Patterns Of SARS-Like
Illness At Northern CA Hospital

From Astraea Kelly

Angie xxxxxx requested that I speak with you about a pattern we are seeing in our patients at Kaiser Hospital, Vallejo, CA. I am a respiratory therapist (20 years in the field) and I have been working for the past 30 days, almost exclusively, with our "atypical" pneumonia patients. Ninety to ninety-five percent of the patients I have had since March 9th on my documentation records, have had the following patterns of presentation and outcomes:
Sudden Shortness of Breath, fevers of 100.4 to 102.2 documentable. Pneumonia with ARDS developing in most. Many have gone into liver and kidney failures, have pleural effusions or cardiac effusions, have had unknown etiology of sepsis arising more often in the last 2 weeks and have needed ventilator support (both invasive and non invasive) for hypoxia.
Some of my staff members say the pattern was visible to them in ICU as long as 6 weeks ago. I was aware of it 4 weeks to 5 weeks ago. At first the patients presented with a viral pneumonia pattern. Their WBC were low 4,000 to 2,000. We started seeing adults with RSV in their sputums. Those were placed in isolation, but NOTnecessarily negative pressure isolation, immediately and our hospital staff was exposed to them without isolation while diagnosis and sputums were made and gathered. Then we saw a bacterial presentation coming. The bacterial pneumonias were frequently gram negative rods, but not pseudomonas. Some were Maxilla pneumonia in the sputum. There were no Influenza A or B in the sputums. RBC were all over the board on the patients from high to low and we had clotting factors lowered. ABG's showed mostly metabolic acidosis with hypoxia of moderate to severe in the ICU cases.
At first the patients were able to ambulate in for care, then they came Code 2, then in last three weeks many are coming respiratory or full arrest and intubated in the ER or transferred from other facilities after arrest in ER. The ARDS patterns develop quickly, within 8-14 hours. The Xrays are nodule in patterns and grainy. Then we had a rash of intestinal bleeding developing the patterns. Then we had intestinal necrosis. Many of our patients started going into pulmonary edema or liver failure on the surgery tables. Our mortality rate has become very high now with these patients. We are needing more tracheotomies done. They require paralyzing agents on the ventilators and large amounts of morphine for sedation or we can't control their high respiratory rates. Sometimes up to 20mg bolus to sedate.
At first we were weaning successfully in high numbers and only losing, by my estimate, of 4-6 percent of the mechanically ventilated patients. Then it got longer to wean, our success to death ratio started going 50/50. It may be worse now. Then our weaned and improving patients started to rapidly deteriorate and die after we thought they were doing better and had transferred some ICU patients to TCU and floor care. They started returning within 8-12 hours in arrest suddenly. We have lost 20 patients in the last 30 days on one shift alone, that we can track as respiratory therapists trying to watch our patterns. We have lost count of the total deaths in one month. It has become VERY disturbing. I have never seen a pneumonia season like this in 20 years in the field. It is a very late season for flu. We usually end our flu season in March, not increase it.
We do have abnormally high amounts of rain and wet weather this year in our area. However, we are not seeing yeast or asprigillias in the sputums or "balls or fluff" on Xray. Our physicians have ruled all of these patients as NOT SARS. Most were not in any isolation until just recently as mortality increased and we then moved to more contact isolation ....usually with the diarrhea patients. Those showed a pattern of C Diff. in the stools, but not all of them.
Our nurses and respiratory therapists(especially) have reported feelingvery abnormally tired after working with these patients. It is difficult and exhausting in 8 hours and many of us have cut our extra hours or overtime because we just don't feel that well ourselves after a shift. At first, the patients were older in their 60-80's. Then they got younger and now we have had a teenager and someone in their 20's severely ill. They were compromised with other illnesses underlying. It looks like whatever organ was weak to begin with, was the cause of death or ultimate failure. HIV did the worst. TB history was also a high mortality. Cancers were hit hard, even with a 5 year free of cancer history. We had alot of people with history of chronic fatigue syndrome and muscular sclerosis. Cardiac patients usually died. We started having recently DIC in patients with unknown origin sepsis. We have had several nights in the last two weeks where we are losing 3 or 4 ICU patients per 8 shift at a time with this same pattern.
Our hospital does have suspected SARS from their criteria, of outside of the US travel. It has only been in the last week that we have opened that isolation criteria up to the U.S. for SARS diagnosis without KNOWN contact with a SARS patient or a health care worker directly inside an isolation room becoming sick. This has ignored secretion spreads possible.
I am going to forward my personal numbers of patients that I worked with that had this SARS-LIKE, but non SARS diagnosed pattern that I have my notes for. Symptoms of above description "odd pattern".
58 since March 9th (these are just mine). This is far from all the patients that I have seen with this, but those I can verify by record and name if needed. I would call them "SARS-LIKE." We only have 3 SARS suspects listed in Napa/Solono county, although our SARS isolation rooms have been quit I don't who is in there taking up the space. I personally know of 20 deaths in the last 30 days of this pattern. We have NO deaths listed anywhere in the U.S. as SARS deaths. We have a journalist who is working with 4 other health care workers reporting the same patterns in their patients in the Bay Area. They are unknown to me and I to them.
I don't know which hospitals they are from; they wish to remain non disclosed. One is working in a hospital that has children as patients and says that their mortality is matching. They have also lost 20 patients MANY who are children to this same pattern in the last month. I can not personally confirm that report ..but I can refer you to the journalist who has that report to them and is holding the health care worker as a confidential source at this time.
I am afraid I have also gotten sick with the pattern and become document on this Saturday as a "confidential" diagnosis ...confidential even to me. I was not given my diagnosis, it is listed only by screening physician name. And I was required to sign that I had a diagnosis, but that was it....."screening physician name". My symptoms were diarrhea for 3 days, severe right lower quadrant abdominal pain, stools more than 7 times a day for 3 days, fever (not shown to me at the clinic) but 100 degrees during the day and up to 101 at night for a day and a half, (now normal). Hypertension of BP 149/89 sitting and 169/98 immediately standing. Thready pulse. And mild hypoxia by pulse oximetry of 90 to 87 percent sat at rest. and 93 percent while standing.
My normal saturation is 98 percent. My peak flows were only 250l/min at my best effort........I have been 550l/min that's half. My lungs were dry sign of pneumonia on auscultation. I had a mostly dry hacking cough and abnormally more frequent sneezing times a week with occasional white thick sputum. No labs or Xrays were taken in my screening. My ears and throat were checked.......but I do not know what was seen by the physician.
So it appears to be a "clinical" diagnosis of "confidential" without supporting labs. I was referred to follow up with my regular physician and told told the symptoms of distress were usually lasting 3 days to a week. I was not instructed to self quarantine, but I have tried to do so anyway. My travel history was taken and I was questioned on who I live with (a non-issue) who would have had these symptoms. The only people who have had them that I have been in contact with, have been my patients.
I hope this is helpful to you.
The demographics of the patients were that they were mostly defense contractors or retired, engineers, chemical engineers, veterans (retired) or their spouses. Not all ..but the majority of the patients fit this social/working class group.
One was an embassy diplomat, and was one was a scientist in defense. One was an RN, but she was on disability and had recent surgery and was in the outpatient clinics often. No doctors that I am aware of. No staff members dying that I am aware of. I don't know if any other of our staff members have had a "confidential" diagnosis or not for this symptom pattern. For 2 weeks in March and early April all of our ICU physicians were not present for the whole weekend and took calls at home only. I suspected they had placed themselves in a home quarantine situation, but I have no confirmation of that.
We seem to be abnormally reluctant to discuss from physician to staff that we have ANY pattern and the physicians or administration or managers have been most unhappy when I or any other staff attempts to broach this subject with them.
Most of this SARS-LIKE pattern was not in any isolation, contact isolation at best. We have this same presenting pattern throughout our community in the North Bay is my understanding from my manager and from our phsyicians who confirm that concept. The two other cases of Suspected SARS patients that I have read their chart on, were heath care workers also from different facilities in this area. They are both doing well. It is our NON-sars patients who are dying.
Astraea Kelly
Respiratory Therapist
From Name on File
Hello. I live in the Sacramento area and on May 4th, heard some shocking information from my girlfriend. My girlfriend's sister is a nurse at a major hospital here and according to her sister, there were 4 patients who were treated for SARS (not SARS-like treatments, but SARS). Some of those treated were transferred from Roseville and were in isolation units, with doctors and nurses having to wear special gear. I was pretty skeptical, and shrugged off the information at first and was persuaded (by a friend I told the story to) that hospital staff/newspapers wouldn't hide information like that and that it would be immediately in the papers. It would benefit the public to know about and contain SARS right? Or maybe not... It has been a week, and I still have seen no official mention or heard anything else about it. I myself am frequently in hospitals as I make many deliveries - and I have noticed the past couple weeks that some regular rooms in various hospitals have signs on the doors saying you can not enter. I even overheard two nurses whisper (as I attempted to enter one of the rooms) that no one was allowed in without full gear. Today, I briefly saw my girlfriend's sister myself and tried asking her about the SARS cases, and she acknowledged that patients had been treated for SARS but had fully recovered and been released, but would not divulge any more information - as if she wasn't supposed to talk about it. She didn't treat the patients herself, as they weren't in her section, but she did see the rooms. I see no reason why she would lie about SARS, so, I fully believe it is already here in Sacramento and that this information is being kept secret from the public.



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