- A real-life drama and the players.
- ROBERT E. KOLODY - For upwards of ten years a local lawyer
he trusted, DANIEL V. HANLEY, reportedly elicited from Kolody details of
his legal strategy plans. Kolody contends that The Coca-Cola Company and
their marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, stole Kolody's intellectual property,
being storyboards and designs. Kolody had difficulty getting a Chicago-area
attorney to pursue his claims. Since 1997, Kolody's case has been in the
U.S. District Court in Chicago, No. 97 C 190.
- In February, 1999, Kolody retained Dan Ivy, an outspoken
attorney from Arkansas. As required under the local federal rules in Chicago,
Ivy designated Hanley as "local counsel", meaning Hanley has
to be informed of all proposed court filings and procedures.
- SHERMAN H. SKOLNICK - As a long-time court reformer and
TV Show moderator/producer I began investigating the Coca-Cola case. In
May, 2000, in the presence of Ivy and Kolody, I interview Hanley:
- Skolnick "Does Coca-Cola and their attorneys know
the legal strategy of Robert Kolody and his attorney Dan Ivy here?"
- Daniel V. Hanley "Yes."
- Skolnick "Really? How could they know?"
- Hanley "My sister is MEDIA BUYER FOR COCA-COLA."
(Emphasis added.) From the signed court Declaration by Skolnick and Skolnick's
court testimony made in the presence of Daniel V. Hanley, 8/22/00.
- After the May interview, I find out that his sister,
Mary Hanley, is Associate Media Director at the advertising agency DDB,
with offices worldwide. And get this DDB represents both Coca-Cola and
their alleged "competitor" Pepsi-Cola, an apparent Anti-Trust
violation situation.
- TRIBUNE COMPANY - As the parent firm of the Tribune media
empire, the Tribune Company owns the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES,
and other newspapers around the country as well as numerous radio and TV
stations. Tribune Company is reportedly trying to strong-arm COCA-COLA
for more advertising dollars, by reportedly leaning on DDB. But Tribune
has not been interested in publicizing the Kolody suit against Coca-Cola.
Tribune, without publicity in their newspapers, radio, and TV, has sought
to intervene in one of Judge Manning's criminal cases to accuse her of
secret proceedings and other unlawful acts and doings. [See previous parts
of this series.] The apparent purpose? To blackmail the Judge and put pressure
on Coca-Cola and DDB for more ad bucks, to relieve the Tribune's huge debt
overhang caused by merging with the Los Angeles Times.
- In a series of court-filed Motions by Kolody, he documents
how Judge Manning has been stuffing the Court records with "judicial
perjuries", straight out lies used to justify arbitrary and corrupt
rulings favoring Coca-Cola.
- GEORGE LAZARUS - As the Chicago Tribune's long-time,
widely-read columnist on marketing and advertising, Lazarus on 8/15/00,
runs an item "Mary Hanley, a group media director of DDB Chicago,
was elected a senior VP of the agency" and includes a picture of her.
- MARY HANLEY - Selected to be a top official of DDB Advertising,
she is reportedly unavailable to be a witness at an important hearing in
Kolody's case set for 8/22/00. Her brother, DANIEL V. HANLEY tells Kolody
and Skolnick, in a conference call, that Mary Hanley is leaving the country
for Ireland. Later, Hanley tells them she will be back in 15 days. [Is
there a link to the IRA? See previous parts of this series.]
- While Kolody is listening on the phone, Skolnick interviews
JILL ZEMANSKI, private secretary of Mary Hanley. Jill confirms that Mary
Hanley represents COCA-COLA COMPANY.
- THE HEARING ON AUGUST 22, 2000- Informed by attorney
Ivy that there are in Court present two witnesses, Skolnick and Kolody,
prepared to testify that Judge Manning is committing a fraud upon her own
Court in the Coca-Cola case, Judge Manning brings into the courtroom SIX
FEDERAL POLICE to menace and intimidate Skolnick sitting in his wheelchair.
- The purpose of the hearing? For Judge Manning to hear
and consider whether she herself has committed a fraud upon her own Court
through the Judge falsifying the facts and filling the Court records with
her "judicial perjuries". The Judge does NOT seem to understand
that such a hearing with her presiding, is outlawed by Anglo-Saxon law,
that is, for a person TO SIT AS A JUDGE IN THEIR OWN CASE.
- Ivy tells the Judge that the remedy he and his client
Kolody seek is for the Judge to expunge from the Court records all of Judge
Manning's rulings favoring The Coca-Cola Company and Simon Marketing. Judge
Manning said she will take the matter of her own fraud upon the Court and
instances brought up of newly discovered evidence, "under advisement".
[The foregoing is shown in the Report of Proceedings of her Court, of 8/22/00.]
- Following the hearing, the Broadsides Cable TV Program
sends an envoy to Tribune columnist GEORGE LAZARUS informing him what is
happening in Court as to The Coca-Cola Company, Mary Hanley, and DDB advertising.
He expresses an interest that he is going to follow up the matter for his
column. [Or, are his bosses at the Tribune intending to over-rule him and
pursue thair reported blackmailing of DDB, Judge Manning, Coca-Cola, and
others, to shake-down more ad bucks for The Tribune Company?]
- In a Court order dated 8/29/00, Judge Manning issues
a nine-page ruling with more of her falsified facts and "judicial
perjuries", contending she finds that she has NOT committed a fraud
upon her own Court. [An obvious ruling by someone sitting as a Judge in
their own case.] As to some of the prior rulings, Ivy files a Notice of
Appeal on August 31,2000.
- Among the issues involved in the case against Coca-Cola
That the Coca-Cola Company allowed their copyright to lapse and it is now
owned by Kolody as shown by documents of the U.S. Copyright office. That
Coca-Cola has in respect to this litigation committed a fraud by not reporting
it to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that regulates listed
stock such as that of Coke.
- Several weeks in the works was a story published in the
much-watched Tempo Section of the Chicago Tribune, usually published on
a Thursday. Published on Thursday, September 7, 2000, was a lengthy Tempo
story about various other soda pop companies. In quoting a seller of a
flavored foreign pop called Tarhun "People believe Tarhun is good
for you and Coke is bad for you". Then further quoting the seller,
"For instance, have you ever seen what happens when you put a chicken
liver in a glass of Coke?" In so doing, the Tribune was taking a swipe
at Coke to reportedly shake them and DDB down for more ad bucks.
- While they were commenting, the Tribune could have added
that Coca-Cola can be a substitute for DRANO to clear out your home plumbing.
- The very next day, Friday, September 8, 2000, player
GEORGE LAZARUS was found dead on the commuter train he took each day to
the Tribune offices. In a lengthy story Saturday, September 9, 2000, a
sort of obituary, headlined "Veteran Business Columnist George Lazarus
Dies", the Tribune stated "His daily column, put together through
an indomitable force of will for 39 years, all but 11 of them at the Tribune,
was practically Holy Writ for executives in the marketing and advertising
business in Chicago".
- Then the Tribune adds this strange sort of cynical humor
OUT HOW HE GOT THE STORY." (Emphasis added.) Did someone plant that
item in that obituary to take the glare of possible foul play off of themselves
and DDB and the Tribune and all the matters discussed in this series?
- The Tribune story stated, "A Metra [commuter train]
employee found him Friday morning, slumped in his seat on his way to work,
his customary collection of morning newspapers still in his lap. He had
died on his morning commute from his Flossmoor home to his office downtown."
- Some of his buddies, however, have confided to us that
they are convinced that GEORGE LAZARUS was murdered. One media homcho,
poorly informed and naive, said "Was he shot with a gun?" a foolish
question in the current era of political assassination. [Evidently, they
never read the reports by CIA to Congressional intelligence committees
about cyanide pistols and potassium killer devices.]
- Did the Tribune want their own reporter DEAD? There is
the unsolved crime of about 1930, involving a Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle,
who was shaking down mobsters and others to hush up stories. He was bumped
off by being shot in a public place. {It may be a small item but Lazarus
lived among the numerous hoodlums in the south suburb of Flossmoor.]
- So you thought that mass media reporters are only knocked
off in Mexico? Ha, ha. Lazarus was reportedly pursuing some of the issues
raised by our series Was the highly corrupt U.S. Justice Department going
to finally take an interest that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned and
operated by substantially the same people? That they are a price-fixing
monopoly designed to wreck other smaller soft drink beverage firms like
R C Cola. And that DDB advertising represents both of the two major soda
pop companies, Coca-Cola and Pepso-Cola.
- So how many more are they going to have to assassinate
to cover up the Coca-Cola espionage and corruption scandals?
- Stay tuned. _____
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