Quantum Perception
By Kevin L. Puppos

I find that the intellect can only carry one just so far- the tendency is for intellect to operate along limited lines of evidence and logic, and intellect has the failing that it does not adequately integrate all aspects of reality- by definition, it has to pick and choose just which things to look at, which things will fit the pre- existing sensory conditioned worldview of the intellect holder ( its systematics ). That is the process by which intellect works- NOT A BAD DEAL now, just insufficient.
One of the only ways by which to most effectively integrate one's conscious and subconscious awarenesses of reality is to MEDITATE.
Frankly, meditation is what gets most of the credit for my having been at all hopeful or capable of opening up to other views and gradually shedding my former ones.
Hierarchically driven societies such as ours do so very strongly socialize people into the ways that are acceptable to the maintaining of the leadership systems- the exercise of rulership and power, well lubricated by the workings of the money system, merely serve to perpetuate themselves along with the huge social problems that such narrow inefficient systems fail practically to address, almost by definition in the case of American Capitalism.
Raw Capitalism and unlimited ' free markets ' work best where a people have the OPTION of obtaining their basic needs from the land whereupon they live- trading at levels of economy above basic creature needs- that is why American Capitalism evolved when it did IN ONE OF THIS WORLD'S ONLY FRONTIER COUNTRIES at that time, IN THE FIRST PLACE ! Once capitalist abuses and the resulting social imbalances took hold ' back East ', people were still free to move farther into the frontier, ' Go West.....'. Which is exactly WHAT they did, and WHY THEY WENT. Except that today there is no more American ' frontier ' worth mentioning, and the planet as a whole is fast losing frontier lands as well.
Thus, Socialism is almost mandatory for the workings of a ' healthy ' centralized society ( maybe an oxymoron itself ).
The centralized distribution of resources in attempting to supply human needs IS EXACTLY WHAT WE HAVE NOW- but more than any other system, money and finance in Capitalism is a very inaccurate representation of true wealth and economic status. ( That is why nations around the world are quickly adopting the new debt- free EURO- currency as their standard for International Trade. ) Business is essentially a competitive game that is played by adult humans who we forget are really overgrown children. And such children display little if any sensitivity to the plight of their fellow human beings who are lacking basic creature needs and human rights. They have not a clue the harm being perpetrated in the name of ' system ', a collective blindness eagerly indulged in by the most influential members of the ruling and wealthy caste. Any country overseas who resists the exploitation of their own nation's resources by Corporate America as endorsed by U.S. foreign policy is hysterically libeled and so conveniently labeled ' TERROR '.
That is why there is now occurring a dramatic dovetailing together of many ' liberal ' minded forces and movements in American society ( catalyzed by the New Age )- people are slowly becoming aware, or are being made aware, of a substantially different view of reality than the one we were allowed under the typical Anglo- Saxon Culture we inherited from our forefathers. Imperial Anglo- Saxon Culture works only for those who can use up resources locally ( and then apply those to playing the system ), and then are free to move on to the next region to be victimized. It ' works ', that is, unless or until the tribes wake up and resist, as the Moslems do today, or until the most accessible resources of the globe are simply used up once and for all time. We show almost no sign of changing our course under the Fundamentalist Bush Cabinet. So, we can expect more and mounting wars, and escalating social problems- a national dynamic that, historically, typically never puts the brakes on of its own volition- and so collapse may be the only possible outcome. There has never yet been an Empire that saw its way to change course once its decline set in. EXCEPT to keep on keeping on doing the same old same old...
The goal of ultimate security, perfect peace, is the very thing we drive away from ourselves by clinging to the illusion that we can have it all at the expense of those who shall and do end up with nothing- the REAL WORLD JUST DOES NOT OPERATE THAT WAY. Not for long.
Native Peoples worldwide have known these things FOR MILLENNIA- that is the precise REASON why they were not interested in developing these artificial materialistic systems for themselves- they could have- they chose not to do so- then and today- their close contact with the Natural World kept their societies ever in present awareness and detailed remembrance of how the world really operates ( Natives call it A- Walk- In- The- Woods )- but when the time came for the institution of mono- crop agriculture to solidify that way of separation from the natural cycles and ecologies in the land, the lessons taught by the lands were cut down along with the clear- cut trees, whose sacrifice made way for yet more agriculture and irrigation and the human overpopulation IT CAUSED !
And so you have it, in a nutshell, functionally speaking, just how this system got started AS a narrow, intellectually driven system, and some insights on how it perpetuates itself, as if it all were like an independently living thing in its own right.
It just goes to show that we need to be very careful what we pray for, or ask for. These kinds of things DO have the limited capacity to take on a life all their own, as is suggested by Quantum Mechanics.
Now, there are those of us who believe that it is likely that the earth itself, as a planet, obtains a kind of conscious awareness as a result of the collective quantum field of all the combined awareness of the countless creatures who inhabit her ecosphere.
Some evidence for this may be seen in the phenomenon of the Crop Circles and their attendant ' balls of light '.
I have to reiterate that there is something here that truly is beyond mere line of reasoning of the human intellect- human intellect being driven by and largely limited to the double dualities of word comparisons and branching logic structures- both strongly affected by local cultural bias in the first place- specifically our developing technology. Again, not the most reliable view of reality obtainable ( though certainly not just junk, either ). For, at one time, humans knew no way of life OTHER THAN one in closeness to the experience of Nature with her literally limitless capacity for Novelty and Variety. Our sensory input was under such conditions continually bombarded with an ever changing kaleidoscope of variety and newness and wonder really, that the mind was constantly kept open, WIDE open, to the more subtle phenomenon of not just one's inner and outer world being fully integrated, but also such things as paranormal phenomenon that otherwise pass by undetected or un- appreciated by today's highly focused minds of specialized modern cultures. True, no two snowflakes are alike, but that is mass produced boredom compared to the truly endless variety observable in all of Nature.
In fact, there is another and unexpected level to which we may take these observations of Nature's unpredictability.
Is every electron identical to every other electron ? It had been almost taken for granted that that was the case, for over a hundred years now. One particle of type would be impossible to distinguish from any other in the Universe, almost by definition. NOT SO TODAY ! The last decade has seen the discovery of the phenomenon of ENTANGLEMENT- that two subatomic particles, photon pairs or electron pairs thus far, obtain a quantum link at the foundational ground of being, technically said to be Quantum Entangled, wherein THEIR PAST RELATIONSHIP TO ONE ANOTHER OBTAINS A PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE STATUS FUNDAMENTALLY AFFECTING THEIR FUTURE INTERACTIONS. In other words, the past history of a particle has, to some extent, a direct bearing on its current and future condition and therefore behavior. In fact, this Entangled State transcends all space and time limitations, including the direction of Time's arrow, and is opening up the possibility of instantaneous forms of communication and even of teleportation of mass through space at infinite velocity ( and I postulate even time travel ). So far as is known, this phenomenon extends only to the extent of their very next sequential interactions. However, there is growing evidence that this is hardly the beginning of the story of Particle Entanglement, let alone the end- for, this entanglement MAY BE TRANSFERABLE, expandable, manipulatable, to the extent that EVERY PARTICLE IN THIS UNIVERSE IS ULTIMATELY IN AN ENTANGLED STATE WITH EVERY OTHER PARTICLE ! This is a condition inherited from the the Origins of the Primal Fireball at the inception of the Universe at the Big Bang.
But there is EVEN MORE...
The Laws of the Universe are evolving in concert with our perception of it !
A kind of Quantum ' Natural Selection '.
Of course, this may all be VERY SUBTLE, barely discernible, but nonetheless VERY REAL.
So, I think we can at LEAST be agreeable that the human Imagination is well beyond the Intellect, if nothing else.
Look at this- we have also been assuming that Quantum phenomenon apply in an obvious way ONLY TO PHENOMENA OF ULTRAMICROSCOPIC SCALE. But again, NOT SO.
How does the engine in your car operate- whether or not it is a diesel, a gasoline, an electric or a hybrid engine system- does it work by Quantum Principles or by strictly Linear Newtonian Principles- MACROscopically now ! Be careful how you think about this one.......this is so obvious, yet I am the only person I know to have ever suggested this ! WHY DO MOST ALL OF OUR ENERGY SYSTEMS OPERATE ACCORDING TO QUANTIZED PULSES THAT ACCUMULATE A MOMENTUM OVER TIME ? ! That momentum usually being applied ' angularly ' to increase the ' spin ' of a macroscopic ' particle ' ( though not always ) ? I can even make the argument that a jet engine, a solid fuel rocket motor, a liquid fuel rocket motor and a steam turbine, ALL operate, at least to a degree, according to quantized pulses. Here is THAT argument- sort of in reverse- first, you have to view the jet stream as a wave function that has variations in its flow that are essentially a manifestation, on a macroscopic scale, of underlying QUANTUM wave functions. It is really a no- brainer for a physicist/ mathematician type ! It is THOSE VERY PRESSURE WAVE DENSITY VARIATIONS that have to be accounted for in the design of a safe, efficient, smoothly running jet engine. Even a rocket engine can be best described as supplying A SINGLE LONG- LIVED IMPULSE. And, the blades of a turbine are actually making little quantized ' cuts ' into the jet stream, parsing or sectioning it off into many, many TURBULENT eddies, which eddies never quite perfectly recombine in the exhaust- exiting the engine as macroscopic ' wave packets '.
And, believe it or not, that one statement sums up practically the ENTIRE PHILOSOPHY of the New Age Movement-
A decidedly Buddhist concept, if I may say so.
And thus our discussion cycles itself back around to MEDITATION-
Are we New Agers merely seeing what we WANT TO SEE in the Universe ?- EUREKA ! Yes, now you are truly beginning to UNDERSTAND !
Kevin L. Puppos, 419- 868- 6140
422 Aberdeen Dr.
Holland, Ohio 43528- 9313 USA




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