SARS Infection
Projections To 6-30-03

From Robert Lee

Hi, Jeff...
I am including 2 .pdf files that have graphs that project the SARS epidemic growth between March 17, 2003 to June 30, 2003. The graphs show that by the end of June, assuming that the disease continues to grow in a manner similiar to how it has grown between March 17, 2003 to April 1, 2003, there will be slightly over 15,000 cases of SARS worldwide by June 30, 2003, and there will have been about 550 people that will have died from SARS by June 30, 2003. I am assuming that the disease growth is following a linear model (this is where the numbers come from in the charts). If, however, the disease really breaks out and follows a logarithmic/exponential model, these numbers will be lower than actual, particularly after June 3, 2003. Should the actual number of cases start to steadily fall below the predicted number of cases, this effect could be considered as a measure of how disease-prevention efforts worldwide are "stemming the tide." I send these charts to you to share, if you wish, with your readers so to have some idea of the projected increase and subsequent possible impact of SARS cases throughout the world day-by-day from March 17, 2003 until June 30, 2003. The ADOBE .pdf files have been scanned and are free of virus infection.
Bob Lee
AIDS: An Explosion of the Biological Time Bomb?





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