Chemtrails - JP8 Tungsten
Jet Fuel - Leukemia Clusters
From George Holden

Bingo ! This is becoming obvious to all of us who have done our homework over the last several years. Here's an opportunity to chip away at part of the jet-aerosol chaff operations via concerned citizens coalitions that are working against Leukemia clusters globally+gulf war vets. There's a growing constituency within these groups mounting globally. Now's the time more than ever to network with the Leukemia+Gulf War groups and concerned citizens abroad if you create the time. This is may be our last chance. Yes, the aerosols tie in with DARPA and biologicals.......taggant weapons.....
I contacted Dee Lewis, activist grassroots organizer of C.R.I. (Citizens Response Initiative), a resident leading grass-roots investigation of the Calvine-Florin area's cancer incidence via JP8-tungsten. Lewis is leading a grass-roots community effort to find the reasons behind a spate of leukemia and lymphoma cases in and around her subdivision just north of Elk Grove, CA. Driven by a sense that something is amiss in the local environment, Lewis has not accepted "random occurrence" as an answer. After the Sacramento Bee article came out last weekend I decided it was time to contact her.  She lives about 20 minutes away from me and we're meeting this Saturday for the first time.
There's a small airport (Sacramento Executive Airport) due south , approx about 5 miles of where Hope and I live and just slightly southwest 3 miles of where the Leukemia clusters are in Dee Lewis' neighborhood.
I have seen KC-135 and KC 150 tanker planes come from this direction directly overhead north since 1999 (actual ops 1996), spraying aerosol chaff cloud shielding that lingered for hours. My thoughts? These jets are dumping fuel near landing at the airports around these homes. There's no JP8 fuel lines running through the Elk Grove neighborhood. Tungsten has been found in tree samples near the Leukemia clusters.What else? Spraying on our children,animals, farm crops and water?  Tungsten was not found in the earlier tree ring samples as mentioned in the URL below until recently.  There was a note below:
Tungsten is used to harden turbine blades in jet engines, Aluminum Oxide is an abrasive. If Aluminum Oxide was being directly injected into jet engines. NOTE: aluminum, oxides are confirmed in use within numerous govt documents on aerosol chaf
Human and Environmental Health Issues Related to Use of Radio Frequency Chaff
Edward Teller's 'Global Warming Mitigation' plan utilizing 100 tons of aluminum oxide
sprayed via aerosols as a reflective shield against the sun and ozone hole caused by
greenhouse gases. In addition, it is estimated that the U.S. Armed Forces dispense about
500 tons of aluminum chaff per year (USAF 2001), with most (but not all) aluminum chaff
being released during training exercises within the continental United States (conservative)
Edward Tellers 'sun screen' document:  Global Warming and Ice Ages: I.
Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change, E. Teller et al.,
August 15, 1997, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, as PDF:
Is there any tie in with testing the new MOAB Daisy Cutter here?
We know that aluminum oxides,thorium,barium,nickel  are in the mix. of these cloud aerosols....Tungsten is relatively new. Perhaps with the grit plumes affecting the turbine engine blades and jack screws and all the downed planes last 2 years is one of the reasons for tungsten. Tungsten is not a natural occuring substance in the trees tested.  Just think we are breathing these particulates.
The article below is from the link that Kim sent. Thanks Kimmers! (ED NOTE: You're welcome, George!) Please read the entire article and source links below URL. I have an archive of all the Bee articles.+Dr.Len Horowitz also sent confirmation of EDB being used-sprayed over his home in Idaho. More on that later....
Leuren,you worked on the Fallon issue with residents there ,What else do you have? Dee confirmed JP8 was used extensively in the gulf war from her sources. Many people sick as you know. We have all known about JP8 and Gulf War Syndrome via DU,JP8 chaff aerosols. Doug your thoughts? You mentioned 'Operation Chad' when we met in Davis last November. Looks like that was a weather mod op? What else do you have? any docs?   Please send any resources re back, Thanks.
Quick note by Mike Castle re: these elements/aerosols (CERA):
"Barium, the element is not radioactive unless compounded with a known radioactive isotope....remember, Barium is opaque to gamma radiation, barium silicate/sulfate or barytes, used in the coatings materials "inside" nuclear power plant domes...why?  Shielding capability to be opaque to radiation and/or reflects (not absorbed).  Works the same way with electromagnetic,microwaves, ELF etc.......
Thorium on the other side of the training session,tonight... thorium IS radioactive at the magnitude of order of 2% of its mass.  Thorium oxide has the exact same properties.  Now, Thorium IS the material identified by Welbach Refractory Agents used/patented by HughesAircraft Corp. that "reflects" and absorbs low emmissitivity wave length IR back into Space,causitive (I doubt it) global cooling...That is a major portion of the stuff they spray into the high altitude Stratosphere up around Canada and THE WEST COAST US.  You guys get hammered with this kinda ChemTrails.
UV summers anyone?
George Holden
International Citizens Activist Network (ICAN)
PS: please forward to others that can/willparticipate. This is important
Earth Crash Earth Spirit
(02/23/2003) Study links high levels of tungsten to childhood leukemia clusters in Nevada, Arizona and California; two of the clusters also share proximity to military bases and pipelines carrying a highly toxic jet fuel.
(06/13/2001) A U.S. senator has demanded that the U.S. Navy hand over documents that could reveal if a link exists between a kerosene-rich fuel called JP-8 or Jet A and a cluster of 14 childhood leukemia cases near a naval airbase in Nevada.
The military plans to universally use the JP-8 fuel until at least 2025 in everything from jets to trucks to camp stoves and it is estimated that 60 billion gallons are used worldwide each year. Most military and commercial jets use JP-8, but concerns about its health risks have mounted since it was introduced to U.S. airbases in the 1990s after trials in Britain in the 1980s.. The Air Force was the first service to use JP-8 and airmen began noticing health problems soon after, according to articles in the Air Force Times.. Ed Note:( Owning the weather by 2025, there's that magic number again..."Full Spectrum Dominance"- this is part of the space weapons program as in HR 2799 The Space Preservation Act of 2001 sec 7b)
The low volatility of JP-8 means it stays on skin and clothes longer than other fuels. Workers have complained of smelling and tasting JP-8 for many hours after exposure. Headaches, dizziness and light-headedness are common side effects, according to Air Force reports. In 1993, the Nevada Air National Guard members in Reno reported upper respiratory and skin irritations, according to a 1994 Air Guard report.
Because of its higher flash point, JP-8 does not fully combust in jet engines and more of it comes out of the back of the aircraft than when other fuels are used. Animal tests have shown that it can cause lung, kidney and liver damage, and is highly toxic to the immune system. At least three laboratory studies have linked the fuel to DNA damage. Last year, Congress authorized $5 million for a study of the fuel at six Air Force bases and the Pentagon has even commissioned studies to determine whether JP-8 exposure contributed to Gulf War syndrome.
In 1993, the Fallon Naval Air Station adopted JP-8 and the fuel began running through the 6-inch pipe from Sparks to Fallon.. The air station uses about 34 million gallons per year. Dr. Gary Ridenour, a Fallon internist, said he began seeing Fallon workers with skin and respiratory problems in 1994. He said he attributed the health problems to the new jet fuel and began researching JP-8 studies. He said because the fuel evaporates so slowly, workers can bring it home on their clothing. He said fuel from jet exhausts and fuel-dumping also reach the ground.
"There are more and more reports that make the use of this fuel highly questionable," Ridenour said. "There are no medical articles to support the use of JP-8. The fuel may not be the cause of the leukemias, but it may be linked to the cluster, and health concerns about JP-8 warrant inspection of the entire fuel pipeline and exhaustive exposure studies at the base and in the town." ED Note: (oxymoron or moron-oxy?)
Harry Reid, a senator for Nevada, has filed formal requests to the Navy, the federal Office of Pipeline Safety, and pipeline company Kinder Morgan to disclose records related to JP-8 leaks and spills around the airbase in Fallon, Nevada. "When we talk about causes of the leukemia cluster, jet fuel is the number one thing mentioned," says Reid.
JP-8 consists of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and benzene, a known carcinogen. Its low freezing point means it can be used in all climates. The Pentagon views JP-8 as a "universal battlefield fuel" for NATO, capable of powering trucks, tanks and even infantry stoves as well as planes.
But military personnel and people living near airbases can be exposed to a superfine mist, or aerosol, of unburnt JP-8 produced as a plane's engines warm up before and during takeoff. In breath tests for PAHs, all airbase personnel studied have tested positive for JP-8 exposure. Animal studies have shown that inhaling JP-8 increases lung permeability and can damage the DNA of lung and liver cells - and thus potentially cause cancer.
Research has also shown that it is extremely toxic to the immune system. Mark Witten, a toxicologist at the University of Arizona, Tucson, whose work is funded by the U.S. Air Force, was astounded by what JP-8 does to mice that inhale it. "It's just wrecking their immune systems," he says. "I've never seen a chemical that can so completely wipe out an animal's defences."
Part of the problem with JP-8 is that it doesn't readily evaporate, so it's more likely to soak into the skin and lungs. What's more, there's some evidence that the performance-enhancing additives in the fuel disrupt the molecular arrangement of the outermost layer of skin, poking holes in the body's main barrier against alien chemicals.
Even after brief exposure, the number of immune T-cells in mice plummet and their thymus (where immune cells mature) shrinks, while B cells proliferate.. So severe and sustained are the effects that Witten and his colleague, David Harris, also at the University of Arizona, worry that repeated exposure could increase the risk of autoimmune diseases and cancer, especially in the presence of other risk factors such as pesticides.
Witten has exposed rodents to aerosols of JP-8-containing droplets between 1.5 and 1.8 micrometres across - similar to those created by jet engines. Even a single, hour-long exposure to an aerosol containing 50 milligrams of JP-8 per cubic metre increased lung permeability in mice and caused the loss of cilia, the hair-like projections that waft dirt out of bronchial tubes. "This will allow dust, pollen and other stuff in the lungs to set up a chronic inflammatory state," says Witten.
Witten is now studying whether JP-8 causes breaks in DNA strands in the animals' bone marrow cells, potentially triggering leukaemia. It's already known that the children of parents who are exposed to hydrocarbons at work have a greater risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - the type of childhood leukemia in 13 of the 14 confirmed cases in Fallon.
"ItÕs too early to state that JP-8 is involved, but there is a leukemia and immune-deficiency disease cluster at a Coast Guard base in San Diego right at the end of a runway used by military planes and (civilian) aircraft using Jet A fuel, which is similar to JP-8," says Witten. He said Italian troops who used JP-8 in Bosnia also reported a cluster of leukemia cases. Ed Note: (What's too early at this point in assessing the
that JP8 is indeed part of the issue and problem. How many more lives will it take after "the study is completed?")
Witten said if the fuel turns out to be the cause of the leukemia cases in Fallon, other residential areas near military bases and some civilian runways should experience the same problems. "San Diego, Bosnia and Fallon, the common denominator is JP-8. ... My nightmare scenario is that there are fifty other clusters like Fallon out there," he says.
Other researchers are studying the effects of repeated exposure to JP-8. Carol Baldwin of the University of Arizona exposed five rats to aerosols containing 1,000 milligrams of JP-8 per cubic metre over five weeks. Each week, they breathed the aerosol for an hour a day on five separate days. Finally, for an hour a day on three further days they breathed an aerosol containing 2,500 milligrams of fuel per cubic metre. The rats became hyperactive. In trials lasting three minutes, they reared onto their hind legs an average of 17 times - more than twice as often as animals that had not breathed JP-8.
In addition, the animals had previously learnt the location of a platform submerged in a tank of water, but after exposure to JP-8, they had forgotten where to find it. However, they could learn new tasks, which suggests that the fuel had specific effects on memory - perhaps by interfering with a brain region called the hippocampus.
Meanwhile, Steven Kornguth of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, has exposed mice to aerosols containing 1,000 or 2,500 milligrams of JP-8 per cubic metre for an hour a day over one week. Compared to control animals, their retinas and cerebellums contained up to five times as much glutathione S-transferase, an enzyme that detoxifies many harmful substances. This raises the possibility that JP-8 could disrupt vision and proprioception - the sense of where one's body is in space.
Short-term exposure to the fuel also causes rashes, respiratory and skin problems. "I went up to a Montana Air Guard base in Great Falls and the workers and mechanics who had contact with the fuel had hands like crabs," Witten said.
David Leith, an environmental engineer at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health in Chapel Hill, is developing instruments to measure the density of JP-8 aerosols. In a trial in Alaska, the plume created by a jet exceeded 200 milligrams per cubic metre of JP-8 - the maximum his device could register.
The effects of exposure to aerosols and spills on children and pregnant women have yet to be studied. But when pregnant mice are exposed, Harris recently discovered, up to 70 percent of offspring die and surviving pups have abnormal white blood cells.
Although the U.S. Navy vigorously denies that JP-8 poses any risk, leukaemia experts such as Peter Domer of the University of Chicago agree that Witten's concerns are well founded. Hydrocarbons in JP-8 such as naphthalene and benzene are capable of causing the sorts of genetic damage seen in childhood leukaemia, Domer says. [Sources]
Earth Crash Earth Spirit
From: xxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: JP 8 Tungsten Leukemia military cluster doc.
(02/23/2003) Study links high levels of tungsten to childhood leukemia clusters in Nevada, Arizona and California; two of the clusters also share proximity to military bases and pipelines carrying a highly toxic jet fuel.  (JP 8)
Laboratory testing in a south Sacramento County neighborhood haunted by fears of a leukemia cluster found no trace of cancer-causing contaminants in the tap water but did find unexpectedly high levels of tungsten in area trees. Tungsten, a metal used in hardening tools ( jet turbine blades) and military ammunition, has recently drawn the attention of federal researchers investigating two childhood leukemia clusters in Fallon, Nevada and Sierra Vista, Arizona. (and now Elk Grove California, and Kansas)
25 PAGES of documentation here>
This report ties together many other reports into one full document, Tungsten is used to harden turbine blades in jet engines, Aluminum Oxide is an abrasive. If Aluminum Oxide was being directly injected into jet engines as some have claimed, well you get my drift (their drift actually)
This one is worth printing as a complete source on these military leukemia clusters.


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