Description Of Chupacabras
Becoming More Clear

By Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo
Miami UFO Center
From Scott Corrales
Institute Of Hispanic UFOlogy

The following are the characteristics observed as a result of digital analysis, for which state of the art equipment and sophisticated computer software programs were employed, as well as the experience of belonging to a family of photographers.
This analysis lasted approximately 60 days and is still ongoing.
The duration in which the animal can be seen is of approximately 4 seconds. The distance from the camera's position to the subject under analysis is approximately 15 to 20 meters.
Its appearance, at a glance, is that of a black panther combining canine and ape characteristics. But detail is only possible through the result of an objective digital analysis.
Its size--horizontally-- is approximately 1.8 meters long by 1.4 meters tall.
It has two ears similar to those of a donkey but much thinner, with an approximate length of 30 centimeters. When these are in repose, they remain straight and forward (rigid). Upon observing or feeling itself under observation, it moves them backward at a 90 degree angle, approximately. At no time does it relax or put its ears back, as is the case with most animals; they always move in the same direction, from front to back.
On its abdominal region it present four cannulae or segmented tubes which appear to emerge from its dorsal area and are attached to its body. These cannulae, ended in semi-rounded points, hang beneath its abdomen forming a ring. Something similar can be found on its neck but these are short, thick and semi-conical. Between its nasal region and muzzle other dangling cannulae can be seen, these being shorter and lighter in color, and which it appears to be able to contract and extend at will. Speculatively, it might be able to employ them as siphons to drain its victims' blood.
Between these cannulae, which emerge under its nose, a strange pair of vampire-like fangs can be seen to emerge from the upper mandible, linking in a rounded manner, opening slightly at their ends and curving backward, like powerful claww.
It has a powerful jaw and a broad muzzle with long upper fangs.
Its nose presents large nasal openings, a combination of pig, mandrill and wolf.
Seen sideways, its face resembles that of a large feline, but seen face-on, [it resembles] a fusion between wolf, feline, pig and mandrill. It further presents a slight protuberance in the upper rear part of its skull.
It features a pair of curvilinear upper wings which fold and emerge from behind its neck, like the wings on a hawk. These weings present three folds from beginning to end, with the last one fold being the one of largest size.
It is further endowed with two medium-sized lateral fins that emerge from behind each one of the front legs, which are linked to a "semi-rectangular" prominence or bulk located in the underarm joint of said extremity.
The wings resemble those of a bat, where bones adhered to the skin can be identified, showing several final flolds and fan-shaped joints on the base.
It features membranes or pseudo-wings which link the front arms with the medial abdominal region of its body and has characteristics which are very similar to the aforementioned wings, only thinner. In a resting position, these [pseudo-wings] assume the shape of an inverted "V". Its skin is slightly lighter in color and crossed by thin bones.
It has a short tail, measuring some 20 cm. in length with a mean thickness of 5 cm. resembling a thick sausage, which it shakes quickly.
Its upper wings, when folded over its back, become fused with its fur. Slight protuberances (on its back) can be seen which would be the edges of the pointed folds of the folded wings. Toward the end of the body, the endings or tips of the wings mounted (sic) or in repose can be clearly seen, above and between the tail.
It's hind legs are noticeably longer than the front ones. It walks with its hind legs flexed--as though crouching--opening them sideways; it walks normally with its front legs. Its gait has a certain resemblance with that of a large lizard. Both arms and legs on its upper section appear thick and strong. Four long frontal toes joined by a membrane can be seen in its hind legs, plus a dewclaw with medium sized nails.
The color of the creature's skin on its head and the ends of its feet and hands are dark in color, rather black, while the rest of the body has a dark brown shade that is only slightly lighter in the abdominal area. Reddish shades are evident on its nose and upper wings (back). Certain lighter shades can also be seen toward the tips of the upper folded wings (over the tail).
It is not possible to establish sexual organs.
It walks quickly, talking great strides, but the movement of its wings and face (attention and reaction) is far swifter. Movements are very similar to those of a lizard.
Its eyes are elongated and swept backward, menacing, curved and following the shape of its skull.
The analyses are still ongoing. New details on this creature may still be found.
Translation (C) 2003 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo, Miami UFO Center.




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