New Legal Rights For Gay
Couples Denied To Straights
By Neil Tweedie
The Telegraph - UK

The Government was accused of discrimination yesterday in proposing new legal rights for homosexual couples while denying them to unmarried heterosexuals.

Homosexual rights campaigners have found themselves in the unusual position of attacking proposed property and pension rights for gay and lesbian couples because they are being denied to people in opposite-sex relationships.

The new rights are contained in a consultative document published today which proposes the creation of homosexual "civil partnerships".

People in these partnerships would have access to the pension of a dead partner, exemption from inheritance tax and the power to make decisions in the event of medical incapacity.

The paper does not use the term "gay marriage", but describes a legally-binding relationship akin to marriage in which couples would enter their names on a register. They would not have to live together for a minimum period before signing it.

There would also be a form of "divorce" involving the striking of names from the register and a financial settlement.

The proposals represent an enormous advance for homosexual rights, but they were attacked yesterday for excluding cohabiting heterosexuals, who have no property or pension rights under the law.

Peter Tatchell, the gay rights campaigner, said: "It is divisive, heterophobic and discriminatory to exclude unmarried heterosexual couples. This is a grave injustice."

The Government argues that cohabiting couples do not need additional legal rights because they can attain them simply by getting married. Opponents argue that people should not be forced to marry to qualify for legal protection.

The consultation paper will be published by Jacqui Smith, deputy minister for women and equality, at a press conference today.

The proposals are backed by Tony Blair and a Bill could be introduced into Parliament this year.

Dr Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on equality, said: "The decision to exclude opposite-sex couples from claiming the rights conferred by [homosexual] civil partnerships will be a bitter disappointment to hundreds of thousands of heterosexual unmarried couples.

"The Government treats them as married when cutting their benefits, but ministers are clearly refusing to reciprocate when it comes to pension sharing. These couples are under pressure to marry for financial reasons.";$sessionid$ZAQQUSURZO



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