GRU Totals Of US/UK
Killed, Missing, Wounded

A Reader Advises  
I decided to add up all the figures reported by the Russian GRU link (with a few number-roundings) and I get the following numbers as up to the Russian GRU report dated 5th April:
USA: Killed 255, Missing 92, Wounded 785, POW 15, Lost mechanical 131, Lost aircraft 22 (not including unserviceable equipment reported from sand storms, breakdowns, etc.).
UK: Killed 61, Missing 38, Wounded 161, POW 15, Lost mechanical 25, Lost aircraft 4 (not including unserviceable equipment reported from sand storms, breakdowns, etc.).
Iraq: Killed 1460, Missing N/A, Wounded 800, POW 985, Lost mechanical 287, Lost aircraft N/A (not including unserviceable equipment reported from sand storms, breakdowns, etc.).



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