UFOs & The National Security State
By Richard M. Dolan
'Thorough and Monumental!' - Credibility to the
Sixth Power!
Review By Alfred Lehmberg

In a more perfect future world, an updated copy of a book that I am studying presently will be a much respected core text in the history classrooms of highly accredited colleges. Indeed, it could (and should) go into many different kinds of classrooms (from high school to graduate school) right now, as required reading, and certainly be a top-listed alternate for many other different kinds of classrooms.

A more than cogent work of captivating literacy, it does the -job- of a textbook... it catalogues, lists, and indexes like a textbook, informs like a text book, educates like a textbook... -improves- like a text book... but it -reads- more like a top drawer Stephen King novel! Oh, it's minus all the fictional whimsy and the interesting and inventive characterizations (while it keeps all the bizarre plot twists of a King novel!), of course... it has to be minus those things. It has a -special- responsibility. As much as it can rationally be determined... (?) every word -in- this book is, very likely, true.

Pause to reflect on that a moment. Let it squeegee an intuitional third eye on the courageous cognitive. Let it sink in. "Every word is likely true..."

With this book, Richard M. Dolan (a new minor god I have selected for -my- personal pantheon [g].) is right up there with what I've generally considered the Brahms, Bach, and Beethoven of classical Ufology (with a capital "U"). This small list includes my ufological taproots, E.J. Ruppelt, J.A. Hynek. and J. Vallee. Around these seminal three (and forgetting for a moment the illuminating instruction I've received from Mr. Dolan indicating a demonstrated need for a much -broader- and more -inclusive- roster reflecting a more -complete- pantheon... so as to include gallant -others- we've heard too little about!), are my -other-, very highly respected, ufological musicians: Friedman, Hall, Clark, Sturrock, Haines, Maccabee and Connors et significant al.

All of these intrepid researchers write, and write effectively, rationally, and relevantly, but none have reached out and rung my cognitive gong for a stunning academic connection, or remotely grabbed me by the stacking swivels of my intellectual sensibilities like Dolan's "UFOs and the National Security State...", and -all- of the preceding researchers have rocked my WORLD to one degree or another... Lately, they are joined, prominently, by Mr. Dolan.

All the way through his -magnificent- manuscript one is compelled to take -continuous- astonished stock ... "Wait a minute!", the reader will -frequently- exclaim while on the -rich- literary journey! All indications -are-, you see, that what you are reading (!) is the way it "was" THEN, and the way it "is" NOW!

Let -that- sink in too! The universe really -is- stranger than we know! Nothing is as it appears! The *rabbit hole* is much, much deeper (and more convoluted) than we -ever- would have imagined!

Dolan informs us that the ufological deck was MARKED from the beginning, patient reader, forgetting for a moment the stealthy stacking, double and bottom dealing, or obvious missing cards manipulated from the shadows of our jealous culture! A bill of damaged ufological goods has been sold to us and continues to be sold TODAY, Dolan warns, and it is sold in a manner only more insidiously and sociopathically evolved than it was before! Mainstream historical materials were (and are!) of substandard issue, and a secondary slight of hand of shameless and self-serving duplicity festoons the imperatives of impious persons whose only claim to righteousness, power, and -control- is (and was) that they'd had the money... They'd -always- had the money...

Verily, Dolan reports that a pig in a ufological poke was proffered and shoved down the throat of a fearful, war weary, already sacrificing, and badly informed citizenry by a lapdog media (even then!). Additionally, at the same time, the beginnings of a coterie of insane and -unaccountable- black-box agencies schemed and maneuvered (Hoover-like!) busily, secretly, unethically... illegally... resulting in our aggregate personal ignorance, contrived uninformed consent, and the incandescent hatred individual American citizens must endure, from much of the rest of the world, today!

...As the preceding world turns, its skies remain pregnant with unidentified (all but ignored and startlingly INCREDIBLE!) flying objects! Objects capable of the most astounding, other worldly, and flatly impossible aerodynamics achievable! From the very -beginning-, Dolan clearly demonstrates, and at the very -start- (of the modern flap in 1947), CREDIBLE people were giving CREDIBLE reports to CREDIBLE officials running CREDIBLE investigations, and these reports were, in turn, considered CREDIBLE by the even more elevated and -hyper- CREDIBLE!

What happened? Where did that "imperative of credibility" go, and go so abruptly and suspiciously? Dolan has more than a little rational insight into that!

Assiduously careful with the facts of ufological history (and history in general), and in a long and painstaking research effort, Dolan has produced a work so incisive, well-ordered, and reasonable that the well cultivated fog usually surrounding the subject of ufology lifts like a micro-waved cloud! Wary of the usual pitfalls, Dolan is -hugely- successful in providing facts that a reader can put on their -own- framework of ufological understanding (so that the reader is free to derive their -own- ufological conclusions)! *Answers* are not supplied so much as they are refreshingly replaced by rational discussion of the facts as they occur in time... but one can still derive all the answers one can handle, honored reader, rest assured! Dolan's just not going to insult your intelligence by dictating your conclusions. Dolan is a -real- historian!

Grabbing indiscriminately from Dolan's book, some of the discussion includes Dolan's very reasonable thinking on how and why UFOs are treated as a cultural joke, how and why *grand* underrated conspiracies are patently -real-, and he exposes the too conveniently and reflexively interpreted subversive -nature- of UFOs (probably the -real- problem, we'll come to find!). The mechanisms in place for the delegitimization of ufology are identified and iterated, and indications are exposed regarding ufological secrets that are merely -representative- of... even -more- astonishing secrets! Let THAT sink in!

Additionally, the unsettling suggestion that the aggregate secrecy furiously maintained, facilitated, and protected by a non-accountable and non-elected leadership is that these secrets are kept... likely NOT for the reader's benefit, and indeed to her eventual detriment! Verily!

From the book: Do stiff-walking skeptics reveal their pompous ignorance, prejudice, and presumptive conservativeness with the questions they ask... and refuse to ask? Have -many- more "quality" persons had encounter experiences with genuine UFOs than we know about? Was the Condon Committee infiltrated and torpedoed? Does ufology really -rate- a respectable History? How long has our government, -really-, been spying on its rank and file citizenry? What -must- have occurred at Roswell? What are the interests of our ephemerally covert intelligence communities regarding UFOs, then and now? Can Mr. Dolan provide citation for his incredible, far reaching, and illuminating report? Read the book. The preceding teasers don't even get past the first chapter! Read the book! Buckle up, but read the book!!

Read the book to hone a cutting edge for the inexorable future! Read the book to become more than a mere buff of the garden variety ufological! Read the book to begin a process of scraping the cultural scales of last century from eyes ready to enjoy a -new- clarity of unfettered human vision! Read the book and exercise a new freedom! Read the book to catapult us all to the very real STARS! Read the -book- to come refreshingly and positively alive!

It's a textbook. It's a riveting account! It's stranger than fiction, more informative than a quality self-help manual, and it is a genuine ufological secular bible masquerading as a hot page-turner! I could go and on, be more effusive yet (believe that!), but I pause with reluctance (and to the relief of some... I'm sure [g].) so the abused reader can visit the site below for an affordable (cheap at three -times- the price, friends and neighbors!) copy of their own. This book is off the -tall- end of the star scale, seriously! I -unabashedly- give it my highest possible recommendation!

Finally -- a book regarding the ufological FUTURE, written about the ufological PAST, and providing some REAL insight on the... -real-, remember (!)... ufological PRESENT! Real History folks, earning every inch of Apollo "14" astronaut Edgar Mitchell's -towering- endorsement on the thick book's (decidedly clever!) cover. "Thorough and Monumental," the justifiably elite moon-walker said...

With -all- respect to Doctor Mitchell... (?) That's reduced to stupefying understatement! Were even a sizable -minority- of (real) Americans (forgetting for a moment persons -anywhere-!) to read -this- book, the aggregate holistic sensibility of the entire -world- would take a quantum leap forward! This book is that important; this book has -that- imperative; this book is that current and relevant... ( the book should have been written back in 1949 and we would now inhabit a living ring of breathtaking construction in our own asteroid belt (!), and be reaching out to the promise of the ever beckoning stars)!

In closing? This writer's hyperbole circuit-breaker never popped, even if it -did- get a little warm! Believe it. Sincerely. Read on.

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"I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me."

~ Giordano Bruno, scourged by the scabrously specious scurrilous.



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