Zero Tolerance -
The Cloak Of Respectability

By Erik Pistol


Zero tolerance is fast becoming a cloak of respectability, used to punish the trivial, while allowing administrators to claim the mantle of hero. The Mantra "Our Zero Tolerance Policy" is being heard across the land as justification for some no-brainer decisions:
In Greenley, Colorado, school administrators at the Union Charter School witnessed three boys playing with a water pistol. Bang, one heavy-handed application of zero tolerance rules and all three boys are suspended. According to the administrators, the state's "zero tolerance" weapons law mandates suspension of students who carry, bring, use or possess a firearm or firearm facsimile at school.
I can understand the rules on guns but a water pistol? Are they serious, apparently so.
In another zero tolerance disaster from Colorado a 10-year-old girl from McElwain Elementary in Thornton, Colorado, was one of a group of girls who "repeatedly" asked a certain boy on the playground if he liked them. After the boy complained to a teacher school administrators suspended her from school. A 10 year old girl, suspended for asking "Do you like me". The district's "zero-tolerance sexual harassment policy" was quoted as the "cloak of respectability" to justify this decision.
I have to ask "Have they not heard of common sense? Have these educators not themselves been taught the meaning of the word "balanced"?
In Jonesboro, Arkansas, eight-year-old Christopher Kissinger was suspended from South Elementary School for three days. What crime had he committed? He pointed a breaded chicken finger at a teacher and said "Pow, pow, pow." Once again the cloak was trotted out. "This incident violates the School District's zero-tolerance policy against weapons."
Really. A breaded chicken finger is now a prohibited weapon.
They punish the innocent and let the guilty walk free.
The concept that having "zero tolerance" of harmless playground games is going to do anything to stop certifiable lunatics from shooting up their own schools is sheer lunacy. Such policies do have a cost: how they can do anything other than teach children that adults have no clue about right and wrong.
I wonder if the administrator goes home to his dinner party and admits the truth "That he suspended a 2nd grader for pointing a breaded chicken finger". Or does he talk about how zero tolerance policies were brought in to stop mass murders in the playground, and then continue with "He had his part to play today" He had to act to prevent a mass murder. Properly put, This is fraud. It is fraudulent to claim that an 8 year old pointing a breaded chicken finger is a potential mass murderer. While administrators waste their time on this trivia the guilty are laughing all the way to the bank.
This brain dead approach to justice does not stop at the school gates. It also stalks the workplace in many guises, including the myriad zero tolerance for harassment procedures. Just as the school procedures spiral rapidly out of control as administrators jump the "heroes gravy train" so too have the workplace procedures resulted in some ludicrous decisions. A University Professor, sacked for allegedly using the word "Pussy" in class. In fact, he head read a letter from President Woodrow Wilson to his history class and the word was "Pusillanimous".
The above cases are the tip of the iceberg which is engulfing large numbers of Americans in litigation over trivia. The laws on zero tolerance are damaging to democracy. State sponsored laws are being applied with such vigor as to constitute an attack on innocent citizens.
In an article for Education Digest, entitled "Zap Zero Tolerance," Russ Skiba and Reece Peterson concluded that zero tolerance policies were more effective at providing cover for administrators than students.(2) Zero tolerance was developed in response to legitimate concerns that cannot be ignored. These concerns may well be valid on occasion. But few would argue that the above cases warranted strong disciplinary action. The legislation on zero tolerance is not merely open to misuse. The legislation surrounding zero tolerance positively encourages misuse. The secrecy cloaking zero tolerance decisions and the total lack of a vetting of the accusation for common sense is a deliberate and calculated abrogation of due process that once made the American legal system the envy of the world.
1. Zap Zero Tolerance. Education Digest, April 2000, By Russ Skiba, director of the Institute for Child Study at Indiana University and Reece Peterson, vice president of the National Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.
Eric Pistol is the webmaster of - A website describing the excesses of the zero tolerance approach to alleged sexual harassment in the workplace.



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