Korea - Power Elite Set Up
For Nuclear World War III


1. Russia, China, and South Korea are planning for nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula! Remember the New World Order plan regarding the role the Korean Peninsula is planned to play in the coming World War III:
"A hair-raising confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival." [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223, 1981; NOTE: Lemesurier is a major New World Order author]
The propaganda that has been gradually conditioning mankind to the possibility of a nuclear war with North Korea goes all the way back to the early stage of the Clinton Presidency; at that time, President Clinton was threatening to attack the North Korean nuclear processing plant to keep this regime from developing and deploying nuclear weapons. Clinton sent Former President Jimmy Carter in 1994 to North Korea to "negotiate" an end to that regime's nuclear processing program. We promised to give North Korea a lot of economic assistance plus nuclear reactors that supposedly could not be used for processing weapon's grade plutonium; what did we get in return? We got a North Korean soft pledge that, maybe, around the year 2000, they would consider giving up their nuclear program.
From the moment the pleasant words died out in 1994, the North Koreans were left pretty much alone, except for a brief moment in 1998-1999, when North Korea demonstrated missile capability to reach Japan; Clinton responded in typical fashion, fully appeasing the Koreans and offering much cash ["Lessons of a Nuclear North Korea: The Clinton 'engagement' was a failure", The Weekly Standard, 10/28/2002]
In mid-2002, President Bush declared virtual war on three "Axis of Evil" nations that he says the U.S. must bring down. These nations were: Iraq, Iran, North Korea. Through the rest of 2002, the focus was upon our impending war against Iraq, resulting in the rhetoric about North Korea virtually dying out.
Since January, 2003, the rhetoric of a probable nuclear war with North Korea has been getting increasingly harsh. In contrast to Saddam Hussein, who has always steadfastly denied he possessed atomic weapons, North Korea has proudly boasted her potency in these weapons. As we have demonstrated in past articles, there is strong evidence that North Korea possesses at least 100 nuclear warheads, with the missile capacity to deliver them either to the American East Coast or to the Middle East [Read NEWS1781, showing a map depicting the range of North Korean missiles].
Now, as the rhetoric is getting harsher by the day, we learn that Russia, China, and South Korea are actively making preparations to protect their people living in the vicinity of the North Korean border should nuclear war break out! Listen:
NEWS BRIEF: "Russia tightens security measures in case of nuke conflict on Korean peninsula", The Russia Journal, July 18, 2003.
"MOSCOW - Russia is taking steps to protect itself from the possible use of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov said Thursday ... China and South Korea, were also taking measures to increase security in the region, where tensions are strained over North Korea's alleged nuclear program."
Even as the propaganda coming out of Washington, D.C., wavers between a belief that North Korea has nuclear weapons to an outright professed skepticism, North Korea's neighbors are acting to prevent their lands lying adjacent to North Korea from being devastated. As an exercise in propaganda, this story is priceless in furthering the goal of panicking all the peoples of the world.
Also yesterday, we read that North Korea is moving still more heavy artillery up to the DMZ! When North Korea has completed her move of heavy artillery forward, she has the capability of launching 500,000 rounds of artillery against Seoul per hour, and can sustain that level for approximately 6 hours! [Read NEWS1839]. A long-time friend of mine, a retired Army Major, who served two terms in South Korea, is quite blunt when he says that both Seoul and our forward-deployed troops would be devastated in about 3 hours.
Further, in NEWS1805, we reported that North Korea was getting her army completely ready for war launch; by April 30, these preparations were fully complete. Since then, a fully war-ready North Korean Army has been sitting on the DMZ, idling in neutral, waiting for the order to attack. Now, we learn that North Korea is moving still more heavy artillery to the DMZ?
What is America's response to all of this war rhetoric and preparation? We talk about desiring a peaceful solution and ask Russia and China to intervene with North Korea; however, we dismiss all political solutions that have ever been put forward, and last week, the Pentagon leaked a report that is likely to greatly stoke the fires of war. Listen:
"NEWS BRIEF: "Upping the ante for Kim Jong Il: Pentagon Plan 5030, a new blueprint for facing down North Korea",, By Bruce B. Auster and Kevin Whitelaw, 7/21/2003
"Within the past two months, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has ordered U.S. military commanders to devise a new war plan for a possible conflict with North Korea. Elements of the draft, known as Operations Plan 5030, are so aggressive that they could provoke a war, some senior Bush administration officials tell U.S. News ... Administration insiders, who are critical of the plan, say it blurs the line between war and peace. The plan would give commanders in the region authority to conduct maneuvers -- before a war has started -- to drain North Korea's limited resources, strain its military, and perhaps sow enough confusion that North Korean generals might turn against the country's leader, Kim Jong IL 'Some of the things [Fargo] is being asked to do,' says a senior U.S. official, 'are, shall we say, provocative'."
Rumsfeld may be preparing to publicly goad North Korea into war. Note the wording in this above paragraph: "... devise a new war plan for a possible conflict with North Korea." Later, this article stated that this plan is being implemented by "many of the same administration hard-liners who advocated regime change in Iraq." That list would include Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Assistant Defense Secretary Wolfowitz, President Bush and Vice President Cheney. If these four administration officials are backing this plan, war seems certain, just as certain as Peter Lemesurier wrote in his book! This new plan is called a "War Plan", and that usually denotes a firm battle plan.
Now, let us continue with this article, to describe the kinds of "provocative actions" Rumsfeld has ordered.
"One scenario in the draft involves flying RC-135 surveillance flights even closer to North Korean airspace, forcing Pyongyang to scramble aircraft and burn scarce jet fuel. Another option: U.S. commanders might stage a weeks-long surprise military exercise, designed to force North Koreans to head for bunkers and deplete valuable stores of food, water, and other resources. The current draft of 5030 also calls for the Pentagon to pursue a range of tactical operations that are not traditionally included in war plans, such as disrupting financial networks and sowing disinformation."
"Some administration officials and military experts say they consider these tactics dangerously provocative. What would happen, they ask, if North Korea shot down an RC-135 or lobbed artillery at South Korea?"
>From my experience in the U.S. Army Intelligence, this plan is nonsense! North Korean officers on the scene will have just minutes to decide whether incoming U.S. jets are penetrating airspace because they are really going to attack targets or whether they are just faking it in order to force the North to use "scarce fuel" supplies. If an officer decides the incoming jets are just faking it, and does not fire upon them, he is likely to be executed once the jets penetrate, proceed to target, and destroy that target. Therefore, local commanders are likely to fire first and answer questions from higher authorities later.
If a North Korean general sees a sudden surge of formidable forces heading for his border, is he going to sit back to wait for them to gain a tactical edge before he counterattacks? I think not! If these plans are truly drawn up, their real purpose might be to try to gain a few seconds or minutes to get to their target before the North Koreans will attack. But, these aggressive new plans just also might provoke the very war we say we are trying to prevent. However, such provocation could fulfill the Illuminati plan.
And that brings us back to the "hair-raising confrontation that may threaten man's survival". Let us listen to the concluding remarks of this article: "... if the Pentagon gives commanders more authority to take aggressive actions in peacetime, as contemplated in Plan 5030, it risks tripping over the president's--and Congress's--authority to commit the nation to war, says a senior official. 'Who decides when to go to war?' the official asks. 'Good question'."
Just yesterday, we learned that Western Intelligence has just announced their belief that North Korea has a secret nuclear weapons processing facility, in addition to the one we have long heard about [Posted in Daily Newsupdates, July 20, 2003]. It is irrelevant as to whether this revelation is true; the only matter which is relevant is that Western Intelligence is announcing it to be true. Remember, we invaded Iraq simply on a declaration by Western Intelligence that Saddam had WMD; we may go to war in North Korea on the same basis.
Thus, the war drums on the Korean Peninsula are being beaten loudly and clearly, with all parties getting ready to fight a "hair-raising" nuclear war. However, the Korean Peninsula war was not supposed to start until the Middle East had exploded into all-out conflagration. Let us examine the news out of the Middle East to see if any war signs are appearing there.


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