A Biological Guide
To Extraterrestrials
A Classification Based On Contact Accounts

By Gary Opit,

For over 100 years, researchers have received detailed descriptions of intelligent, tool-using, extraterrestrial species, visiting this planet in their vehicles (Huyghe 1996). From these eyewitness reports, a classification of these species can be attempted using the same methodology used to classify species naturally occurring on this planet. Even though terrestrial and extraterrestrial species are unrelated, the chemical interactions that makes up the genetic code that in turn determines the appearance and makeup of all living things will fit together in precisely the same way anywhere in the universe. The chemistry of the compounds making up the genetic code demand that terrestrial and extraterrestrial species will be chemically similar.
The evolution of life on this planet was greatly influenced by periodic catastrophic asteroid impact, which exterminated large numbers of species and opened up opportunities for other species. Long periods of stable conditions lasting scores of millions of years have been punctuated by planet-wide devastation that were primarily responsible for the extermination of dominant biota such as the mammal-like reptiles at the end of the Permian epoch 245 million years ago and the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous epoch 65 million years ago.
The gravity of giant gas planets such as Jupiter and Saturn sweep up dangerous asteroids and comets and greatly lessen the chance of such destructive bodies striking our planet. Consequently, their existence is vital in determining the history of the evolution of life on Earth. The majority of solar systems neighbouring our own contain giant gas planets very many times larger than Jupiter and Saturn. These are usually much closer to their star than Jupiter and Saturn and lie within the habitable zone. Because of the close orbit of such enormous gas planets in those solar systems, Earth-sized planets within the habitable zone are unlikely to exist.
If an enormous gas planet, many times larger than our Jupiter, where to orbit somewhere near the orbit of Jupiter, then an Earth-sized rocky planet could orbit within the habitable zone. If any Earth-sized rocky planets were to orbit within the habitable zone of such a solar system the gravitational pull of the giant gas planet may destroy every dangerous asteroid and comet and periodic catastrophic impacts may not occur. If life evolved on such a rocky planet within the habitable zone and no catastrophic impacts occurred, the history of the evolution of life on that planet would be quite different to that of Earth.
Such a solar system was recently discovered by the Anglo Australian Planet Search Team of U.S., UK, and Australian astronomers uses powerful telescopes in California, Hawaii, and Australia. This, the 100th "extrasolar" planet discovered, orbits the star Tau Gruis, 100 light years from Earth, in the southern hemisphere's constellation Grus (the crane). The 100th planet is located at a distance from Tau Gruis equal to that between the asteroid belt and the sun in our solar system?2.5 Astronomical Units (AU). One AU refers to the distance of Earth to our sun, and is considered the "habitable zone?.
As an example of the major changes that could occur on a living planet if enormous gas planets eliminated the possibility of collisions with asteroids and comets, imagine what may have happened here on Earth. Without the catastrophic asteroid impact at the end of the Permian epoch 245 million years ago the dinosaurs may never have had the opportunity to rule the planet for 170 million years and the mammal-like reptiles may have adapted and evolved to produce modern mammals and possibly even human-like intelligent species scores of millions of years earlier. Without the dinosaurs evolving over scores of millions of years there would be no birds and so flying mammals such as bats may have dominated the skies.
However, without the catastrophic asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous epoch 65 million years ago the dinosaurs may have very likely continued to rule the planet and perhaps intelligent dinosaurs, or perhaps intelligent birds, would have eventually evolved instead of intelligent mammals such as ourselves. There would be other effects as well. For instance, if an enormous gas planet was close enough its gravitational pull may keep the molten mantle more active, perhaps producing a warmer, wetter climate. In such a scenario reptiles, adapted to drier conditions, may never have evolved and invertebrates such as insects or perhaps amphibians may have continued as the dominant life forms to eventually develop intelligent species.
From eyewitness reports the descriptions of extraterrestrial species include, mammal-like, reptile-like, bird-like, amphibian-like and even insect-like and amoeba-like intelligent species. Their existence, if the reports can be believed, may relate to the occurrence and position of different sized gas planets in their solar systems. Therefore, if extraterrestrial species are chemically similar to those on this planet, with a similar genetic code, the primary difference between ourselves and species from other planets may simply be the size and position of giant gas planets varying their evolutionary history.
On this planet, life forms have been classified using a standardised international system for labelling particular categories and the names are usually Latinised names of classical Greek or Latin words, or of modern words. The basic unit of biological classification is the species, which has a specific name, and defined as a group of organisms in which the individuals are free to breed and produce normal, fertile offspring. They do not normally breed with individuals of another species. Closely related species are grouped into a genus, which is identified by a generic name.
A combination of specific and generic names together make up the binomial system which is the basis of biological nomenclature. All species have a first name that identifies the relationship it has with other species and a second name that directly identifies it. The first name is the generic name whose first letter is always capitalised. The second name is the specific name whose first letter is never capitalised. Both names are italicised.
Groups of related genera are grouped into families, groups of families into orders, groups of orders into classes, groups of classes into phylums and finally into kingdoms. Humans are classified as a member of the Animalia Kingdom, the Chordata (backboned) Phylum, the Mammalia (warm blooded, haired, milk secreting) Class, the Primate (lemurs, monkeys, apes, human) Order, the Hominid Family, the Homo Genus and the sapiens Species.
To be able to better understand extraterrestrial species we have to classify them using the same biological nomenclature. However, because these species are unrelated to species naturally occurring on this planet, we have to modify the classificatory names. This already occurs with species naturally occurring on this planet that may look similar but which come from different subclasses with completely different evolutionary histories. For example some of the Australian marsupials look at first glance to be very similar to dogs, ferrets, flying squirrels and mice. Latin and Greek words such as ides, akin to, eides, resembling, pseudes, false and anti, equivalent to, are added to show that although one life form may resemble another, they are not actually related.
Therefore we are perfectly entitled to classify extraterrestrial species in a similar way. In fact we are forced to do so because the generally agreed upon names for the known species are imperfect, confusing and changeable common names such as greys, reptoids, humanoids, dwarfs, insectoids, named after their general appearance or Alpha-draconians, Altairians, Pleiadeans, Reticulans and Sirians after the names of stellar systems from which it is believed that they originate from.
Patrick Huyghe in his book The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials, (Avon Books, 1996) developed a classification table and divided these undescribed species into Classes, Types and Variants. The Classes are Humanoid, Animalian, Robotic and Exotic. Each Class has a Type and the Humanoids are classified into ?Human? with 6 variants, Short Grey with 3 variants, Short Non-Grey with 8 variants, Giant with 4 variants and Nonclassic with 4 variants. Animalians are classified into Hairy Mammalian with 5 variants, Reptilian with 3 variants, Amphibian with 2 variants, Insectoid with 2 variants and Avian with 1 variant. Robotics are classified into Metalic with 3 variants and Fleshy with 4 variants. Exotics are classified as Physical and Apparitional and both have 2 variants.
Patrick Huyghe states that without actual specimens to examine and consequently no knowledge of their genetic makeup or their breeding capabilities, it is impossible to assign these creatures to any true classification system (Huyghe 1996). As far as extraterrestrials go, we are in a worse situation than Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus was in when he developed his System Naturae to classify the then-known animals. It wasn?t until the 10th edition of his work published in 1758 that it was accepted by international consent and even today the process is still not finished.
I believe that it is also important to try to classify the extraterrestrial species according to their phenotype, the observable physical characteristics of these intelligent animals. We have no idea how long it will be before we have actual specimens to examine in our public scientific institutions so it is important to make a start to try to allay the confusion in the minds of those attempting to study this interesting subject. Because these species appear to have greater intelligence than our own and certainly a more highly developed technology, it is foolish for us to not try to classify and understand them.
It does not matter that much of the general public has little understanding of the existence of extraterrestrial species. That is the normal state of affairs in any new endeavour. Nor does it matter if this classification is not widely accepted. We are still in the earliest stages of identifying and classifying extraterrestrial species and many changes and adjustments can be expected. At least we will have begun the process and as a classificatory system comes together there will in time be more consensus and a wider understanding of extraterrestrial species.
To begin then, I propose that we classify all these intelligent, tool-using, extraterrestrial animal species in the Kingdom Animalides, resembling or akin to animals, from the Latin word ides, akin to or resembling. These can be further classified into Phylums such as Chordatides, Classes such as Mammalides, Orders such as Primatides and Families such as Hominides. This classification is based on the individual species complied by Patrick Huyghe from many sources and published in his book The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials, (Avon Books, 1996). Species in each phylum or class are listed according to the date of the observation and report.
Thirty species are classified here and the world-wide UFO literature provides evidence that there are other species that need to be added. Many reports of similar species, for instance, tall Grays and short Grays, may refer to different races of particular species, as occurs with humans. Major revisions will need to be undertaken if we obtain further information as to their evolutionary history. As yet we have little proof that any of these species actually exist. This classification should be regarded as an intellectual exercise to help those grappling with the UFO / extraterrestrial phenomenon.
A Classification of Extraterrestrials Based On Contact Accounts.
Kingdom; Animalides, Phylum; Chordatides, Class; Mammalides, Order; Primatides Family: Hominides.
Elegant Humanoid
Pseudohomo concinnus
(Elegant False Man)
Recorded 25 November 1896 at Lodi, California, USA by Colonel H.G. Shaw and Camille Spooner.
A 2m tall lightweight humanoid with a narrow, elegant body, a large head, large eyes, small nose, mouth and ears, delicate 5 fingered hands, all portions of the head and body covered with a soft, downy, neat fur and a warbling voice. Technology included a hovering cigar-shaped craft, bright egg-shaped hand-held lamps and a bag with a nozzle frequently applied to the nose as if to help with breathing. Three individuals observed swaying back and forth trying unsuccessfully to pick up the witnesses before floating into a door on the side of their craft and departing.
Roswell Humanoid
Homoides roswellii
(Roswell Resembling Man)
Recorded 4 July 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico, USA by W. Curry Holden, archaeologist and Glen Dennis, mortician, among others.
A 1.5 m tall humanoid with a large bald head, small, sunken eyes, small concave nose with 2 nostrils, thin lipless mouth devoid of teeth but with tough gums and an ear hole on each side of the head with a tiny lob. The longest part of the arm is between the elbow and the wrist and the hand has 4 long slender fingers with a small hollow at the tip of each creating a suction pad. At 11.30 pm an aircraft of this species was observed to crash and 3 bodies obtained, a female of which was dissected by medical experts and the film of the autopsy shown publicly 50 years later. Mac Brazel, ranch manager also found debris from the crash on the J.B. Foster Ranch.
Little Green Humanoid
Viridenanus octodactylus
(Eight-fingered Green Dwarf)
Recorded 14 August 1947 at on the Chiarso River near Villa Santina, Friuli, Italy, by Professor Rapuzzi Johannis, Geologist and anthropologist.
A 90 centimetre tall humanoid with a large hairless, earthy-green skinned head, large yellow-green hemispherical, protruding eyes with vertical pupils, no eyebrows or eye lashes and ring-like yellow-green eyelids at the base of the eye. The face is dominated by a large long, geometrically-cut, straight nose and the mouth is a slit, shaped like a circumflex accent and which continually opens and closes fish-like. The chest quivers during breathing and the hands each have 8 opposable jointless green digits. Two individuals were observed wearing dark brown tight fitting caps, dark blue translucent clothing with red collar, cuffs, footware and belt. They were standing on a rocky riverbank adjacent a red lens-shaped craft ten metres wide and six metres high with a low central cupola without apertures at the tip of which rose a shiny metallic, telescopic antenna.
Insect-Eyed Grey
Canutus cuteoculus
(Insect-eyed Grey)
Recorded 15 May 1951 at Salzburg, Austria.
A 1.5-metre tall white-skinned Grey-like humanoid with a large-skulled, cylindrical, hairless head with a very high forehead and large compound eyes similar to that of an insect. The ears and nose are small holes and the mouth a small slit. Technology includes a 45-metre wide saucer-shaped craft, a pencil-shaped paralysing devise that makes a clicking sound when activated and an antigravity square black plate that can be strapped on.
Red Giant
Rufogigus peregrinus
(Strange Red Giant)
Recorded 12 September 1952 at Flatwoods, West Virginia, USA by Kathleen, Eddy and Fred May, Gene Lemon, Neil Nunley, Ronnie Shaver and Tommy Hyer.
A 4-metre tall humanoid with a blood-red face, large greenish-orange eyes and three-fingered hands.
Dwarf Humanoid
Homonanus denticulatus
(Finely-toothed Dwarf Man)
Recorded 1 November 1954 at Cennina, Arezzo, Italy by Rosa Lotti. A 1-metre tall dwarf humanoid very much like a pygmy human with normal features including short white teeth. Two individuals wearing gray clothing, leather-like helmets and standing adjacent a spindle-shaped 2-metre high craft of leather-coloured metal with a glass-like door with 2 small seats and controls visible within.
Hairy Dwarf
Dasypumilus saetosus
(Bristly Hairy Dwarf)
Recorded 28 November 1954 at Caracas, Venezuela by Gustavo Gonzales and Jose Ponce.
A 1-metre tall dwarf animalian that does not wear clothes, is completely covered in stiff bristly hair and has three-clawed hands and feet. Technology includes a 3-metre wide spherical craft with an opening in the side and a small tube that emits a laser-like light. Three individuals observed carrying rocks or lumps of dirt to their vehicle. Gustavo Gonzales picked up one of the hairy dwarfs and found it to be very lightweight but with a very hard strong body and was tossed aside by the dwarf.
Sharp-chinned Humanoid
Decorhomo acutomaxilla
(Sharp-jawed Beautiful Man)
Recorded 15 October 1957 at Sao Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil by Antonio Villas-Boas, farmer.
A 1.5-metre tall human-like humanoid with a wide face, blond hair, blue eyes that are longer than they are wide and slanted outward, a straight nose, high cheeks and a pointed chin. Five individuals observed, four of which communicated among themselves with slowly emitted growls and barks. These wore very tight-fitting, soft, thick, gray, unevenly-striped spacesuits including gloves, thick-soled shoes and a helmet with lens-like windows and three tubes extended from the top down to the ribcage Their uniform included a belt with a breast strap and a breast badge. Technology included an egg-shaped craft 10.5 metres long by 7 metres wide with a rotating cupola and tripod legs.
Polioderma gigusoculus
(Big-eyed Grey Skin)
Recorded 19 September 1961 at Lancaster, New Hampshire, USA by Betty and Barney Hill.
A 1.5 metre tall hairless, gray-skinned humanoid with a broad forehead, a round face that tapers towards the chin and large black, wrap-around eyes. The species has two slits for nostrils and a horizontal slit for a mouth. The lips have no muscles, they are slightly parted when communicating and within the mouth there is a membrane that flutters that helps to produce the humming, mumbling sound that is their voice.
This species appears to have several races including short Grays and tall Grays and interact with humans more often than the other species, particularly during the last couple of decades. The Grays that abducted Betty and Barney Hill wore dark coloured uniforms consisting of trousers and short jackets without zippers or buttons, and low, slip-on boots. The leader wore a cap and a black scarf over his shoulder. Other reports include naked Grays and individuals wearing cloaks and hoods. Technology includes discs, spheres, egg-shaped and cigar-shaped craft.
Macrohomo unuoculus
(One-eyed Giant Man)
Recorded 28 August 1963 at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil by Fernando and Ronaldo Eustaquio Gualberto and Jose Marcos Gomes Vidal.
A 3-metre tall single eyed giant humanoid. The large, dark round eye has what appears to be an eyebrow above it. The face has a reddish tint. Four individuals wearing space suits and clear helmets, each seated on one-legged stools, observed within a 3-metre wide transparent spherical craft. One had long, pulled back blond hair and appeared to be female. Three individuals were bald and appeared to be males. One male approached the witnesses and spoke in a loud incomprehensible voice.
Wrinkle-faced Humanoid
Antipygmaes verrucafrons
(Wrinkle-faced Equivalent to a Pygmy)
Recorded 2 November 1967 at Ririe, Idaho, USA by Guy Tossie and Will Begay.
A 1-metre tall humanoid with a distinctive wrinkled, creased, heavily pitted face, small round eyes and large ears high on a hairless head. There is no noticeable nose and the mouth is a small slit. Technology includes a domed disc-shaped craft 2.5 metres in diameter.
Big Head Humanoid
Capitohomo amplumentum
(Large-chinned Big-headed Man)
Recorded 28 August 1972 at Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Eduardo Fernando Dedeu, motor mechanic.
A 2-metre tall humanoid of robust build with an elongated chin that almost reaches the middle of the chest. Sightings of this species in connection with UFOs continued for 7 months in Argentina and then the species was recorded in the United States in 1994.
Large-eared Hairy Humanoid
Pilosahomo auritus
(Large-eared Hairy Man)
Recorded December 1974 at Frederic, Wisconsin, USA by William Bosak.
A 1.8-metre tall humanoid with large, calf-like ears protruding horizontally from the head. The slender body and head is covered with reddish-brown fur except for the flat hairless face which has human-like, though protruding, eyes, nostrils and mouth. A single individual within a 2-metre wide disc-shaped craft with a curved glass-like front.
Speciosahomo flavus
(Blond-haired Attractive Man)
Recorded 1975 at La Junta, Colarado, USA.
A 2-metre humanoid with a Scandinavian / Nordic appearance though with very white, almost translucent skin, long blond hair and blond eyelashes. There may be several races of this species. Very human-like species dominated contact reports up to and including the 1940?s, 1950?s, 1960?s and the 1970?s.
Black Gray
Capitogriseus moros
(Big-headed Grey Son of the Night)
Recorded 8 August 1993 at Belgrave, Victoria, Australia by Kelly Cahill.
A 2-metres tall humanoid with gray-black skin, large head, long thin arms and a bulging abdomen. There is a recording of this species from Leicester, England in the summer of 1928.
Kingdom; Animalides, Phylum; Chordatides, Class; Mammalides, Order and Family not yet classifiable.
Pygmaeus mirus
(Extraordinary Pygmy)
Recorded 21 August 1955 at Kelly, Kentucky by Billy Ray Taylor, Lucky Sutton and family.
A 1-metre tall goblin-like animalian that does not wear clothes, stands on its hind legs and drops to all fours when it runs. It has a round, oversized bald, head with very large elephantine ears, large yellow eyes set halfway around the side of its face and a slit-like mouth that extends from ear to ear. The arms are almost twice as long as the legs and almost reach the ground. The hands have 4 claw-like elongated digits and the foot has 3 toes. There is almost no neck and the skin is silver in colour.
Octiartus proselytus
(Strange Eight-limbed)
Recorded 22 August 1955 at Riverside, California by Kermit Douglas and seven other children. A 1-metre tall exotic species with two forearms emerging at the elbow of each arm and four legs protruding from the hips. The eyes and mouth are large and red in colour and between them are four diamond-shaped nostrils. Technology includes silver disc-like craft.
Papiliohomo volucer
(Flying Creature Moth Man)
Recorded 16 November 1963 at Hythe, Kent, England by John Flaxton and Mervyn Hutchinson. A 1.5-metre high winged animalian with a small head and webbed feet. Footprints measured 610 mm by 230 mm (2 feet by 9 inches). Three years later further observations were made of this species in the Ohio River Valley, USA where newsmen named it ?mothman?. One observer stated that it has red eyes.
Kingdom; Animalides, Phylum; Chordatides, Class; Reptilides, Order and Family not yet classifiable.
Spiny Reptoid
Basiliscus spinacalva
(Spiny-skull Snake-lizard)
Recorded 6 December 1978 at Marzano, Genoa, Italy by Fortunato Zanfretta, nightwatchman.
A 3-metre tall dark green reptoid with a 610 mm (2 feet) wide face with two large triangular yellow eyes, their outer corners inclined upwards and a large mouth. On either side of the head are 2 large horns, possibly ears, and the sides of the head are ornamented with large spines. The forehead has luminous irregular wrinkles that may be a third eye. The body is a mass of dark grey horizontal folds. Technology includes a huge triangular craft.
Lizard Man
Reptilishomo viridis
(Green Lizard Man)
Recorded July 1983 at Mount Vernon, Missouri, USA by Ron and Paula Watson, farmers.
A 2-metre tall green-skinned reptoid with large eyes with vertical pupils. The feet and hands are webbed. Technology included a cone-shaped craft with a mirror-like surface that reflected its surroundings so that it was almost invisible. Along with two silver-suited beings that were abducting a cow was a big-foot like creature with yellow vertical slits in round green eyes.
Kingdom; Animalides, Phylum; Chordatides, Class; Amphibides, Order and Family not yet classifiable.
Pseudorana tridactylos
(Three toed False Frog)
Recorded 24 September 1951 at Orland Park, Illinois by Harrison E. Bailey, Steelworker.
A half-metre tall bipedal frog-like amphibian with smooth, brown, striped skin. The prominent eyes curve around the side of the head, there are three digits on hands and feet and the individuals communicate with high-pitched wild duck-like calls. A large number of these intelligent walking animals accompanied by numerous 25mm long black beetle-like companions clustered around the witness, jumping up to touch his hips and upper body. Within their bus-sized craft were two individuals 1.7 metres tall with bizarre flattened faces wearing green-tinted face shields. Bailey was revisited by this species in 1977 and 1978.
Kingdom; Animalides, Phylum, Class, Order and Family not yet classifiable.
Doctagryllus tegimen
(Armoured Clever Cricket)
Recorded in 1973 at Cookville, Maryland, USA by Mike Shea, lawyer.
A 2-metre tall preying mantis-like species that some researchers believe to be an insectoid whilst others believe it to be a mammal-like species that has evolved a tall preying mantis-like shape. Mike shea?s description of this species is that they looked like grasshoppers with long arms and bowed legs, dressed in black, plastic-like armour, with a black face and wearing a black helmet with a line down the middle that came to a point. If it is insectoid the armour and helmet may be its exoskeleton. This species has been observed associating with other species such as Grays and involved with abductions. Abductees report that this species makes a distinctive clicking with its fingers
Amoebagigas deformis
(Shapeless Giant Amoeba)
Recorded 20 December 1958 at Domesten, Kristianstad, Sweden by Stig Rydberg and Hans Gustafsson. A 1-metre tall intelligent giant amoeba-like exotic species, blue-grey in colour with two black dot-like eyes and filled with what looks like blood corpuscles. This species does not possess limbs and moves by bouncing, the outer surface has a powerful suction-like ability which it uses to grasp objects. A distinctive odour is noticeable and has been described as a combination of ether and burnt sausage meat. Technology includes a disc-shaped craft 3.5 metres across and 1 metre high resting on a tripod.
Huyghe, P. & Trumbore, H. 1996 The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials, Avon Books, NY, USA




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