'Bitch' And The Media Witches
Sticking It To The Poobahs
News So Hot You Can Fry Eggs

by Sherman H. Skolnick

If not actually Daughters of Lesbos, well, they act like they are. They are determined that fellow member, Hillary Rodham Clinthead, play a deciding role in who becomes the occupant and resident of the Oval Office.
Or, maybe, that Hil, sooner or later, wear the Crown there herself. Certain full-balls men, considering themselves real Democrats, with their flags perpetually up, persist in turning purple (wow! gay color, huh?)whenever SHE is mentioned. She is a closet Republican and is going to push the Democrat Party to ruin, they holler. "Bitch", pushy "Man-Killer". They have many such grenades to hurl at her not from the popular press style book weapons box.
The male Democrats, repeatedly calling themselves "genuine", are convinced that Hil's conspirators are sitting around a 21st Century version of MacBeth's media cauldron. Mixing there, toads of misinformation, poisonous patent medicines for GOP-dipped advertisers, depleted uranium missiles of alleged "news", all calculated to destroy Democrats Against "Bitch" incinerating them in their vehicles.
Gore is gored, even while standing in the shadows. Nader, "Ralphie-Boy", is pulled out from behind his real corporate curtain and converted into a supposed independent road-block.
The non-Lady media sorcerers include Newspeak scribbler Eleanor Clift and Anne Lewis, sister of out-of-closet gayster, Barney Frank. And including Susan Estrich of Fox-in-the-Henhouse News. They dump out sweet and sour, as their feminist exorcism secret formula requires.
They are called femi-Nazis by the neocons, themselves Nazis. The Liars and Whores of the Press, both male and female, and their sickie office-holders, are everywhere. How can common folk be free, without a free press, unless and until there is a terrible bloody purge?
[NOTE: stories like this are posted, and then archived through the MAIN PAGE, and on the left-hand side of same marked COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick of <> Often so, sooner than on <>
Skolnick is a regular participant on a weekly two-hour program "Talk Radio For Spies!" broadcast from Toronto, Canada and can be heard live, and later archived On-Line, anytime, anywhere <> Can be heard Thursday evenings at 11 p.m., Eastern Time, 10 p.m., Central, 9 p.m., Mountain, 8 p.m., Pacific.
Just published book: "Ahead of the Parade" by Sherman H. Skolnick, A Who's Who of Treason & High Crimes---Exclusive Details of Fraud & Corruption of the Monopoly Press, the Banks, the Bench and the Bar, & the Secret Political Police. Can be ordered, U.S. and Canada 1-800-861-7899. Can be also seen on HOWEVER THEY DO NOT WISH TO MARKET OR SELL THE BOOK, and have set a blockade by only offering the book at TWICE the list price.]



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