Whose Burden Is
The Dark Continent?


All cultures are not equal
Each race or culture bears its own burdens
At the turn of the twentieth century, Rudyard Kipling wanted the colonial powers to bear a burden that only advanced societies could endure. Take up the White Man's burden was the theme in his poem that summoned up an entire age of guilt and greed. When the verse first appeared in McClure's Magazine, the lines of empire were long drawn by Western Nations as they sliced and diced colonies under the chant that they were protectorates of the mother country.
Cited by Jim Zwick, ed., Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-1935 from a letter to the editor of The Nation, "Mr. Kipling's Call to America", Feb. 7, 1899, written by Alfred Webb - offers the following assessment:
"There is something almost sickening in this "imperial" talk of assuming and bearing burdens for the good of others. They are never assumed or held where they are not found to be of material advantage or ministering to honor or glory. Wherever empire (I speak of the United Kingdom) is extended, and the climate suits the white man, the aborigines are, for the benefit of the white man, cleared off or held in degradation for his benefit. Where the climate does not suit us, and the natives are in too advanced a condition to be cleared off, the first consideration (at least with the majority, men of Kipling's turn of mind) is our material advantage and honor and glory. We are in a precious hurry to lay burdens down when they do not pay, as in the case of our solemn obligations to the Armenians. We are ever ready to shirk them, as in the case of the status of our Indian fellow-subjects in our colonies, when the bearing of the burden of seeing fair play done would be inconvenient. In so far as is compatible with our interests and honor and glory, we have perhaps made the interests of "natives" under our rule of higher and more enduring consideration than that recorded of any other conquering and governing Power. But this talk of burdens is, as I have said, unadulterated cant."
Such critical appraisals were common and especially applied to the Dark Continent. Africa no longer baked in the glory of the Pharaohs or fed on the commerce of Timbuktu, it was there for the taking. Mineral resources were the path to newly accumulated wealth and cannibal bloodlines were feasting grounds for saving souls. Kipling rallied the faithful for a noble mission and offered cover for the 'Great White Hunter' in a quest for booty. Was this era just misguided and wrong, or did it civilize a backward continent?
Now that Idi Amin is dead, can there be any doubt that a dictator of his aptitude was the mark of a predator in search of prey? Human rights groups say from 100,000 to 500,000 people were killed during his 8-year rule,1971-79. But he is not alone. When Jan Lamprecht states on his site, South Africa in Crisis: "It should be remembered that from the first, whites in Africa had said that the so-called "Liberation" of Africa was not going to benefit the common black man, and that in the end, it was about a bunch of Marxists/Socialists being placed in power . . . ", one must question if that Kipling burden is restricted only to the Caucasoid race! The legacy of colonialism looks decent in comparison to the Mugabe regime of despotic carnage and murder of European heritage farmers.
While Statist ideology is color blind, tribal ancestral feuds are often genetic. Those who revere Mandela as a saint, never wore a tire necklace collar from Winnie. If Charles Taylor is a practicing Christian, his form of bloodshed is a strange ritual of faith . . . What are the chances of vacationing in Sierra Leone? Remember that Holocaust in the Sudan! Or how about breaking bread with Hutu and Tutsi clans in Rwanda?
What drove the colonialism of the past was a combination of imperialism and false guilt. While the specifics and emphasis have changed over time, the duel union of avarice and altruism is a deadly fusion. But separate they are still lethal.
Only those who are in total denial or maintain mindless Afro-Centric illusions, would defend the current conditions emanating out of witch doctors wearing Armani suits. While King Leopold treated the Congo as his personal possession, his exploitation of the contrived "Congo Free State" is hardly an excuse or justification for the kind of rape that locals cultivate. Who really has a "Heart of Darkness" ? Asserting that Idi Amin had the higher moral ground to Leopold II is like saying the lion can eat their young to prevent their cubs from becoming quarry for the safari huntmen. In Joseph Conard's European trader, Kurtz was in search of ivory, was he any different than the military ruler General Abubakar from Nigeria in their exploration for the continued flow of oil?
Africa has become a total mess with national liberation. Angola under Cuban tutelage didn't supplant Portuguese civility, nor has the ANC brought prosperity to the Zulu kingdom. That part of South Africa under Boar rule benefited more residents than just Dutch decedents. Affrikaans didn't call every black a "Kaffir", while the reign in Mozambique treated most of their own kind as "Boy" . . .
Walter Williams has it right: "President Bush has pledged to send more foreign aid to some African nations. Foreign aid has historically gone to governments. Instead of helping the poor, foreign aid has enabled African tyrants to buy cronies and military equipment to stay in power, not to mention establishing multibillion dollar "retirement" accounts in Swiss banks, should their regime be toppled."
George W Bush's version of compassion that pledges $15 billion for HIV/AIDS program, will be spent on chateaus in the South of France. The burden that Kipling favored will be borne by the slaves that Bush now commands. The bleeding hearts that foster altruistic intervention actually promotes the obstruction of the natural order. If survival of the fittest rules the Serengeti, the shadow of Kilimanjaro blocks the sun and prevents heat stroke. Allow nature to take it's own course. The West built the railroads and humanized the continent. Now primitives turned a paradise into a purgatory. The betrayal of Rhodesia produced the horror of Zimbabwe. Cape town has now become a Soweto. Colonial rule seems a blessing to a civilized world in comparison to the Idi Amin - Robert Mugabe formula.
Will a return to a satellite continent ever be revisited? When all hell lets loose, maybe something could be salvaged. If that happens, just tell the Kipling advocates to keep Gunga Din out of Africa.
SARTRE - August, 17, 2003
"The article published originally at; republication granted with this tagline and hyperlink intacts"
When Mandela dies we will kill you whites like flies.
(African National Congress Councillor, Mzukizi Gaba, 10th November 1997)
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Update - Whose Burden Is The Dark Continent
From Ron Palmer
Dear Jeff -
This is just in response to <> Whose Burden Is The Dark Continent? By Sartre. I am familiar with South African history & just wanted to make some clarifications.
Africa has become a total mess with national liberation. Angola under Cuban tutelage didn't supplant Portuguese civility, nor has the ANC brought prosperity to the Zulu kingdom.
Whose Burden Is The Dark Continent? By SARTRE 8-17-03.
The ANC is dominated by the Xhosas. While there are some Zulu members, they are not as represented in the ANC as much as they are in the Inkatha Freedom Party: a Zulu based cultural party. A number of those in the Zulu Kingdom are in favor of extricating themsleves from the union.
That part of South Africa under Boar rule benefited more residents than just Dutch decedents.
Whose Burden Is The Dark Continent? By SARTRE 8-17-03.
The assertion is right, but some clarifications are required. First it is spelled: Boer. Next: The Boers are not just descendents of the Dutch from 1652. The Boers are also the descendents of French Huguenot refugees (from 1671 to 1726), German Protestants & other smaller groups such as Belgians, Danish, Scots & even a small percent of Malays & Indians. Now most significant: post 1910 & pre 1994 South Africa was not I repeat not "under Boer rule"!
The Boers had just lost a war to retain their independence in the Boer Republics of the Transvaal Republic (1852 - 1900) & Orange Free State (1854 - 1900) during the Anglo-Boer War from 1899 - 1902. The Boers had been subjugated & conquered by the British Empire & forced into the Union finding themselves under British colonial domination for the first time in generations. The artificial State of South Africa was a British creation which ended up lumping the Boers of the republics in with their Afrikaner Cape based cousins.
The fact of the matter is that South Africa was ruled by very few Boers as South Africa was ruled mainly by the Cape based Afrikaners who attempted to "unite" all the white Afrikaans speakers into a single "volk". Most notably under the programs of the erstwhile National Party which was dominated by Afrikaans ethnocentrists who blured cultural lines between Boers & Cape based Afrikaners in order to numerically overwhelm the English speakers within the political realm. The ruling class Cape based Afrikaners realized that they had to co-opt as many of the Boers (of Voortrekker origin) as possible in order to retain political dominance over the English speakers. The ancestors of the Boers of the Boer Republics had migrated away from their Cape based cousins begining in the early 1700s.
These first Boer migrants were known as Trek Boers. They settled into the eastern Cape where the first contact between Boer & Xhosa was established. - Which lead to frontier wars. - The Trek Boers were the ancestors of the Voortrekkers who migrated en masse into the interior starting in 1835 in order to escape British colonialism & Xhosa maurading as well as to expand their frontiers as the life of the Trek Boer & Vootrekker required large expanses of farm land. The Great Trek was made possible mainly due to the inter-tribal wars which had left huge tracts of land vacant in the north.
South Africa was not ruled by very many of these Boers of Voortrekker descent. South Africa was ruled overwhemingly by Afrikaners of whose ancestors had never left the Cape. The term Afrikaner was rarely used before the early 20th Century as it was a term which was brought into use to differentiate between the Afrikaans speakers & the English speakers. The term Afrikaner in essense was used to describe anyone whose native language was Afrikaans regardless of cultural distinctions ie: Cape Dutch vs Boer. Prior to that those in the Cape were known as the Cape Dutch (despite also having ancestors from France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark & even India), & those who migrated eastward were known as Boers, Trek Boers & Voortrekkers. Afrikaans speakers were divided between Boers of Vootrekker descent -mainly those who were living in the Boer Republics- & those who never left the Cape. Those who never left the Cape were & are more numberous than those in the (former) Boer Republics. This is mainly how it is that they & not the Boer (of republican & Voortrekker origin) came to rule the State of South Africa. Note: The Afrikaans speakers within the so called Coloured population is greater than the Afrikaans speakers within the White population.
Affrikaans didn't call every black a "Kaffir", while the reign in Mozambique treated most of their own kind as "Boy" . . .
Whose Burden Is The Dark Continent? By SARTRE 8-17-03.
Another great point. Here is something else that many might not know though. The term "Kaffir" originated from the Arab / Muslim word. Which retained its definition as meaning an "infidel". The reason the Afrikaans language used this word of Muslim origin is due to the fact that the Malays (of Muslim origin) significantly influenced & contributed to the germination of the Afrikaans language (which the Cape Malays speak as a first language) which in effect is based on an archaic Dutch dialect with influences from French, German, Portuguese, Malay, Khoi, Bantu & English. Some useful links.
<> The French Huguenot Ancestors of South Africa.
<> The Anlgo Boer War Museum.
<> Some History of the Boer Nation.
I hope you have found this informative. Thanks for your time.
Ron P.




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