Will NeoCons Drive The
Decent From The GOP?
Alton Raines

Following the malaise of the Clinton years, it is very evident that a little less than half the voting populace wanted an administration considerably more conservative, and placed great faith and hope in George W. Bush, mostly for lack of anything better offered. They figured anything was better than a walking orgasmatronic Elvis-mutant as president.
The very thought of Al Gore as President was simply not something that could be stomached, while clearly a little more than half the voting populace was willing to turn the reins over to the hapless Golem Gore rather than see yet another Bush take the office of President. It began a civil war of conscience and lesser evils and settling for crap, but despite this, people from both sides felt a sense of urgency and ire -- especially after the vote count fiasco in Florida and watching Bush basically get elected by the Supreme Court in one of the shadiest deals of the century. It truly made anything Nixon did pale by comparison.
But I wonder if even the most conservative conservatives with a still functioning conscience and some knowledge of the facts are comfortable with what the Bush administration has done and continues to do in the name of "patriotism." We've watched as he gutted the Constitution with both executive orders and the development of a KGB-style CIA-FBI conglomerate called 'homeland security' backed by what is truly the right-wingers version of "politically correct" thinking (payback plus?) enacted into law with the wicked Patriot Act. We've watched while he used the tragedy of 911 and international terrorism to polarize the nation even further, vexing us with fears, while his mindless minions and yes-men from Ashcroft right down to commercial automatons like Fox's smarmy, imbecilic Sean Hannity, blaspheme the grand traditions and Constitutional institutions of this nation in order to wrestle everything from the flag to love of country to being holy relics of the GOP alone.
We've seen McCarthy-istic tactics of persuasion and perversion of truth, guilt-by-association and character assassination on a scale like never before, riding the blood-tide of a completely illegitimate war and its ability to sway both hearts and minds as a tool of grand social manipulation. Those who remember Vietnam don't want it repeated. Clearly, many in the administration seem perfectly comfortable with reruns of that hell, so long as Haliburton & company and its spiders nest of subsidiaries of "good ole' boy" network corps are chewing the fat of Iraq (for starters) and swigging the oil, while basking in reconstruction bids for everything we've blown up in the process.
Human rights be damned, we've got work to do!
Better schools for Iraq!
Better electrical grid!
Better water and sanitation!
Hey... It's on us!
Meanwhile the US is crumbling away under a massive deficit, growing unemployment and the aforementioned dissolution of its Constitution and heritage.
George Bush is, after all, nothing more than an oil man. Let's get real, here. Like grotesque little imperialist mosquitoes, these bastards just zip around the earth plunging their thirsty proboscii into the earth's flesh sucking it dry, and if it takes a war, or IMF extortion/manipulation of third world countries or devastation of the rain forest and its indigenous peoples to get it done, they simply don't give a damn. So long as the Texas Tea keeps flowing and Jed's a millionaire.
Saudi Royals behind Islamic fundamentalist terrorism? Means nothing. It's much easier and beneficial to chase the little runts you know you can clobber, and hoist like a string of bass for the photo-op than to take on the real deal. Same thing the DEA does in busting small timers while working with the CIA on covert projects that actually protect and sustain the drug lords and their cartels. That way every year they can belly up to the congressional troft and ask for more money to keep "progress" in the drug war in tip-top shape. Want to defeat a drug cartel? BE a drug cartel.
And behind it all is this revolting collection of NeoCons and Zionists who appear to have almost absolute control over the Bush administration, like a master puppeteer -- though in this case it seems the puppet is perfectly willing to dance without strings thanks to some bizarre "judeo-christian" mentality which defies all reason and theological merit. These immoral, opportunistic slugs have no respect for liberty, no regard for the Constitution, international law, human or civil rights.
PAUL WOLFOWITZ: "You know, the more other countries are prepared to contribute, the more they are absolutely entitled to share in control over how resources are used. When countries are giving money, they're certainly entitled to saying how that money is spent." (
Now, read that one with your NeoCon glasses on, kids. You know, the ones Orwell gave you. Wolfowitz is saying we own the lions share, we're spending the most money, we have financial dibs and rights and screw everyone else. It's a money issue, plain and simple. And now that the turf issue has been settled, they're looking for investors! Can it get any sicker than this? There's so much blood on these guys hands that they don't need a stamp pad at their desk anymore! It doesn't matter what the international community says, thinks, desires, demands... despite this talk of bringing in a UN "shared" troops relief effort, the bottom line is cash on the barrel head in the new NeoCorp of Iraq. Don't be naive enough to believe any of this has the slightest thing to do with helping Iraqi's OR stopping terrorists/terrorism. This was a war for IsraelCorp, not the US fending off the evils of terrorism. Whether Israel blackmailed us into it with threats of using nuclear weapons in the Mideast theatre, or the administration is so completely Zionized that it was utterly gung-ho on the prospects and have been since Bush Sr, it doesn't really matter. The 'Corporation' is at the center of these endeavors, and that Corporation called the United States Government is now nothing more than a subsidiary of an active, working, fully functioning MegaCorp called the New World Order.
Will the ever-increasing, ever-expanding levels of evil eventually drive the decent people from the GOP? And where would they go, anyway? I could never vote Democrat, it's simply not possible. Not only does the Democratic party offer nothing more than its own equally corrupt, ridiculous pantheon of liars and thieves and self-serving megalomaniacs for President, its options in being progressive, issue by issue, bleed so drastically far left that whether its Republican Neo-fascism or Democrat Half-baked Socialism, both will wreck this nation on the craggy rocks of history in less than 40 years time, if given a chance.
There is a Biblical saying, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more." We can only hope that the collective evils of both parties will become so blatantly manifest that finally, for once, this nation will see a legitimate, viable third party rise up and steal away the reins of power.
The odds don't look too good for it, however.




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