Lower German Court Says
Its OK To Question Holocaust
Horst Mahler Says Only 375,000
Died At Auschwitz - German Court Agrees

From Walter Mueller

Dr. Tom Sunic arrived in Sacramento yesterday and we had coffee this morning. He just came from a summer school, put on by the NPD in Saarbruecken, Germany. He was the interpreter for Horst Mahler.
As you know, the NPD ( has won a court case, which forces the German government to treat them like a major party, including funding.
Also incredible news about Horst Mahler's lawsuit:
Background: A while back "Der Spiegel" printed an article, written by Frydhof Maier, where Maier points out that not more than 375,000 Jews had been killed.
In an ingenious move, Horst Mahler, who is an attorney, took the editor, the writer and himself to court for Volksverhetzung/holocaust-denial. The lower court declared that it was not holocaust denial to point out the true facts of the holocaust. This decision has not been appealed yet. It makes it possible for Germans now to question the holocaust, I guess until somebody appeals the lower court decision.
Because of this court decision, Horst Mahler wanted to travel to Auschwitz to give a speech. However, German authorities confiscated his passport. A reminder, this speech has been reprinted in the current issue of Community News.
Then, Horst Mahler went a step further, testing the courts decision by traveling to Wartburg, a famous German Fort, and displayed a banner, saying that the holocaust is a hoax, and that only 375,000 people died in Auschwitz. German authorities made pictures of the banner, however, could not charge him under their "volksverhetzung" law, because of the court decision.
If this is not awesome news for free speech and inquiry, I don't know what is. Wouldn't it be amazing if we had activists like this here in America, challenging the Jews by accusing them of holocaust denial.
Walter F. Mueller "The truth is back in business"
Libertarian Socialist News Bill White, Editor Post Office Box 12244 Silver Spring, MD 20908



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