The Middle-Finger News -
Royalty At War
Sticking It To The Poobahs
By Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom

Once again another body surfaces in the on-going battles between the Royal Crowned Heads of Europe. Dr. David Kelly, a top microbiologist of Irish descent, was snuffed out after he threatened to go public with documents that would incriminate Queen Elizabeth II as a usurper to the English Throne and expose her many skeletons in the closet. She is a Hessian from the German House of Hanover and with her husband assassinated the true heir to the English Throne namely Princess Diana of Wales, Head of the House of Stuart.

Queen Elizabeth II, as actually the true head of the United States, sent her P.M. Tony Blair to inform President Bush of the necessity to wipe out Dr. Kelly, a top official of British MI-6 counter-intelligence, for the survival of the fraudulent House of Windsor. No longer trusting so-called secure telecommunications, Blair went to Washington in person.

This time the royal battle consisted of three teams. One team was out to steal Kellyís documents by knocking him out; but not to harm him. They are the Grabbers, the French Rothschilds; on behalf of the Crowned Emperor of the Vatican -The Pope, who has long desired control over the Throne of England and like Caesar, the capture of Jerusalem, thus nullifying the Arabs and the Jews.

Meanwhile the second team the Windsorís arrived a few minutes later, and surprised to find no expected documents, bumped off Dr. Kelly. The pro-British House of Windsor press, dominating the media in Europe and the United States, spread the big lie of Dr. Kellyís suicide.

A third team for their own benefit, watching but not participating, are scheming to swipe the smoking gun records or force the Rothschilds to surrender them. They are the royal house of Habsburgs, including Spain and Austro-Hungary, master blackmailers, and experts on setting up the thieves and robbing from them, The Sting.
[NOTE: Many of Skolnick's stories are posted on <> MAIN PAGE, Click on left hand side, where it says "COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick". Skolnick's own webmaster often posts Skolnick's stories much later than <> ]
From Paul Scigliano
Mr. Skolnick, I just got through reading your article and I must say that although I have enjoyed your articles in the past, this article either proves that you are either a clairvoyant genius, privy to intelligence that no one else in the media has even come close to, or a certifiable lunatic. I hope that it is not the last choice.
Some of the points which I am having a little trouble coming to grips with:
Dr. David Kelly, a top microbiologist of Irish descent, was snuffed out after he threatened to go public with documents that would

> incriminate Queen Elizabeth II as a usurper to the English Throne and expose her many skeletons in the closet.
How can this be? He was a microbiologist, not someone privy to deep insider information. The whole issue revolved around 10 Downing Street's efforts to "sex up" the Iraq dossier. If anything, he was not seeking publicity and was not about to go public and the reason why Blair is in such hot water now is because of allegations that he "outed" the BBC mole, which turned out to be Kelly. It had nothing to do with the royals and it really takes away from the real issue when you start to talk about royals being involved and not the real issue, which is that 10 Downing Street LIED to supporters of the war in order to further their own ends.
> the true heir to the English Throne namely Princess Diana of Wales, Head of the House of Stuart.
The direct and legitimate male line of the Royal House of Stuart ended with the death of Henry IX, Cardinal York, in 1807. After that date the Headship of the House of Stuart passed to the House of Savoy by virtue of its descent from Henrietta-Anne (1644-1670), daughter of King Charles I, and her husband Philippe, Duke of Orléans. Thereafter it passed by marriage to the House of Modena-Este and later to the House of Wittelsbach (Bavaria), with whom it rests today and the Head of which is Duke Franz. It should be noted that none of these representatives of King Charles I since 1807 has attempted to claim a British Throne. The late Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria (1869-1955) strongly discouraged supporters in the United Kingdom from making claims on his behalf.
Please note that if anyone would be the heir to the Stuart line in Diana's family, it would have been her brother, not her.
Queen Elizabeth II, as actually the true head of the United States,

> sent her P.M. Tony Blair to inform President Bush of the necessity to wipe out Dr. Kelly, a top official of British MI-6 counter-intelligence, for the survival of the fraudulent House of

> Windsor. No longer trusting so-called secure telecommunications, Blair went to Washington in person.
Do you have any way of proving the following statements?
1) That Queen Elizabeth II actually sent PM Blair to talk about Kelly. Do you have recorded conversations of the sort?
2) That Kelly was actually a top official for MI-6's counterintelligence.
3) That Blair did not trust secure communications between Britain and America.
Furthermore, how is it that you know all this and if you know this, why would Blair even bother to visit the United States if you know this and was going to print it anyway?
This time the royal battle consisted of three teams.
Care to show us how you know that there were 3 assassination teams involved?
One team was out to steal Kelly's documents by knocking him out; but not to harm him. They are the Grabbers, the French Rothschilds; on behalf of the Crowned Emperor of the Vatican -The Pope, who has long desired control over the Throne of England and like Caesar, the capture of Jerusalem, thus nullifying the Arabs and the Jews.
Can you please show us how an 80+ year-old Pope is interested in land conquest, control of the British Crown, the capture of Jerusalem, and is interested in "nullifying the Arabs and Jews"?
Meanwhile the second team the Windsor's arrived a few minutes later, and surprised to find no expected documents, bumped off Dr. Kelly. The pro-British House of Windsor press, dominating the media in Europe and the United States, spread the big lie of Dr. Kelly's suicide.
Can you please show how the so-called Windsor team "bumped off" Dr. Kelly? If you have conclusive evidence of this, you could blow the case wide open and expose the death as a murder and not a suicide and make a real name for yourself.
I am not saying that it was not a murder-- I do believe that it was-- but I don't know how you are getting all this 3-team information together, how you know that they "bumped" Dr. Kelly off after they found no documents, how you know that they were looking for documents regarding the royals in the first place and not information about a sexed-up Iraqi dossier, how you seem to know that a secret team of the French Rothschilds went into Dr. Kelly's house and stole documents that were harmful to the Royals on behalf of the Vatican.
How did the Grabbers know where to get the document? How did they know it even existed or was in the hands of Dr. Kelly? Why wouldn't Dr. Kelly have such a document in a safe place, such as a deposit box outside of his home?
Why would the Windsors murder Dr. Kelly because they couldn't find the document? Did he have it memorized? What did the documents consist of? If they were gone, why would coming forward without such documentation make Dr. Kelly any more believable?
Why would a microbiologist, involved in a war about the credibility of the Iraqi dossier with 10 Downing Street suddenly shift gears and come forward with such a left-field topic such as the Queen being a usurper to the throne? What does any of that have to do with his cause?
A third team for their own benefit, watching but not participating, are scheming to swipe the smoking gun records or force the Rothschilds to surrender them. They are the royal house of Habsburgs, including Spain and Austro-Hungary, master blackmailers, and experts on setting up the thieves and robbing from them, The Sting.
If they have not done anything, how do you know about their existence or what they are supposedly scheming?
Mr. Skolnick (and Mr. Lenny Bloom for that matter), I have enjoyed your articles in the past, even if they have not been exactly fully accurate in their information, and I have especially enjoyed your series about the "Bankruptcy Bordello", but this information in this article is simply absurd and makes claims that unless they can be substantiated with some serious documentation, is either the work of someone with a very wild imagination or the work of someone with access to intelligence that would make the CIA blush.
I hope that you do not think that just because your article appears on a site like that it is not subject to scrutiny. You may see articles about the Yeti and about crop circles, but at least those articles tend to be accompanied by photos, by research data, and other supporting evidence. This article of yours does not seem to be accompanied by much. I, like many readers of this site and other sites like it, are people that look at everything critically, which is why we are both open to seeing things in a new light, but certainly not open to have it assumed that we are fools that will accept things at face value and without scrutiny.
So, since your name(s) appear on this article, please do yourselves and all your readers a huge favor and show some credible sources that substantiate a bit of your claims, especially with regards to Dr. Kelly-- I am sure you can show how the Queen is actually the head of the American government by showing some obscure words in a treaty somewhere. I have seen all that before and frankly I find it a bit overreaching. What I am mostly interested in is the claims that you make with regards to the Kelly death.
Thank you for your time in reading this.


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