- WINNIPEG (CP) -- Genetically
modified wheat poses an unacceptable risk to the environment, says a University
of Manitoba study released Wednesday.
- "Under current conditions the release of Roundup
Ready wheat in Western Canada would be environmentally unsafe," concludes
the report by three plant scientists.
- The study was commissioned by the Canadian Wheat Board,
which doesn't want to see genetically modified grain released for sale.
It fears it will damage Canada's ability to sell into export markets where
genetically modified crops are shunned.
- "The study shows that this product, if granted unconfined
release, will cause environmental problems for all farmers, not just those
who choose to grow it," said wheat board chairman Ken Ritter.
- Roundup Ready wheat is resistant to the herbicide of
the same name produced by Monsanto. It allows farmers to spray Roundup
on their wheat crop to kill weeds without killing the grain at the same
- Roundup Ready canola has been on the market for years
with the same traits.
- "If Roundup Ready wheat was grown under unconfined
conditions in Western Canada, the trait would move from wheat crop to wheat
crop in a fashion similar to that seen in canola," the report says.
- Officials at Monsanto Canada, which has applied to have
the wheat undergo a federal environmental safety assessment, could not
be reached for comment. But Monsanto Canada president Peter Turner said
in a letter to the wheat board three weeks ago the biotechnology company
won't do anything to put farmers in jeopardy and wouldn't put the wheat
on the market until it wins acceptance in major export markets.
- Mr. Turner also promised it wouldn't be released until
it can be effectively segregated from other wheat in the Canadian grain-handling
- The study is being sent to the plant biosafety office
of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which is assessing Roundup Ready
- http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030709.wgmow0709/BNStory/National/