SARS E2 Spike-protein Phylogeny

From Dr. Robert E. Lee

Enclosed are 2 .pdf file showing SARS E2-spike protein in a phylogeny with 12 other coronaviruses. The viruses in the phylogeny include:
VGL2_CVBF E2 glycoprotein precursor (Spike glycoprotein) (Peplomer protein) [Contains: Spike protein S1 (90B); Spike protein S2 (90A)]
S44241 surface protein - human coronavirus
AAF25499.1 spike glycoprotein [bovine coronavirus]
AAL80031.1 spike glycoprotein [porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus]
AAB30950.1 S=viral surface peplomer {monoclonal antibody resistant} [murine hepatitis virus MHV, Wb 1, MAR 11F/1, Peptide Mutant, 1235 aa]
VGL2_CVMJH E2 glycoprotein precursor (Spike glycoprotein) (Peplomer protein) [Contains: Spike protein S1 (90B); Spike protein S2 (90A)]
AAF97738.1 spike protein [rat sialodacryoadenitis coronavirus]
NP_828851.1 putative E2 glycoprotein precursor; putative spike glycoprotein [SARS coronavirus]
S37664 peplomeric polyprotein precursor - avian infectious bronchitis virus (strain D1466) (fragment)
AAO34396.1 spike glycoprotein [Avian infectious bronchitis virus]
S41453 spike protein - canine coronavirus
AAA46905.1 S protein [Porcine respiratory coronavirus]
BAC05493.1 peplomer protein [feline infectious peritonitis virus]
You will notice in the pictures (the phylogenies) that SARS E2 protein is not like any other animals' E2 spike protein. It is not like the other human spike protein compared either. It is its own "branch" on the coronavirus tree. SARS E2 spike protein appears related to the avian, dog, cat, pig, and rat coronavirus E2 spike proteins but is not, apparently, derived from any of these. The common ancestor of the SARS E2 spike protein also gave rise to the rat sialodacryoadenitis coronavirus spike protein. It would appear that SARS E2 spike protein and the avian infectious bronchitis viruses and feline infectious peritonitis virus and canine cornavirus as well as the porcine respiratory virus were derived from a common ancestor.
That common ancestor... whatever it is/was... also gave birth to bovine coronavirus and murine hepatitis virus.
The common ancestor of the common ancestor virus (the grandparent, if you will)... whatever that one is/was, also seems to have given birth to porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus.
That SARS E2 spike protein does not show a closer relatedness to the other human coronavirus spike protein is really surprising. SARS seems to be a real mixture of several different animal coronaviruses -- bird, dog, cat, pig, rat... and is not really closely related to other human coronaviruses.
But it is infecting humans... and shows no really close relationship to any other known human coronaviruses. It would appear that the disease SARS would show itself in serious bronchitis, peritonitis, and, perhaps, encephalomyelitis.
I selected the SARS E2 spike protein for this analysis as it is this spike protein that allows the virus to dock with cells and initiate infection. It is my thought that SARS is an FcgammaR agent as are some others of the coronavirus family. It is important that this be determined as it has direct bearing on what type of immunology is occurring in SARS. If SARS is an FcgammaR agent then it is likely possible that it is provoking an intense hyperimmune reaction in some people that would destroy the surfactin in their lungs and cause hypoxia.
Bob Lee




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