- Supposing there was a sizeable military unit. And they
threatened violence in the main city of the Republic. They demanded that
the President and the Cabinet resign. Why? The rebellious military accused
them of corruption and the President of orchestrating fake terrorist violence
by way of controlling the country that way.
- Was there such a test and who instigated it? The experiment
was in progress on July 27, 2003, in Manila, the Republic of the Philippines.
(The capital being Quezon City.)
- The President stated, that as Commander-in-Chief, she
is informing the rebellious military unit that they crossed the line of
professionalism. That she is giving them such and such number of hours
to surrender or forces will be sent to put down the rebellion (implying
that there were forces loyal to her as President and Commander-in-Chief).
- In 1972, a previous Philippine President, to entrench
his dictatorial power, staged fake would-be-violence against himself, stating
there was in the works, a movement to overthrow him. That Philippine President
thereafter, suspended the Philippine Constitution invoking Martial Law.
These tests were/are important because the Philippine Constitution is patterned
after, if not identical, to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- Was it an "accidental" happening in 1972? Is
it just a coincidence in 2003, when the occupant and resident of the U.S.
White House was installed by a Military-Style, five person Junta of the
U.S. Supreme Court? And that drumhead Justice installed who was to be the
occupant and resident of the White House. Were ordinary Americans aware
of, if not shocked, by what some called "The Gang of Five", declaring in a
just-before-Midnight proclamation that Americans have no fundamental
right to vote for President, rather, just a very limited right to vote
for Presidential Electors who, in turn, meeting as the Electoral College,
after the supposed Presidential Election, to themselves choose who, if
anyone, is to be in the White House.
- Through website and foreign news items, important questions
have been raised. [1] That the tragedy of September 11, 2001, did not,
in being actually carried out, involve Arabs. That the bloodshed against
Americans on that day was greatly patterned after the Northwoods Project,
planned by dictatorial Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962, wanting to justify
an invasion of Cuba. The documents were first publicized in a book coming
out shortly before 9-11, namely, "Body of Secrets" by James Bamford,
an expert on the super-secret NSA, the National Security Agency. [2] The
Arabs were not actually on any of the accused aircraft in 9-11, but were
blamed for the happenings by the White House with the aid of the lapdog
press. Some of the Arabs were actually Saudi exchange students studying
how to fly airplanes and such, while living on U.S. Military facilities.
At least seven of the supposed 19 Arab hi-jackers actually are still alive
residing in North Africa, among other places.
- The problem of understanding 9-11 is purposely intensified
by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled American monopoly press which promotes short
attention span and that ordinary Americans are to be fed news like to eight
year old children. So in reporting the coup test in Manila now, the
press will purposely forget the prior Manila event of 1972 and Martial
Law test.
- Also part of the problem obstructing ordinary Americans
from understanding all this is both the education system combined with
the mass media.
- The subject of the Aristocracy, the Establishment, "the
powers that be", the Ruling Class, whatever THEY are called, is a
forbidden topic. The criminal underpinnings of the Aristocracy is not a
subject, in high schools, or colleges and universities. And the popular
press does not/will not ever deal with such subjects. Why? Simple. It would
cause ordinary Americans to be class conscious, unlike Europeans who generally
are so aware of that. Those who control Congress, the White House and the
Executive branch, as well as the Judiciary, from behind the scenes, are
not identified, generally not pictured, or referred to.
- Books such as "The Rich and The Super Rich",
by Ferdinand Lundberg, published in 1968, are mostly unknown to many ordinary
Americans. And his other opus, "The Myth of Democracy" is likewise
so. Gustavus Myers' book, "The Great American Fortunes", published
in the 1930s, and documenting the criminal past of the Ruling Families,
is seldom nowadays referred to or to be found in many libraries. Some Americans
are merely amused by Gore Vidal's blistering statements that those who
rule us are not the ones we see on the television but persons behind the
- Who dares refer to the Bush Crime Family? And that they
are not the aristocracy but merely scapegoats and stooges for the plans
of the British and the Monarchy, to take back this continent, reverting
ordinary Americans to be just subjects of British colonies. Who among the
popular pundits in the press, on the tv or radio, refers to the persistent
efforts of the British to overthrow the American central government? Starting,
at least since the War of 1812, when in 1814, they burned down the U.S.
Capitol? And what about the three U.S. Presidents assassinated for the
benefit of the British who wanted to snuff out American industrial development
(Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, and William McKinley. In addition, the
American Civil War, seldom properly identified, was instigated by the British
to promote the natural friction between the Industrial North and the Agricultural
South, and the divisive issue of slavery. That is to divide up this nation,
to Balkanize America).
- It remains to be seen how the Manila experiment will
play out. Has it been secretly instigated as a test later to be for real
in the U.S.? Is the American Central Government facing military disasters
in Afghanistan and Iraq? Has the most monstrous treason been committed
against ordinary Americans? That is, treachery calculated to be falsely
blamed onto Arabs, such as 9-11?
- [NOTE: our stories are also listed on <http://www.rense.com/>http://www.rense.com/
MAIN PAGE, left-hand side, click on COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick. THAT website
often posts our stories sooner than our own website.]
- More coming....Stay tuned.
- ===========================================
- Since 1958, Mr. Skolnick has been a court-reformer and
since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.
Since 1991, a regular panelist and since 1995, Moderator/Producer of "Broadsides",
a public access Cable TV Program, cablecast WITHIN CHICAGO, to upwards
of 400,000 viewers each Monday evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable TV. Some
segments of the tv shows can be seen, by videostreaming, on-line, through
our website.
- Office, 8 a.m. to midnight, most 7 days, (773) 375-5741,
CALLS, please, such as what is our address which appears on each story.
- Updates on a recorded phone message, NOT an expensive
call (773) 731-1100.
- For a heavy packet of our printed stories,send $5.00
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[ #10 envelope, 4-1/8 x 9-1/2 ] WITH THREE U.S. FIRST CLASS STAMPS on it,
to Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman,
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870.
- WEBSITE:http://www.skolnicksreport.com/ [NOTE "s"
after name]
- E-MAIL: http://us.f803.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=skolnick@ameritech.net