Where Are The Israelis?
By Jim Kirwan

The US needs more troops to continue the occupation in Iraq. Maybe the little country that says it is sovereign, but always turns to us for money and has received $1.6 Trillion by way of assistance from the taxpayers of the United States, might want to come forward.
Yes, $1.6 Trillion -
Militarily, the new USA is now stretched too thin. Thanks to the complete diplomatic failures of Little Big-Mouth, we,ve not been able to attract help from the 'other' nations that we tried to intimidate prior to our invasion.
Assuming that we're not going to do the right thing and just leave Afghanistan and Iraq especially given our miserable performance in attempting to manage the after-action occupations, not to mention the non-reconstruction of either Afghanistan or Iraq. And since Bush keeps overloading us with phrases like "Bring 'em on!" - 'we' obviously need some additional military help.
So perhaps it's time for a gesture of payback, some token of goodwill in exchange for fighting all their wars for them. The little country really ought to have their own troops in these places anyhow - doing their own dirty work for themselves, and this time under their own flag instead of using ours.
Of course, it used to be illegal for members of the U.S. Government to receive political 'donations' from foreign countries, or foreign nationals - but in the case of Israel, it seems that US laws do not apply. In fact it's rumored to be very difficult to be in the US Congress unless one favors virtually everything that Israel wants to have approved. Given the $1,600,000,000 already 'invested' - Why is this policy never questioned?
The Israelis planned the Iraq war, even before Bush took charge of the White House. So, why shouldn't they be the ones with targets on their backs everyday? After all, they have received far more of the US taxpayer's money than any state in the Union, and they give us nothing for that kind of help. Besides, they've a lot more experience pushing conquered people around. Just yesterday, they attacked Syria for the first time in two decades - on another pretext: is this the opening round in our next agression? That may sound ourtrageous but there are 5 countries in the Middle East they have targeted for us to invade, and Syria is one of them.
In Palestine, they've succeeded in making open murder a regular part of their 'political, actions' against those they disagree with - so, why not let them try their methods in a country where there are some weapons in the hands of the 'conquered' - where the subject population can do more than just throw stones? What are friends for if they don't come to help when their benefactors are so obviously in need of assistance? 20,000 hardened troops might do for a start.
Some might say that this would destabilize the region, if not the world. But this is a 'nation' that has nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons in abundance - just as we do. Plus, between their missiles and their air power they possess the means to deliver those weapons anywhere. Since all of this chaos of 'Enduring Freedoms' at the price of American Freedoms has become intense, Israel has remained silently engrossed in annexing more Palestinian land, and killing off more of those who resist their occupations. Between regularly destroying any peace plans that might surface in their region, while loosing their rogue agents on the world, to perform sanctioned hits in other countries: Israel has otherwise maintained a low profile.
But now because of money we're coming down to reality, and we need some help - so where are the mighty warriors from that nearly invisible nation? They're still 'expanding' their little settlements, and stealing land from those whom they are supposed to protect - and they need to have the time to continue with the murder and enslavement of those they are supposedly occupying.

Israel is unique. That country remains outside the major monetary blocks of transnational affairs and yet it is shunned by most of the civilized world. The USA seems to be the only 'power' to have taken up their interests, but this has been a strictly one-way road - 'we' have nothing to say about what Israel does or does not do. Still, isn't it about time that Israel began to pay more for the perks they've been receiving - with their own troops, their own weapons, and their own tactics - so they can show the world how a true occupation ought to be run!
If Israel can't do that, then maybe they should begin paying back at least half that money which we have given them. Like Bush, Sharon is a lousy diplomat, and an even worse head of state. But money is money, and it should speak much louder than it has been allowed to - in the Middle East.
The taxpayers of the United States are owed both an explanation and a return on their money. So, when should we expect to see the IDF triumphantly relieving the US troops of the occupation in Iraq?




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