Patient With SARS
Diagnosed In Virginia

From Patricia Doyle, PhD

This just in...
Chesapeake General Hospital Patient Diagnosed With Deadly Flu
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that a patient admitted to Chesapeake General Hospital meets all the criteria for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The emergency room attending doctor became concerned when he learned of the patient's recent travels to parts of Asia where most of the initial cases of SARS have occurred. The patient was immediately placed in isolation. A handful of staff members who were exposed to the patient have been notified and are being monitored. No patient was at risk
Hello Jeff - I like the way the medical profession says that NO patients at Chesapeake General were at risk of contracting SARS. The medical staff who cared for the patient have been told of the situation and are being monitored.
As always, no need to worry!
I think tall hospitals, at this time, should ask arriving ER patients if they had recently visited Asia specifically, areas of SARS infection. Even if a patient is presenting with nonspecific SARS symptoms, it is a good idea to find out if the patient had been in Asia within 2 or 3 weeks. Of course, that would make too much sense. If a patient was in Asia within the time frame, they should automatically be isolated and staff take proper precautions.



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