- Hello Jeff: The risk to nonvaccinated people who could
contract vaccinia virus from newly vaccinated people was played down in
the mainstream press. We heard that there might be some adverse effects
to those taking the vaccine, but we heard little, if anything, about contact
vaccinia virus.
- With the recent case of a patient in California who contracted
vaccinia virus in his eye, hospitals are taking another look at the smallpox
vaccination plan. The risk to patients with surpressed immune systems
who may come in contact with newly vaccinated hosptial personnel is now
being rethought by hospitals that may find they are facing law suits due
to contact vaccinia cases.
- The vaccine manufacturers may not be held liable for
adverse reactions, but hospitals may be held liable if their employees
infect patients with vaccinia virus.
- I cannot help but wonder how many cases of contact vaccinia
will occur when newly vaccinated military personnel are deployed to countries
in the Persian gulf or regions where civilians do not have access to quality
medical care or to nutritous food. The numbers of contact vaccinia cases
may be quite dramatic.
- Patricia Doyle
- SF General Balks On Vaccine...Bars Staff From Shost Due
To Public Safety
- http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/03/04/MN220873.DTL