An Arab's View Of The
Riyadh Bombings
From Moment Of Truth

Greetings from the soon to be declared no man's land,
I have been a fan of your sites for years (even before 9 /11) and I want you to know that what you're doing is more important and it has further reaching implications than you might possibly imagine. The conspiracy against humanity is now clear and the best way to resist is to spread awareness amongst our fellow human beings. I encourage you to keep up the good work. Who knows how long you are going to be able to do it...
I am writing you today from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia regarding the terrorist incidents that took place here last night which I am sure you have heard off. I just got back form offering my condolences to the families of my two childhood school mates who got blown to smithereens in the incident. The death toll is currently at 91 the majority of which are not American (only 10 Americans) and many were locals. Powell and the Saudi Interior Minister are already declaring "the fingerprints of al-qaeda" which sounds all too familiar. Frankly, I have no Idea how they can make such an assertion so early in the investigation considering the bodies of the perpetrators where blown to bits and pieces. Sounds familiar? Regardless, I am an Arab and a Muslim and I urge you to publish this to relay the message from our point of view.
First: I have lived here for the majority of my life and I do not believe there has ever been so called anti-American, Anti-christian or anti-western sentiment brewing at any class of society. On the contrary, the government and people in this part of the mid-east have often been accused of being too "Americanized" and pro American. I personally as most people here have many American/Christian/westerner friends. Most people have traveled to America for study and leisure and most people drive American cars and buy American products. You are more likely to find American fast food chains here than in the US. The point is that there is no "natural" tension as they would have you believe between Arab/Muslims and American/westerner/Christians. It is all manufactured on purpose! as the old divide and conquer strategy which has been so effective against humanity for far too long. We are all being fed this "clash of civilization" BS as part of a psychological warfare (psy op) operation against humanity to keep us afraid of each other and keep us divided. And thus turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy. Fear is being used as weapon to subjugate humanity by those who have known for centuries the profound effect it has on breaking the will and logical reasoning ability of human beings.
Second: I am sure you will agree that the timing of this incident is highly suspect in light of the recent developments concerning the declaration by the US government officials that the United States is pulling out of Saudi Arabia. Why would anyone in their right mind commit something like this against forces who have already declared that they are leaving? If you ask the basic questions: Who has motive? Who Benefits? You are likely to point your finger in a different direction from who they would have you believe are the culprits. Word on the street already is that the local authorities are not conviced that this is the work of alqaeda but are going along with the official story because it is convenient. In fact, if anyone's "fingerprints" are on this it is that of a certain "foreign intelligence apparatus" which has a long history and track record of executing major terrorist operations and making it look like it was done by whomever they choose. They have been doing this for so long and have so much experience in it they have it down to an art. In fact, they are so good at what they do they can arrange for patsies and scapegoats to be in the right place at the right time. Just like 9/11 this thing is being spinned probably by the perpetrators themselves to justify invasion, occupation and exploitation of a sovereign country. The old Hegelian dialectic. The Problem-reaction-solution swindle.
Third: If you are crazy and fanatic enough to commit something like this, why on earth would you do it to an innocent civilian target which has many local residents when it is not much more difficult to target some sort of American military or government installation who I might add are not much more protected here?! You would definitely deliver your message more effectively and would certainly be justified by public opinion instead of perpetuating the negative image fundamentalists already have amongst the population here and everywhere for that matter. In addition, why wouldn,t you claim responsibility for it to make your point?
Fourth: I am sure many are aware of the interesting "official" warnings being issued by the US authorities only days before the incident regarding the risk of terrorist operations against westerners and particularly Americans being at it's "peak in Saudi Arabia". The timing of these warnings and the urgent manner which they were delivered set off all kinds of alarms in my head considering that they were issued after the withdrawal declaration by the US Government. What puzzles me is if they were such great fortune tellers and they knew for sure that something was about to happen, then why on earth didn't they gaze just a little closer into their crystal ball and find out the time and place. Does it really make sense to know something with such certainty but yet know so little about it? better yet, why the heck didn't they at least take extra precautions for it? There are simply too many anomalies in this thing. Enough to suggest foreknowledge or even complicity! Sounds familiar?
Fifth: The timing of Powell's visit to Riyadh where he had just come from Israel intending to exert pressure on Saudi Arabia to push through this so called "road map" for middle East Peace at the expense of the Palestinians is just too coincidental to swallow. Add to that the barage of US government spokespersons and "political analysts" declarations on the mass media immediately after the incident calling for the necessaty to protect and guard American lives and interests in the Saudi Arabia. Could this possibly give the US Government a better bargaining position? or am I just a paranoid nutcase here?
Sixh: The fact that this is a frame up for the same old bearded/Arab/terrorist fundamentalist is hardly new. In fact it is getting so old that we ought to be getting just a little wiser by now. I guarantee you that nowhere in the most radical or twisted brand of Islamic teachings is the slaughter of innocent men, women and children civilians being sanctioned. On the contrary, history reveals the war practice of Islamic teachings through the well documented crusades how the Arab/Muslim armies treated the civilians and even plants and animals. This is pure historical fact and is reflected in the authentic Islamic teachings for those who bother to check.
Finally: What is brewing here and everywhere else in the world for that matter is not anti-Americanism/Judaism/Christianity but anti-colonialism and anti-terrorism. It is a natural primal reaction when people feel a bulls eye being painted on their back and that they are in the crosshairs of the most ruthless, brutal and evil cabal of organized criminals in the history of mankind whose ends justify any means necessary. A force that is truly international in scope. It knows no national, ethnic or religious boundaries and is hell bent on exploiting the major economic and military powers in the world as cannon fodders for it's cause. They have evidently hijacked the majority of sovereign world governments and they are just as willing to sacrifice the United States of America and it's people as they are Israel or any other nation or people to achieve their age old dream of international World Government. It is about time we all just wake up and smell the paradigm shift. There are much more of us than there are of them and they couldn't possibly get a way with any of this if we didn't let them!
Thanks and regards,
Moment of truth


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