Terri Update - Confusion
And Concern

From Dee Rohe

I have just received this from my eyewitness contact at the scene:
This is an URGENT Hospice Patients Alliance News Alert October 21, vol VII, sent out to urge the public to call/contact the Governor of Florida NOW!
All bedlam breaking loose in Florida Michael Schiavo fighting in court to make sure Terri dies at hospital Said to be threatening all workers who might help Terri
We need you to call the Governor of Florida IMMEDIATELY to send in State Police into the Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, FLorida where Terri Schiavo has been transported. Michael Schiavo is reported to have actually interfered with anyone providing care for Terri and threatened to sue them. He is suing the Governor. Here is the update from the local area:
"Terri is in Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater (where Michael works!). There is a hearing going on right now in front of a circuit judge whether the Gov's injunction stands. Michael is also suing the Governor!! So, there is going to be a showdown between the judicial and legislative areas. .... The local news showed demonstrators outside the hospital telling the hospital to feed Terri."
"There is a lot of confusion about information right now. One source says Terri is being hydrated, one says the doctors aren't giving her IVs because of the court. One says the tube was reinserted at 7 PM." [note from Ron: we do not believe that to be accurate.] "Michael is at the hospital threatening anyone who helps her. I hope someone stays with her at all times because of Michael perhaps trying to do something to her."
Ron Panzer: We have just learned from those closest to the family, that the first doctor who attempted to insert the IV (intravenous) line to rehydrate Terri was intimidated by Michael Schiavo and did not insert the IV due to Michael Schiavo's threats. When it was explained to the hospital staff and doctors that it was the Governor's order that Terri Schiavo be rehydrated another doctor inserted an IV and that Terri IS currently getting rehydration starting from about one hour or so ago. In other words, the hospital realized it would not be in the hospital's best interests to be found to have violated the Governor's direct order to rehydrate Terri and then have her die! They reconsidered their actions. In other words, the rehydration was delayed for HOURS due to Michael Schiavo's actions!
Reports are consistent that Terri IS being rehydrated NOW, finally!
Also, we have reports that attorney for Michael Schiavo, George Felos' motion or complaint to prevent Terri from being fed was denied by 2 judges. Attorney for the Schindlers, Pat Anderson, is going to court to make sure Michael Schiavo is removed as guardian and that he has no say at all as to what happens to Terri!
We are urging you to call the Governor of Florida NOW to have him order state police protection for Terri, to stand at her side at all times, to assure her safety from any efforts to harm her or prevent care being provided. The state police are under the command of the Governor. You can call Governor Jeb Bush at: 850-488-7146 and email him at
We need your action NOW! Please help!
Ron Panzer
President, Hospice Patients Alliance




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