- SeaWIFS Satellite Photo from www.eoscenter.com/images/contrailslarge.jpg
- Canex (made the photo available -ed)
- Registered User
- (10/12/00 9:39:12 pm) great contrail photo
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Oct 9 over the great lakes from SeaWIFS satellite. What
a spray!
- www.eoscenter.com/images/contrailslarge.jpg
- garflorida
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 7:30:45 am)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I like how they just HAPPEN to be concentrated over the
Green Bay area.
- joemichigan
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 7:39:25 am) Wow
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Almost every day I get the "privilege" of looking
up from the ground at
- this mess of chemtrails in the sky.
- Total coverage in Detroit as of 10am EST. This morning
the trails were
- being layed down, the old "knotted rope" crap.
Imagine we had 1.5 days
- without spray. Wow. Too good to last, of course.
- REX84
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 10:05:54 am) Re: Wow
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Just out of curiosity where did you get that photo? is
it from a satellite?
- I would be interested in finding some of those photos
for northern
- California..since I see them spraying into fog fronts
in the same manner.
- Thanks.
- sedona
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 10:44:54 am) Canex
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Yes- how did you get this? If I type the URL in "Address"
rather than go
- through this posting, I get "no such address."
Can non-members follow this link through your post? Are there other photos
of this magnitude we can
- find? It's terrific.
- sorethroat
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 4:56:16 pm) Interesting
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Look at the upper left corner of the photo. Three points
of trails, side by
- side, just beginning. Heading to the southwest. Normal
FAA separation?
- Commercial flight routes?
- If these had all three just hit the 30,000 + altitude
necessary for trail
- formation, from where did they take off? Yep, interesting
- Normal? ... definitely, by TODAY'S standards.
- Edited by: sorethroat at: 10/13/00 4:56:16 pm
- RadioEng
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 6:32:27 pm)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I live in northeastern Michigan and the trails you see
in the picture are
- chemical trails. As many as 6 aircraft were working in
the area where I
- live and 2 of the aircraft were CH-130 aircraft that
were dark camo color
- and not flying more them 12,000 ft.
- The only radio traffic I heard was a aircraft calling
Cleveland Center
- saying he needed to talk to his base at McClellan AFB.
(Calif.) This base
- supports KC-10s and KC-135s.
- This operation was regular Air Force as the Air National
Guard that is
- normally in this area was diverted to the center of the
- This operation started after midnight and continued all
day and well into
- the evening hours.
- sorethroat
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 6:46:35 pm) SeaWiFS Data Access
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/dataset/SEAWIFS/
- "IMPORTANT: Access to SeaWiFS data is restricted
to SeaWiFS Authorized Research Users strictly for research and educational
use only. Authorized
- User status is obtained by registering with the SeaWiFS
Project, NOT by
- registering with the DAAC. For instructions, go to the
SeaWiFS User and Ground Station Check List."
- So I suppose that CANEX "could" claim that
this posting was for "education
- purposes".
- Wouldn't want to lose that privileged status now would
we, CANEX...
- Of course, We, The People, pay the freight.
- sorethroat
- Registered User
- (10/13/00 7:01:03 pm) Re: SeaWiFS Data Access
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SeaWiFS Interactive Region Selection
- The World at 4 Kilometers
- seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgibrs/seawifs_subreg.pl
- CLick on the section of the global map that you are interested
in and a 4
- km resolution zoom shot will be produced.
- NOT the quality of the shot posted by CANEX.
- We can only imagine why he doesn't reveal more information
about accessing
- such photos.
- Ruth Angell
- Registered User
- (10/14/00 4:07:39 am) great contrail photo
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- East central Indiana was sprayed heavily 10/13/00, too.
Noticed them at
- noon, but in town, could not view all. On my way home
at 5:00, the sky was beginning to darken with dirty clouds and they were
still laying trails.
- After sunset, trails were white against the night sky.
The morning started
- out sunny with bright blue skys and ended up mirky dirty
gray again. I'm
- debunked if I point them out, so just keep my mouth shut
and my eyes up.
- WiseQuakker
- Registered User
- (10/14/00 4:26:04 am) Re: great contrail photo
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I could stare at this one for hours and not lose interest.
Those bright
- things at the heads of the "comets"...... Are
those the actual
- aircraft...??? Interesting dispersal patterns. Deep shadows
for things as
- light and thin as the majority of contrails. The long
ones, that is......
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