- The "electronic Pearl Harbor" that White House
terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke fears is not just a threat, it has already
happened. Much of the scenario above -- except for the plane and stock
market crashes and the panic -- occurred in 1997 when 35 hackers hired
by the National Security Agency launched simulated attacks on the U.S.
electronic infrastructure.
- "Eligible Receiver," as the exercise was called,
achieved "root level" access in 36 of the Department of Defense's
40,000 networks. The simulated attack also "turned off" sections
of the U.S. power grid, "shut down" parts of the 911 network
in Washington, D.C., and other cities and gained access to systems aboard
a Navy cruiser at sea.
- http://www.cnn.com/TECH/specials/hackers/cyberterror/