Former KGB Head to Work
for Homeland Defense
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt,

IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Most of the information in two articles "Former Russian Prime Minister/ex-KGB Head to Work for Homeland Security and "Ex-KGB Heads Hired to Help Spy on Americans" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt must be attributed solely to Al Martin and to his National Liberty Press since I have not yet been able to obtain documentation from U.S. Government sources. Al Martin's original article "Get Ready for the Sovietization of America" which provoked this writer to respond, appeared in the 4/21/03 issue of American Free Press. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, author, "the deliberate dumbing down of america...A Chronological Paper Trail", and "Soviets in the Classroom...America's Latest Education Fad",
Most of us are aware of the Reece Committee Hearings in 1953 during which Norman Dodd was told by the President of the Ford Foundation that the Foundation received its orders from the White House on how it should spend its tax-exempt monies. The orders were to spend the money to change America so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union (Lenin's international government, being implemented right now) President Eisenhower was President at the time, and in 1958 signed the first agreements with the Soviet Union at the peak of the Cold War, in various areas, including space, education, medicine, arts, etc. In 1985 President Reagan signed the most extensive education agreements at the same time the Carnegie Corporation signed agreements with the Soviet Academy of Science.
The neoconservatives did everything possible to keep this information from the American people. About fifty patriotic Americans contributed $5000 to purchase a one-page ad in The Washington Times which explained what had happened. Four years later the President of America's Future, the late Robert Morris (who had been the counsel for the Congressional Committee investigating communism in the schools in the early fifties...was a good friend of the late Bella Dodd's) upon assuming his new job, found an article I had written in the inbox of the former President of America's Future, and called me, shocked, needless to say. He had no knowledge Ronald Reagan had signed these agreements. He immediately published my article "Soviets in the Classroom...America's Latest Education Fad" in 1989, four years after the fact.
Much has transpired since that time with Soviet police working with American police in the subways, American and Russian army divisions conducting joint peacekeeping exercises in 1993, etc., etc. The National Republican Senatorial Committee, which works to elect GOP candidates to the U.S. Senate, even went so far in 1993 as to invite Gorbachev to be a speaker at one of its fund-raising luncheons.
So, should we be surprised at the news covered in the American Free Press, April 21, 2002, entitled "Get Ready for the Sovietization of America" by Al Martin, author of The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider"? Martin's article reveals that the former Russian Premier and head of the KGB (the secret police of the former Soviet Union), Gen. Yevgeni Primakov, has been hired as a consultant by the Department of Homeland Security. Of interest also, according to an article in the April 21, 2003 issue of The New American entitled "Our enemy, Our Ally" by William Norman Grigg, is fact that Primakov is a close friend of Saddam Hussein.
[GOOGLE search engine gives following ( partial) info re Primakov:
Born in 1929 in Kiev, Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union. Was raised in Tbilisi, the capitol of Soviet Georgia. His parents were Jews. As a young man he changed his name to Primakov from Finkelstein. He attended Moscow's Institute of Oriental Studies.]
Enough said. I wonder if this news will be covered by Human Events, which refused to publish my article exposing the Reagan-Gorbachev agreements in 1985, or by National Review, or The Washington Times, or will it be covered by the likes of Limbaugh and Fox News? Don't hold your breath.
American Free Press website is, telephone is 202-544-5977.New American website is:, telephone is 920-749-3784. Al Martin's website is:
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt,



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