could see the road to Zegiestowa, the railway, the Poprad
river and trhe top of the mountrains silluette bathing in orange light
which was about 500 metres from his window. The negative has been examined
by several experts which has found it to be genuine.
(Source: http://www.ufo.se/ufofiles/english/issue_3/ussr6.htm
December 17, 1969 - Project 'Blue Book' Terminated
- Following the recommendations of the Condon Committee
and the National Academy of Sciences, the Secretary of the Air Force, Robert
C. Seamans, Jr., announced on 17 December 1969 the termination of BLUE
- December 12, 1974 - Japanese Boys Photograph Saucer
December 12,1974 Obihiro City,
Hokkaido, Japan. About noon, 11 year old twin brothers Yoshitsugu and Katsuji
Iino were looking out of a back window of their home. They noticed a dark
disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky. One watched the object as the other
brother ran for a camera. They took four color photos of the UFO before
it disappeared into the cloudy sky.
- December 1978 - Freedom of Information Act Used To
Pry Open CIA UFO Files
- Beginning in the mid-1970s, UFO researchers began using
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to request government, including
CIA, documents on UFOs. Once again, the CIA mishandled the requests. After
William Spaulding, head of Ground Saucer Watch, wrote in 1975 requesting
UFO records, the CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator Gene Wilson wrote
to Spaulding that the Robertson Panel was "the summation of the Agency
interest and involvement in UFOs." As Haines states, "Wilson
was ill-informed."
- Not believing Wilson's statements, ufologists sued the
CIA for records and won the release of about 800 pages in December of 1978.
Since the CIA had, unwisely, been denying its inolvement in UFO matters,
the media was surprised to learn how many documents were held by the agency.
The New York Times claimed as a result that the CIA was probably secretly
involved in the study of UFOs.
- CIA Director Stansfield Turner was so upset by this that
he asked his senior officers "Are we in UFOs?" He received a
negative answer from his deputy and so moved to quash a new lawsuit asking
for the withheld documents from the first release.Notwithstanding the reply
Turner got, Haines found that the CIA continued a few activities during
the 1980s. As he writes:
- During the late 1970s and 1980s, the Agency continued
its low-key interest in UFOs and UFO sightings. While most scientists now
dismissed flying saucers [sic] reports as a quaint part of the 1950s and
1960s, some in the Agency and in the Intelligence Community shifted their
interest to studying parapsychology and psychic phenomena associated with
UFO sightings. CIA officials also looked at the UFO problem to determine
what UFO sightings might tell them about Soviet progress in rockets and
missiles and reviewed its counterintelligence aspects. Agency analysts
from the Life Science Division of OSI and OSWR officially devoted a small
amount of their time to issues relating to UFOs. These included counterintelligence
concerns that the Soviets and the KGB were using US citizens and UFO groups
to obtain information on sensitive US weapons development programs (such
as the Stealth aircraft), the vulnerability of the US air-defense network
to penetration by foreign missiles mimicking UFOs, and evidence of Soviet
advanced technology associated with UFO sightings.
- If I hadn't checked the calendar after reading this,
I would have sworn this was 1952 and I was reading of CIA concerns about
how UFOs could be used by the Soviets against the United States, as eventually
expressed in the recommendations of the Roberson Panel report. Some things
never change, at least during the Cold War. Haines notes that during this
period, "Agency officials purposely kept files on UFOs to a minimum
to avoid creating records that might mislead the public if released,"
and Haines says he found almost no documentation on CIA involvement with
UFOs in the 1980s. This certainly is an effective method to circumvent
FOIA, but it hardly leads to further confidence in the CIA.
- Finally, in an intriguing footnote, Haines says that
the "CIA reportedly is also a member of an Incident Response Team
to investigate UFO landings, if one should occur. This team has never met."
Say what? He offers no evidence for this statement, which, if true, belies
the notion that the government completely ignores UFO reports.
- In the end, Haines's article is not as revealing as press
reports indicated, but it does open a window on CIA activities that have
long been closed to the public. Perhaps its chief contribution will be
the documents referenced in the footnotes which can now be specifically
requested through FOIA by an enterprising UFO historian. His historical
analysis is unremittingly pedestrian, but he does admit that CIA errors
of commission and omission contributed directly to the notion of a UFO
cover-up, and he demonstrates that there was indeed a cover-up, though
not of spy planes, of a UFO crash near Roswell, norother events of similar
- Another effect of Haines's article is a gradual shifting
of media opinion toward granting greater credibility to the statements
of UFO groups and investigators and a concomitant greater distrust in government
claims about its UFO activities. This is all to the good and here the old
phrase "better late than never" surely applies. Those wishing
to acquire the full text of the article may download a copy from the CIA's
Web site at http://www.odci.gov/csi/studies/97unclas/ufo.html (This site
has since been removed from the CIA website.). Hard copies can be obtained
from the Photoduplication Service, National Technical Information Service,
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. To expedite service, call
the NTIS Order Desk at (703) 487-4650.
(Source: http://www.cufos.org/IUR_article3.html
- December 29, 1980 - A UFO Related Death? Betty Cash's
Fatal UFO Encounter
Near New Caney, Texas, Betty Cash along
with Vickie Landrum and her grandson traveling along a dark, rural road
encountered a massive, diamond shaped UFO emitting tremendous bursts of
heat and light from its underside, scorching the car they were in and leaving
them with severe burns and trauma. The UFO was apparently escorted by -
or followed by - many "Chinook" style (dual-rotors/blade) military
helicopters. Betty Cash took her case to the air force and demanded satisfaction.
She was stonewalled. Even the rural road where the incident took place
was mysteriously repaved by neither state or federal highway crews for
more than two miles to cover-up any evidence of the event. Witnesses said
the road crews showed up and worked at night. Betty developed cancer and
though treated successfully, she died of complications on precisely the
same day, Dec. 29, 1999 she had her encounter. For more on the Betty Cash
incident, see ...
UFO Casualty Betty Cash
- Injuries Caused By UFO Claim Woman's Life
- December 27-30, 1980 - Rendlesham Forest - The UK
When it comes to UFO cases,
it doesn't get any better than the Rendlesham UK UFO encounter: A large
air force base known for highly classified work; UFO tracked by radar at
Heathrow; Living eye-witnesses of considerable reputation amd stature;
tape recorded evidence from the scene by military personnel; numerous external
reports of UFO sightings in the same area by towns people; phenomenal level
of military cover up later exposed through freedom of information act.
- In December of 1980 Rendledham/Bentwaters Air Force base
and adjacent forest became the site of several extraterrestrial visitations
clearly intended to be seen, reported and never forgotten.
- Case info -- Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately
0300L), two USAF security police patrolmen saw unusual lights outside the
back gate at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking an aircraft might have crashed or
been forced down, they called for permission to go outside the gate to
investigate. The on duty flight chief responded and allowed three patrolmen
to proceed on foot. The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object
in the forest. The object was described as being metallic in appearance
and triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters across the base
and approximately two meters high. It illuminated the entire forest with
a white light. The object itself had a pulsating red light on top and a
bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object was hovering or on three
legs. As the patrolmen approached the object, it maneuvered through the
trees and disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into
a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately an hour later near
the back gate.
- Halt took with him a team of specialists which included:
Lieutenant Bruce Englund, Sergeant Monroe Nevilles, who operated the Geiger
counter, and Master Sergeant Bobby Ball. The team was later joined by Airman
First Class John Burroughs, who would be one of the principal figures in
the investigation.
- One of the patrolmen, Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston, later
reported that, as they neared the object: "The air was filled with
electricity. You could feel it on your skin as we approached the object."
- After observing the object from a safe distance, Penniston
also examined it at close range for some twenty minutes, actually touching
the "smooth, black, glass-type fabric" and the strange symbols
etched into its surface. Finally, the craft rose upwards and as quoted
in the 'Strange But True?' interview, "It slowly started moving back,
weaving in and around the trees. It got about 40 feet away, then it raised
up into the air and it shot off as fast as you could blink. On the upper
left side of the craft, was an inscription. It measured six inches high,
of symbols. They looked familiar, but I couldn't ascertain why."
- The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and
7" in diameter were found where the object had been sighted on the
ground. The following night the area was checked for radiation. Beta/Gamma
readings of 0.1 milliroentgens were recorded with peak readings in the
three depressions and near the center of the triangle formed by the depressions.
A nearby tree had moderate (.05 - .07) readings on the side of the tree
toward the depressions.
- Lt. Colonel Halt insisted that an appropriate entry be
made in the security police log. Halt's report did not end there, because
the next night more activity occurred in Rendlesham Forest, pulling Halt
away from his dinner:
- Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen through
the trees. It moved about and pulsed. At one point it appeared to throw
off glowing particles and then broke into five separate white objects and
then disappeared. Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were
noticed in the sky, two objects to the north and one to the south, all
of which were about 10° off the horizon. The objects moved rapidly
in sharp angular movements and displayed red, green and blue lights. The
objects to the north appeared to be elliptical through an 8 - 12 power
lens. They then turned to full circles. The objects to the north remained
in the sky for an hour or more. The object to the south was visible for
two or three hours and beamed down a stream of light from time to time.
- The Halt document, one of the most important papers in
the study of UFOs, states that patrolmen on the base encountered a "saucer-like"
object in the forest adjacent to the military bases. Halt describes the
craft as maneuvering through the forest's trees, and eventually disappearing
into the sky. He further states that the next day's investigation found
marks at the spot of the encounter, and abnormal levels of radiation. On
the same night of the event, strange objects were observed performing aerial
moves that defied the laws of physics. These lights divided into smaller
lights, and eventually disappeared from view.
- After years of speculation and theory, Colonel Halt released
an 18-minute audio cassette that he states was made on the night of the
encounter. On the tape could clearly be heard various senior officers ,
including Halt, communicating via walkie-talkies, as personnel tramped
through the woods investigating the unusual craft. The voices are at times
panic stricken, as they conveyed that a beam from the craft disabled electrical
devices in the area for a time. Incredibly, the tape also relates that
"video" and "still" photographs were taken of this
strange object. (Source: Excerpted from www.ufocasebook.com)
Read more on the Rendlesham/Bentwaters case...
Rendlesham 'X-Files'
Released Under Freedom of Information Act
- December 21, 1994 - Ridiculous Frauds Captivate Far
Too Many
Phoney contactee, Carlos Diaz,
likes to make bogus UFO videos using models and lights. Filmed so-called
'plasma ships' that are clearly models that no three-year-old would believe.
Claimed that aliens lent him a tripod to take photos of their ships...did
the aliens lend him all his fake photos and video too? Endorsed by Sean
David Morton - a sure sign that it's a hoax. Has refused independent analysis
of his 'evidence.' Diaz is Mexico's version of Billy Meier...
(Source: http://www.ufowatchdog.com/hall3.html
- December 27, 2000
The first UFO seen by Stan (actual still
image, right) was in the daytime at the location of Alameda and Jewel in
west Denver (Lakewood). When first observed, (paraphrased here) "it
was about 50 feet from Stan's car, directly above the level of power lines
along the side of the road. It was keeping pace, just ahead of my moving
car at about 40 miles per hour and in the air at a slight angle forward.
The approximate size was that of a minivan. I slowed then stopped my car,
as did other cars and their drivers observing this object. After a few
moments, the object instantly "popped" to a higher height several
hundred feet up, causing an intense "sonic boom" that was felt
on my clothes and body. Other than this sonic "pop", the object
made absolutely no sound. At this point the camera was ready to film, and
the video was taken."
- At least five other witnesses watched this object from
the side of the road.
- The object is seen from the side and slightly below (photo
above). The top of the object is domed shaped, and six rotating smaller
balls were along the lower edge. Stan commented that the underside of the
object was the darkest black he had ever seen, as if it were a window to
beyond the object itself, a "black hole", a look into infinity.
This strange shaped craft has been sighted and photographed/videotaped
many times the world over. Below are several examples. (1) Nellis
AFB - footage. 1994. (2) Eastern US/ September 11, 2002 (multiframe
digital shots) (3) Anthony Woods, 2002 (video). Click numbers for
further info or accessing footage.

(1) Nellis footage (mpeg)

(2) Daylight

(3) Anthony Woods footage/UK