Frightful Speculations

By Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD

At the risk of not being taken seriously, I wish to dwell on the following speculations. Though speculations entirely, rhetoric and actions from the official circles as well as events that have taken place raises this matter from pure speculation to one that justifies discourse.
I am referring to two movies I watch, compelling me to embark on this short speculative commentary. In the year 1999, a movie, ëSiegeí, was introduced to cinemas and theaters all over the United States. It boggled the mind of many Americans as well as others. Having seen and heard news and images of suicide bombers on television on daily basis, people in this country wondered and could not imagine the sheer magnitude of such a disaster unveiling upon the United States. Tragically, more than a year after the introduction of the movie, ëSiegeí, we witnessed horrific scenes of the planes diving into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.
Incidentally, in 2002, I decided to watch another frightful movie, 'The Sum of All Fears'. Indeed, its name suffices to illustrate the magnitude of horror and fear it depicts in the mind of the audience. It becomes an unimagined display of disaster in oneís mind after watching this film. The theme of the movie was a fascist group conspiring to start global nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia. The group in question smuggles a nuclear device into an American port, Maryland, I believe. Incidentally, the nuclear device is portrayed as one discovered in the Arabian Desert supposedly from an Israeli aircraft that had crashed in 1973 before it was used against some Arab State.
Anyway, to make the story short, recently, I came across an interview from an individual, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a true Zionist, even though, he was born Muslim in Pakistan, Mansoor Ijaz. On February 21, 2003, Times of India published an article, 'Belly of the Eagle: Bin Ladenís final Attack?' The article states:
"Osama Bin Laden is promising martyrdom in one final act of terror, aimed at the heart of America, 'the belly of the eagle'."
The article continues by making sense of the above-mentioned sentence through an interview with this character Mansoor Ijaz:
"According to Pakistani-American insider Mansoor Ijaz, Bin Laden and al-Qaeda may be getting ready to discharge some deadly cargo at an American port, a detonated nuclear device."
"In an unnerving account written for the Weekly Standard that has US intelligence and security analysts sweating, Ijaz says past events show al-Qaeda has unmatched expertise in explosives and maritime attacks. The only things missing are plutonium and nuclear expertise.
Ijaz says Bin Laden may be filling in the gap right now with help from renegade North Korea and US ally, Pakistan."
The article in question cites a quote from Mansoor Ijaz on this subject further clarifying this issue:
"In a worst case scenario, al-Qaeda could construct a crude but effective nuclear device in weeks, if not a month, from Hezbollah C4, North Korean plutonium, and a little nuclear expertise from disaffected Pakistani scientists,"
Ijazr says, and, he adds,
"Add to this troubling possibility the fact that the terror group has resorted to the use of seafaring vessels to move its people around, and now has a fleet large and diverse enough that one or two could seamlessly move into a large harbour [sic] or congested waterway undetected, and a picture emerges of an unparalleled potential threat to the global economy from the paralysis that could be caused by a crude plutonium bomb exploding in the belly of an al-Qaeda ship with Bin Laden onboard"
It is worth mentioning that Mansoor Ijaz was actively involved in negotiation between Taliban and the United States, and he has served in various capacities eager to betray anyone to please his masters, Bush and the Zionist Cabal.
After I read this interview, I remembered the movie that I watched 'The Sum of All Fears'. In the movie, a nuclear device arrives at a US port, Maryland, I believe and was detonated and caused the loss of millions. Someone might say, so what?
For a minute I thought about it the same way until frightful thoughts emerged in my mind, what if all this is a preparation for an upcoming horror intended to prepare the American public for the worse case scenario. After all, remember the complicity of the Bush administration in the attacks of 911? A complete stand-down of the United States Air Force was ordered, false evidence was planted and nine out of the 19 alleged hijackers found alive in their respective countries, all points to the involvement of elements within this administration in complicity with some foreign state in the attacks of 911.
After all, any such horror as depicted by elements of this administration, would mean the end of the world, as we know it. It will undoubtedly bring upon us the ëlong-awaitedí world government. Imagine who would stand in front of the US administration if a disaster of such magnitude occurred. Remember the days after the tragedy of September 11th when 3000 people lost their lives, the whole world gave in to the demands of the United States. No one would dare to challenge the US if it lost 2 million people in a nuclear holocaust. The Cabalís long awaited Zionist-led goal would be fulfilled and the ëclash of civilizationsí would come to an end.
Frightful speculations, indeed. I certainly hope that I would be utterly wrong, however, with the pace of global events, it appears to me that September the eleventh is not going to be the disasters, but rather the beginning of disaster to come?
May Allah help us all!



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