- The strange vapor-like trails, or "chemtrails,"
from jets flying high above much of the nation and elsewhere in the world
are part of a massive top-secret military research and development project,
possibly linked to the United Nations, researchers have concluded.
- A group of about a dozen researchers spent more than
a year, mostly in secret, studying the chemtrails. They include experts
in electronics, communications, environmental engineering, medicine, biomedical
research, chemistry, governmental and political affairs and military theory
and technology, as well as veterans of the Central Intelligence Agency
and the top-secret National Security Agency (NSA).
- The group poured over thousands of scientific, government
and military documents, most of which can be found in the public domain
but buried among countless papers in highly scientific web sites on the
Internet. The researchers also talked with experts in the scientific and
military communities.
- "It appears that aerosol chemical trails are being
deliberately discharged into the atmosphere from military and civilian
registered aircraft over the continental U.S., Canada and Mexico,"
a retired Air Force officer attached to NSA and living in Virginia told
The Spotlight in an exclusive interview.
- "Selected commercial airliners have been secretly
modified and equipped with specialized aerosol dispersion devices to supplement
U.S. military aircraft to disperse the substances creating the chemtrails,"
the former NSA official noted.
- According to the NSA officer, civilian airlines were
enlisted for the project, which some of the researchers referred to as
"Operation Cloverleaf".
- The researchers concluded that the chemtrails are composed
of barium salt mixtures. Some of the chemtrails also include polymer fibers.
- "Several types of experimental polymer fibers are
repeatedly being found in various locations subsequent to observed incidences
of aerosol discharge by aircraft," a member of the scientific study
group told The Spotlight. "Research and development of electronic
polymer fibers is identified and described in Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) documents. Other polymer fiber types are mentioned
in other government and military documents that we have obtained.
- "It is believed that the combination of barium salt
mixture and polymer fibers are responsible for the recent nationwide epidemic
increase in cases of asthma, allergies and upper respiratory system illnesses,
including pneumonia," he said.
- The group found that based on the study of various military
and scientific documents, the polymer fibers apparently have several applications
in conjunction with the barium salt mixture. Among the applications is
the "cloaking" of aircraft. When irradiated withthe substances,
an aircraft is invisible to radar and the naked eye.
- There also are advanced radar applications; the decontamination
and detection of biological weapons; communications applications, including
the ability to direct radio beams back to earth; weather modification as
a military weapon; and the secret Air Force Variable Terrain Refractivity
Parabolic Equation (VTRPE), which, with the use of sophisticated computers,
enables a person to view what an enemy radar system sees.
- A scientist familiar with VTRPE research at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Ohio and his knowledge of the use of barium salt mixtures
led the group of researchers to delve into the "barium salt connection"
to the chemtrails.
- A member of the research group told The Spotlight that
"an over-whelming array of ongoing military research and development
anddefense-related activity is layered from ground level into space, including
space warfare battle plans and space weapons that have been developed and
include advanced laser and refinement of famed scientis Nicola Tesla's
scaler (directed energy) weapons technology."
- "Tesla's concepts of 'directed energy' are being
developed, refined and applied," the researcher continued. "High
Frequency Active Auroral Research project (HAARP) ionospheric 'heaters'
arepositioned around the world (Alaska, Ukraine, Norway, Russia, Puerto
Rico, etc.) and are used to 'heat' and modify the ionosphere. The United
Nations, we have found, has knowledge of and sanctions the HAARP project,
which is a military project."
- The group determined that scientists worldwide are working
in cooporation with an organization known only as "Commission G."
Different aspects of atmospheric and ionospheric advanced radar studies,
research projects and experiments are being studied at the University of
Massachusetts at Lowell, the University of Colorado, the Uni. of California
at Davis, and the Uni. of Texas at Arlington.
- One of the key aims of the studies and experiments is
the military objective "to control rain, drought, storms, tornadoes,
hurricanes and weather patterns generally," a researcher explained.
"Precipitation suppression and enhancement are strategies being refined
specifically for implementation in the conduct of future wars."
- This experimentation "is directly responsible for
the strange weather that is being experienced in the U.S., if not worldwide,"
the researcher said. "They are simply screwing up our normal weather
patterns by dumping barium salt and polymer fiber in vast quantities into
the atmosphere."
- The group said that armies may eventually become obsolete
because of new computerized "vitual warfare technology," which
is being developed, refined and actually applied.
- According to the group, there is ongoing research and
development that includes optics-based communications above the earth,
which is similar to fiber-optics but without fibers and communications
broadcast on optical beams; a potential chemical and electrical influence
on human behavior on a massive scale from above, a super-MK Ultra mind-control
program; and electrical power transfer.
- The former NSA researcher said "ongoing study of
this problem by individual researchers is eliciting concrete evidence that,
at the very least, the atmospheric chemistry and circulation of the earth's
atmosphere have been disrupted. There is a growing body of evidence to
justify concern that the problem with our atmospheric chemistry will extend
well into the future."
- "Someone is attempting to keep a lid on all of this
military research and development activity and, in particular, the chemtrail
activity that is literally clouding up America's skies."
- According to the NSA researcher, individual members of
the group have been threatened. Various document and other materials have
been stolen from the homes of some of the researchers.
- He said he believes this was done under the direction
of a globalist entity, probably the United Nations or a "sub-group,"
that remains in the shadows and beyond public exposure, at least for now.
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