- When I first saw the report of "secret files of
McCarthy hearings to be released" I knew that the response from the
sincerely misguided or the dedicated socialists would be swift and sure.
They have spent over five decades trying to convince the general public
that Joseph McCarthy was not simply misguided, but actually was a deliberate
danger to the democratic process in this country. It is interesting to
note that the character assassination which they falsely imputed to the
Senator was the very tactic which they themselves used to destroy McCarthy
and his efforts to awaken the American public to the very real dangers
which communist infiltrators represented to the freedom of all Americans.
In the process, they deliberately coined the term "McCarthyism"
to use as a weapon against ANYONE or any group which tried to similarly
alert the public.
- It is worth noting that events of the past several years
have abundantly proved that McCarthy was not only correct, but that he
was, unknowingly, UNDERSTATING the extent to which the Communist Party
had infiltrated the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, namely, the
White House, the State Department, the War Department, the OSS (predecessor
of the CIA), the Manhattan Project which produced the atomic bomb, etc.
The U.S. government was riddled with Soviet agents and sympathizers. Joe
McCarthy knew it and tried to the best of his ability to wake the U.S.
up to that threat...
- Did that corroboration come from the "far right"
who had known that McCarthy was correct all the time? Incredibly, the exposure
that he had been correct came from one of the most liberal authors in the
U.S., Nicholas Von Hoffman. In the Washington Post of April 14th, 1996,
appeared his article: "Was McCarthy Right About The Left?" The
headline above the article declared to all the world: "The Reds Were
Under The Bed While The Liberals Looked Away." (For anyone who is
interested, the complete article should be available in the archives of
any library which takes the Washington Post.)
- The information which Von Hoffman publicized (and which
was and IS almost totally ignored, read "covered up", by the
mass media of this country) came from documents which had just been released
by the National Security Agency (NSA). These documents revealed that the
NSA had intercepted messages between Soviet agents in this country and
their masters in Moscow.
- To quote Von Hoffman: "The age of McCarthyism was
not the simple witch hunt of the innocent by the malevolent, as two generations
of high school and college students have been taught. In fact, the document
disgorged by the NSA gives evidence that the Roosevelt and Truman Administrations
were rife with Communist spies, and political operatives who reported,
directly or indirectly, to the Soviet government, much as their anti-Communist
opponents charged."
- Von Hoffman went on to reveal that the growing body of
evidence about Soviet infiltration and espionage shows that: "Ethel
and Julius Rosenberg, executed in June, 1953 for atomic espionage, were
guilty. Alger Hiss, a darling of the establishment, was guilty; and that
dozens of lesser known persons such as Victor Perlo, Judith Coplon, and
Harry Gold, whose innocence of the accusations of them had been a tenet
of leftist faith for decades, were traitors, or, at the least, ideological
vassals of a foreign power."
- The cables were kept top-secret since American counter-intelligence
didn't want the Soviets to know their encryption codes had been broken.
That was considered such a top priority that NSA kept silent in the 1950s
when Elizabeth Bentley was ridiculed for her assertions that McCarthy was
right on target. Some of those named in the NSA documents, the Venona Project,
include former War Department official William Ullman, former intelligence
officials Jay Joseph Julius and Jane Foster, Harold Glasser of the Treasury
Department, George Silverman of the Air Force, Nathan Silvermaster of the
Board of Economic Warfare, and Harry Dexter White of the Treasury Department
(who presided at the sell-out of American interests in the Bretton Woods
agreement.) The list of names goes on and on, but space constraints prevent
going further.
- Suffice it to say, that, at the time of the disclosures
of Whitaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, and other defectors from the Communist
Party, there were AT LEAST FIVE Communist groups working within the U.S.
government. Only TWO of those groups have ever been exposed, and because
of the extremely effective efforts of the left wing in this country, we
now have NO entity charged with the exposure of these traitors in our government.
- The NSA information has been confirmed in documents from
the archives of the former Soviet Union itself which have been compiled
into a book called The Secret World Of American Communism, by John Earl
Haynes, a Library of Congress historian.
- No, the so-called "McCarthy Era" WASN'T a time
when innocents were accused wrongly, but rather a time when the guilty
were protected by friends in very high places. Tragically, that protection
goes on today.
- To counter the charges that McCarthy "caused a reign
of terror" allow me to quote a few statistics of the era:
- Number of Persons killed: Zero
- Number of Persons wounded or injured: Zero
- Number of Persons tortured: Zero
- Number of Persons arrested without warrant: Zero
- Number of Persons held or imprisoned w/o warrant: Zero
- Number of Persons evicted, exiled, or deported: Zero
- Number of Persons deprived of due process: Zero
- Some "reign of terror."
- The present Patriot Act is already causing far greater
assaults on freedom than Joe McCarthy ever dreamed of causing--and there
isn't a peep of protest to be heard from the liberals who so loudly denounce
- Comment
Alton Raines
Every time one of these defenses of McCarthy pops up, one will notice the
same beguiling tactic is used... obfuscation of the essential point AND
misdirecting the reader. Of course no one was physically harmed! Or killed!
Or arrested without warrant! Or deported! Are THESE the issues of McCarthyism?
Absolutely NOT!
What must be remembered is, McCarthy abused the power of his office and
the media to establish a powerful "guilt by association" mentality
that a frightened, paranoid society bought into; corn-fed on a consistent
diet of "red menace" propaganda. "A commie under every bed
and in every bush!" They were EVERYWHERE, breeding their insidious
evil like rats. This is what every American came to fear, and just as unconscionable
was the use of that fear so that anyone associated with political views
that did not fall in lock step with the most ultra-conservative, hyper-nationalistic
"America love it or leave it" bigotry was a person to be shunned!
The exact same evil is being wrought via the Bush Administration and the
NeoCons right now, to polarize and paralyze the people, to persuade fearful
Americans that anyone who opposes the Bush regime and its dictates is a
traitor to the country.
- The acts of Sen. McCarthy managed to blackmail and extort
citizens without violating the law by simply creating the threat of one
being exposed to the world as a commie -- or a POSSIBLE commie. That's
all it took to destroy the lives and livelihoods of many, many people caught
in the Unconstitutional trap McCarthy skillfully created with his House
Un-American Activities Committee. That alone was a crime. Unfortunately,
an unpunishable crime. It would be the same today if some Senator decided
to form an investigative committee against all who protested the war in
Iraq, based on the fact that most of the peace/anti-war rallies were funded
or organized by Communist organizations. Not so scary in 2003, but during
the McCarthy era it was tantamount to kissing the devil's behind and eating
babies in ritual sacrifice, there was nothing WORSE than a Commie in America
then. It would have a similar repercussion on the lives of those called
to testify, to name names, to be asked "Are you now or have you ever
been a member of the Communist party?" as was asked of them then,
one by one. Which, if one said no, was always followed by "Do you
know of anyone who has participated in any Communist activities or political
meetings?" By such definitions, one was damned if he did and damned
if he didn't, because then there was nothing worse than 'the red menace!'
EVERYONE feared Communism (though it was simple communism that saved this
country during the great depression, via FDR!). Communism meant Totalitarianism,
not merely a viable political/social construct. Just being called to testify
was enough to ruin a person. Who would hire a suspected commie? Many people
who lived through the blacklisting and suffered McCarthy's railroading
persecutions have written books about their ordeals. Before you believe
the NeoCons and SuperCons who are presently working hand in hand with their
extremist counterparts on the far left to further polarize our nation into
veritable intellectual/political civil war, read what THEY have to say
about what happened first hand! Don't just take the word of a revisionist!
- The writer of the piece above says no one was tortured.
I beg to differ! Those poor people trampled underfoot by the iron boot
of McCarthy's hyper-nationalism suffered torture, no less than any other
torture. Just the kind that doesn't leak blood or leave a visible scar.
They suffered the loss of something our Constitution guarantees each citizen,
and by mere suspicion. I think a very fair comparison of impact would be
the accusation or suspicion of being a child molester today. All one has
to do is cast a shadow of a doubt over a person for such a thing, and his
or her life can be destroyed. Those who were blacklisted suffered both
intellectual and economic tortures, most of them for merely refusing to
let McCarthy bully them and extort them into naming names of friends and
loved ones whose only crime was political inquiry and the pursuit of life,
liberty and happiness, or admitting their own political involvement with
groups suspected of being traitorous.
Due Process was eliminated from the picture by means of guilt by association,
one as tried and hanged publically by the media which swarmed the hearings.
No trial, just a committee hearing which could tear your life apart piece
by piece... suddenly YOU were a traitor, a commie, or a suspected commie
because you stood your ground and refused to answer McCarthy's inquisition!
- The writer above IS correct in his assessment of the
Patriot Act today. But the issue being divided down liberal and conservative
lines is an illusion promoted by the wicked extremist factions and media,
and does not represent reality. Most Americans are middle of the roaders
who make their decisions issue by issue, and are only forced into party
affiliations politically, feeling they have to do "something"
or just give up all hope. This is why so many millions do not even bother
to vote.
- Comment
- From Spacek
- Spacek@ameritech.net
- 5-17-3
- From Alton Raines rebuttal, against the deceased Joe
McCarthy and any one who would dare question Raines on his position: "The
writer above IS correct in his assessment of the Patriot Act today. But
the issue being divided down liberal and conservative lines is an illusion
promoted by the wicked extremist factions and media, and does not represent
reality. Most Americans are middle of the roaders who make their decisions
issue by issue, and are only forced into party affiliations politically,
feeling they have to do "something" or just give up all hope.
This is why so many millions do not even bother to vote."
- Alton Raines protesteth, too much.
- Buried in the last century, his plight, is all that is
applicable, to him. He lost his job and livlihood, for a while. Big deal
(to him). He's still kicking and accusing , in a blanket fashion, anyone
who might fail to see how horribly, he personally, was hurt, by the 'McCarthy
era'. Others are ALL wicked extremists, who don't represent 'his' reality.
Protesters against the Iraq war, are, communist backed 'war resisters'.
That would be news to most of them! His quote: "It would be the same
today if some Senator decided to form an investigative committee against
all who protested the war in Iraq, based on the fact that most of the peace/anti-war
rallies were funded or organized by Communist organizations. Not so scary
in 2003,";but in his era, the best they could do.
- He makes up his own list of 'crimes', that he says, are
'unfortunately, unpunishable.' But Alton, will keep trying to nail these
'unpunished' with his last breath. Vengeance is his!
- "EVERYONE feared Communism (though it was simple
communism that saved this country during the great depression via FDR!)."
(Altons quote) That's nice, Alton, so you do have Marxist and communist
sympathies. So what's the big deal? You were asked those questions 50 years
ago, and you refused to answer. Yet now, you will admit, what you were
too cowardly to admit then. If your affiliations or intentions could bare
the light of day, why so stubourn and ashamed to admit them? Oh ya, it
would ruin your career. Well according to you, it did anyway. Yours and
others. It's NOT true, that the truth must be guarded by a bodyguard of
lies, as Mr. Churchill claimed. Of course lies and illusions are the lingua
franca, of Hollywood, arn't they? You can't help, but obfuscate and delude,
yourself, but you find it so evil, when others do it. You sound more like
a fascist zionist, then a communist, although they are all hypocrits. The
chosen can do no wrong, do as I say, not as I do, etc. Everything that
happens to you and a few chosen friends is what matters, the rest of 'em,
don't count. Then you belatedly bring them in to your arguments, when it
suits 'you'. All I hear, here, is me, me, me. You don't care about this
country or the people in it. You are the one who keeps insisting we divide
and conquer, all who don't agree with you.
- You make me want to learn much MORE about Senator McCarthy.
Thank you. My eyes are opening.
- Any ghoul who want's to rekill the dead , as much as
you do, must mean the subject is interesting.
Alton Raines
"I" was not alive when the McCarthy debacle took place. Nor do
I have friends who were harmed, though I have endeavored to educate myself
on the subject including reading the revisionistic views of late and I
have in my life spoken with people who lived through it and suffered its
consequences. Not a one of them had a communist bone in their bodies.
As a political conservative, I doubt I would have been a target of the
commission. Despite that, I can recognize right from wrong, which you clearly
cannot. But you want to deny that people were hurt or that the hurt wasn't
that bad. A blacklist against people who differed with McCarthy is no big
deal to you. A person of talent and skill no longer able to participate
in the American dream, no longer able to feed his family, shunned by society
because of the asinine suspicion of being a communist, means nothing to
you. I guarantee you'd be swalking to high heaven if it were a liberal
panel of PC-thinkers that did the same to you and your family!
- Who are YOU protecting with your ad hominem attacks of
ME for simply defending right-history? By the way, we have many "marxist"
and "communist" and "socialist" institutions in this
country, and many you likely -- or your children likely -- have taken advantage
of... public education, for one. Public libraries for another. But of course,
being one who fosters the ridiculous polarization of the people down liberal/conservative
lines, you'll go out of your way to attack me while admitting YOU need
to learn about the McCarthy era! Speaking from ignorance is.. well... ignorant.
But at least you desire to learn. PLEASE DO! By all means, read everything
you can on the subject, from both persepctives. And if you value Constitutional
liberties at all, and can recognize that your fellow citizen has all the
rights and protections under the Constitution that you do, and have the
ability to stand in another man's shoes to understand a situation (such
as those blacklisted and ruined by a gov't committee gone mad), maybe you'll
come to understand why the McCarthy era has left its indelible print on
our society, as much so as Watergate did (oddly enough, young Nixon was
a lackey of McCarthy).
Your comment about rekilling the dead smacks of "let bygones be bygones"...
to ignore history and be doomed to repeat it. Well, you're getting it,
thanks to the NeoCons with the current administration. the Constitution
is being burned before our very eyes in the name of homeland security.
Hope you don't step out of line and fall into the FBI's roster of "terrorist"
suspects (this includes Christians who believe in the end times and "lone
individualists"). If you do, you'll find you have no right to an attorney,
you'll not be read any "moranda" rights, you'll be tossed into
a jail cell and there you will remain, without any legal recourse or address
of grievance indefinitely. I guess so long as such is only happening to
"others" it's ok with you?
Welcome to the machine....!
McCarthy's Closed Door Hearings... what's to hide???
- For Alton...
- From Spacek
- Spacek@ameritech.net
- 5-17-3
- Alton,
- Forgive me, if I thought you were an old fossil defending
your ancient territory. You see, in one of your posts defending anti-McCarthyism,
you seemed to have dated yourself. I stand corrected.
- You see, your nostalgia for Jewish vaudeville dates
you to sometime, shortly after the entertainments in the Colliseum, of
lions eating Christians. Your a young hack steeped in communism, zionism
and facsism. All meaningless labels for mean-spirited, selfish people,
who get very testy, if they get challenged in their opinions.
- The American people are fooled over and over again, generation
to generation by Hellywoods foul lies and propaganda, most of it spewed
from Aryan and Jewish Zionists with communist sympathies. You know damn
well the Jewish cabal that rules Hellywood is a satanic conclave of people
with an evil agenda to destroy America, with race hatred, anti-Semitism
of real Arab Semites, as opposed to fake Khazar converso Jews and violence
against woman, children and men. Hellywood and fans sexualize everything
into a venereal psychosis, so that the youngest, most vulnerable Americans
are damaged, destroyed and pedophiled to death by sick, violent, sexist
movies. The violence against Gentile woman, especially, is very telling
about where perverted Jewish and non-Jewish minds dwell. The horror, rape,
perversion, foul murder and preoccupation of all things satanic, evil and
demonic, show where your true sympathies lie. Even Disney has been perverted
to Hellywoods degenerate ways. And you act like they've done absolutly
nothing to destroy America , its consciousness and the precious Constitution.
- I really agree with you here, the Constitution is being
massacred and those helping to do it are your labeled neo-cons. Many in
your precious entertainment industry make movies subverting America, it's
values, it's true history, they ridicule and joke about the most beautiful
ideals, liberties. And you whine about the few, in the past, while the
many now are under the worst attacks of our liberties, happiness and lives.
- I don't believe you when you say "Hope you don't
step out of line and fall into the FBI's roster of "terrorist"
suspects (this includes Christians who believe in the end times and "lone
individualists.") You surly do hope I step out of line and get everything
'you' think is coming to me and anyone else who thinks your full of baloney.
- As a political conservative, you better think again,
if you wouldn't be 'targeted'. Who the hell is 'safe' anymore? You keep
quaking about the neo-cons, the desecrated Constitution, that I polarize
things along liberal or conservative lines. I never mentioned them, you
did. Get a grip! I don't deny people were hurt by our government, it happens
all the time, throughout our short history (getting shorter).
- Hellywood is now trying try to ruin and destroy any who
speak out against the Iraq war, among celebrities with conscience and goodwill,
if they don't follow the zionist hellywood agenda. You 'elite' zionist
hellywood apologists have nothing to hold over Dr. Makow's head, look
in the mirror, look through the camera and dispell your hellywood delusions
and illusions. You are enemies of Truth, Love, decency, Christianity and
True Jews. True Jews are not evil disgusting perverts and destroyers of
youth, women or men. Arts and Entertainment is no beacon of honor, and
niether are you, Alton Raines.
- L. Spacek
For Spacek
from Alton Raines
You see, you're incapable, it seems, of discerning individual truths and
morals, and prattle off throwing labels around and scapegoating everyone
under the sun, me included! If I oppose the abuse of government and media
powers like McCarthy did, and take exception to his being praised as a
"hero" by revisionists who are ignoring the true historical ramifications
of the era, then I simply MUST be a leftist, a commie, or a sympathizer
of Zionism (not hardly!) and a supporter of Hollyweird and all its perversions.
Nothing could be further from the truth! I think you and I would agree
on a lot more than we would disagree on, but the present polarization has
us fighting one another and not the issues that need to be addressed. But
why for the life of me you would either defend or consider what Sen. McCarthy
did as trivial by simply lopping it off as a ho-hum no-big-deal "happen
all the time" moment in history is mind boggling. Can't you recognize
the evil in your own camp? I certainly do, and it's high time as conservatives
who value our Constitutional liberties to make a stand for a distinct moral
certainty people can count on and look to with favor, not shame. And not
some bloated bullshit hyper-nationalism that will do nothing but turn this
country into another Nazi Germany. Look at the idiots presently figureheading
conservative values and decency. If they're not corrupt, they're self-serving
politicians, if not self-serving politicians they're semi-retarded and
if not semi-retarded they're wolves in sheeps clothing. They're sucking
up to NeoCon control and losing grip on the values that have the ability
to preserve this nation, exchanging the truth for a lie, simply because
the lie sells better to a populace mentally raped by media to accept the
most patently ludicrous concepts imaginable as the political "reality."
But it ISN'T reality. Convinced there are only two paths, the people are
herded into these two lanes and the outcome is the same no matter which
they choose.
The fact that you DON'T believe I'm sincere when I say I hope you don't
become a victim of the growing clampdown only demonstrates how polarized
the situation truly is. While people like you feel the need to defend scum
like McCarthy (I think simply for fear of being labeled a liberal), the
whole system is crashing down around us. McCarthy represents a shameful
moment in history to be remembered, a lesson learned. It's as important
a lesson as anything Orwell could ever encapsulate into a fiction in order
to put a match to tyranny, in all its forms. The only hope left is for
people to honestly and rightly assess history and avoid repeating it, and
to teach righteousness, not self-serving self-righteousness that has skeletons
to hide every step of the way. That's not going to happen with the current
polarization, which will only splinter and re-splinter every faction again
and again until they are harmless against the tyranny to come.
- I don't see that tyranny coming from the left, I see
it coming from the right. At one time it appeared that the left posed a
serious threat, but no more. It's George W. Bush and his ilk that are having
a field day with the Constitution in the name of 'homeland defense', while
the gov't itself terrorizes the people, not a bunch of yammering, paganized
hollywood megalomaniacs who think themselves political avatars to the so-called
"enlightened". They are a powerless bunch of losers who only
care about keeping their name in the press. The real danger is sitting
in the seat of power already, and the NeoCons above and around them pulling
the strings for Zionist profit and power, sitting back absolutely thrilled
that you and I are at each other's throats instead of allied against them.
The Big Brother to fear is a rightist fascist power, not a lame leftist
socialist construct which has seen its hayday and been found lacking. They
are wrapping Jesus Christ in the bars and stripes and packaging a new gospel
of hatred, suspicion and ridiculous intolerance for justice in the name
of "not being a liberal" that will result in nothing but a final
capitulation to the NWO. And they will use McCarthyistic tactics, among
others, to achieve their goals. For this reason, McCarthy should remain
vilified, remembered, and scrutinized as a terror upon a free people, no
matter who or what the adversary.