=(AFP) -- Two Palestinian militants from the radical Islamic
group Hamas were killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops in central
Bethlehem, relatives of the slain men said W ednesday.
The two men were identified as Nader Jarawish, 35, and Ala Ayad, 24, from
the refugee camp of Aida in this southern West Bank town.
Both men were wanted by the Israeli security forces, relatives said.
Two other Palestinians were killed in the same shooting -- the 28-year-old
driver of the car the two militants were in, and a 10-year-old girl who
was travelling in a car behind which was accidentally hit.
But the army claimed that all three men in the car, including the driver,
were Hamas activists who had opened fire on an undercover army unit operating
in the area.
"The force returned fire towards the car and during the clashes, another
car appeared on the scene and was hit," the army said in a statement.
According to the statement, Ayad was a Hamas explosives engineer who was
directly responsible for recruiting and sending the suicide bomber who
blew himself up on a bus in Jerusalem last November, killing 12 passengers,
most of them women and children.
Commenting on the death of the little girl, the army said she and three
other Palestinians in the second car were taken for treatment at an Israeli
hospital but that she died from her injuries on the way from the scene.
"The Israel Defence Forces regrets the injury of innocent civilians,"
the statement said, saying that an investigation into the incident was
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