- With its long history of hangings, it comes as no surprise
the Galleries of Justice is a perfect haunt for ghosts.
- Many a condemned man met a grim fate on the gallows at
the former Shire Hall in High Pavement, Nottingham.
- But is it, as paranormal investigators claim, one of
the most haunted buildings in the country? Spook specialists from cable
TV show Most Haunted believe they have hard 'evidence' of paranormal phenomena.
- A team from the show - which airs on Living TV - spent
a night at the museum to try and detect supernatural activity.
- And, they believe, they have successfully recorded some
seriously weird goings-on... on audio tape, if not on camera.
- Paranormal investigator Phil Whyman said: "Most
of the crew were pretty scared and this is definitely one of the most active
places we've ever filmed in."
- A two-hour special is to be broadcast on Tuesday, December
9. And on the back of the show, the public will get the opportunity to
track down the spooks for themselves.
- A specially adapted tour, launched on Saturday, takes
visitors to the "cold spots" felt by the crew during their night
of terror.
- The Most Haunted team used night vision digital cameras,
infra-red thermometers, dictaphones at strategic locations and an EMF meter
- a device used to measure fluctuations in electro-magnetic fields.
- Unexplained incidents included gurgling sounds coming
from the caves and a banging noise like a brick being repeatedly dropped
on to a sandy floor. One of the crew also claims to have seen the spectre
of a small child which, sadly, was not caught on film.
- Mr Whyman, from Clifton, explained the 'stone tape' theory
behind such phenomena - certain materials, such as brick, are capable of
absorbing the energy of past events in the corporal world.
- Previous sceptic Janette Galtrey, the museum's marketing
manager, took part in the filming - and was scared.
- She said: "People have seen and heard hundreds of
strange things over the years, but this was supposed to be a proper investigation.
I was there on the night - and I can honestly say I was terrified.
- "My friend and I went down into the caves with the
crew. They disappeared with the torches and left us in the dark. Suddenly,
we heard a shuffling sound but I knew there was no one there."
- Where Ghouls Roam
- The Galleries of Justice has some heavyweight competition
for the title of Britain's most haunted building, including:
- Borley Rectory in Essex - a rundown rectory now burned
down. A hotspot for spooks, including a monk and a nun who, legend has
it, eloped together - then got beheaded and buried alive respectively.
- Chillingham Castle in Northumberland - a nest of nightmare
apparitions. Within its walls lies an immense dungeon where criminals and
innocents alike met a ghastly end.
- Glamis Castle in Scotland - the daddy of them all, with
more ghosts and goblins than you can shake a sporran at; plus, as a novelty,
a monstrous beast skulking in one of its many subterranean rooms.
- http://www.thisisnottingham.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=66056&command=