The Truth Is
Somewhere In The Middle
By Jim Mortellaro

Hitler on his Invasion of Poland ... "We will return Bomb for Bomb!"
But the Poles dropped no bombs. So much for truth. Now for more untruth ...
Feeble minded people, lemmings and other assorted detritus of the United States of America ... read and think!
Do you recall reading (right here on Rense) about "Urban Warfare" being conducted in United States Cities? Do you also recall that these "Urban War Games" as the Military called it, were conducted during the _last_ presidential administration? I refer, of course, to President Clinton (although I use the word 'president' rather loosely), I refer to the Clinton Misadministration, you know, the one where our technology wound up in the hands of our purported enemies? China? North Korea? Surely you must recall that administration.
Well, the practice of practicing urban warfare may have paid dividends in this administration's present war on Iraq.
The purpose of war is usually money ... greenbacks ... moola. But both the Bush administrations seem to be practicing and testing our military's capability to wage war on cities. What cities may these be? Iraq's? Some not so obscure Asian City?  One wonders.
Perhaps this is nothing more than the need for our military to garner experience fighting this kind of warfare. One then must wonder why the need to do so. I for one am beginning to consider more insidious possibilities.  Either we had been practicing war games with foreknowledge that we would be waging a war on such urban areas as Iraq, or other urban foreign cities ... or worse, our own?
Why would our own military and the military of other nations and entities which were observed within our borders, be engaged in war games through several administrations? Is this a conspiracy on the part of the military, some unilateral decision to do these maneuvers, or is it a conspiracy among the intelligencia, the real rulers of this nation and world?
If one were to think clearly about our presence in Iraq, using the intellect God gave you, one would be questioning a good deal these days. For example, the reasons given (initially) for invading Iraq were to expose and destroy 'weapons of mass destruction.'  After a short period of time the reason changed, the new propaganda, the newspeak, was that this was a war of "liberation." From whom? An already dead Saddam? Dead from one good jolt (admittedly, he should have been taken down in 1991) during Gulf One. Dead from evisceration, from stripping down of his ability to wage war, of his ability to earn money to support his obligations as a result of the rules imposed on him by the UN. It was just a matter of time one way or another, for Saddam to be exposed and deposed, perhaps a lot more peacefully than this time around.
The end result of this war is that there has been discovered, to date, not one shred of evidence that there are WMD on Iraqi soil. And if there are, these weapons are either well hidden and/or in short, ineffective supply. Ineffective in terms of being dangerous to anyone but the Iraqi's who must handle the stuff.
What of his ability to develop, garner or use, nuclear weaponry? What of Iraq's obvious lack of ability to wage war? What of the fact that whatever resistance there is to our invasion, it is relatively inconsequential except as a locally dangerous annoyance. This tells my brain that there was no real reason to invade.
True, Saddam has made on hell of a life for himself. Homes as elaborate as can be. With the furniture covered in what looks a lot to me like Brunschwig et Fils very expensive furniture coverings and drapery materials. True, his lifestyle has taken from his own people and given to himself. True, he is a murdering SOB without apparent human feelings; a genuine sociopath. True he has been known to whup out his .45 and shoot someone on the spot for not doing something according to the gospel of Saddam. And further true that he has been responsible for the horrid torture and death of countless innocents. More than the so-called 'coalition' will kill in this war. Many more.
But are these valid reasons to invade? I won't answer that question. I am not a moralist, nor am I equipped to judge in this case. I do not have the entire story. Only the administration has the complete story and they appear not to be sharing.
So here we are, "Stuck Inside of Baghdad with the Memphis Blues Again."  Maybe we will make the people of Iraq happier than they are now. But it will detract from our own humanity in the eyes of the world, our reputation as a moral and righteous nation. Most especially in the eyes of Arab peoples, not to mention our own "allies."
And who is next? Iran? Syria? North Korea? US?  I don't know. However one thing has become self evident, we've been exposed to massive propaganda, and I don't refer to the fool who now speaks daily from Iraq about how the Republican Guard has destroyed our soldiers. I mean our own "New Speak!" The newspeak of the media, who buys into this nonsense as if it were obvious truth, absolute truth! The newspeak of our government, which changes it's raison d'etre faster than a speeding bullet. The newspeak of the talking heads, the newspeak of Conservative talk show hosts ... the newspeak which bombards us endlessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Yes, I am a conservative. But I am a Constitutional Conservative. My politics demands the destruction of politicians as they exist today ... and the self serving politics they practice. They are worse than Saddam in my view, because they've consistently destroyed our Constitution, the bastards.
And we buy into it all. Lemmings.  Feebs. Fools. Listen and learn. Not "listen and fall for it!"
It's about time that Americans woke up.  Anyone who either fully supports or fully rejects this war is among the fools, the feebs, the lemmings. Because they are buying into extremis instead of buying into truth; the truth which rests in peace somewhere in your own conscience. Seek it out and when found, support that.
Jim Mortellaro
Alien Views



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