British Amb - 'I Doubt Bush
Is Ready To Rule Mesopotamia'

By Patrick Wright
Daily Telegraph - UK

Those MPs who shouted "What's next?" during Prime Minister's Questions on Iraq on Wednesday may have been alarmed by Tony Blair's reference to North Korea in his reply. But I suspect that they were also disappointed, since they probably hoped for some indication that the Government is privy to Washington's real objectives in the Middle East, in pushing for an invasion of Iraq.
British ministers claim that their sole objective in sending our Armed Forces to the Gulf is to keep up the pressure on Saddam Hussein to deal honestly with the UN weapons inspectors on his alleged holdings of weapons of mass destruction, and that "no decisions have been taken". But you cannot find a serious figure in Washington who does not accept that President George W Bush's objective in Iraq is regime change.
I suppose it is necessary to preface my strong doubts about the campaign against Iraq by expressing my loathing for the evil dictator who is now in power in Baghdad. But I have never accepted that the threat to Europe or the United States from Iraq was either imminent or real enough to justify the possible loss of lives of hundreds of our soldiers, and I find the arguments that an invasion of Baghdad will help the War against Terror singularly unconvincing - indeed, I believe it is more likely to contribute to the terrorist threat.
Still less do I believe the renewed claims that Saddam Hussein is seriously linked to al-Qa'eda, since a secular ruler who has long faced potential threats from extreme Islamists (whether Shia or Sunni) has no interest in aligning himself with an extreme Islamist movement, however much he may now sympathise with its anti-American threats.
I shall look with interest at the "evidence" of Iraqi links with al-Qa'eda, which the Security Council has been promised next Wednesday from Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State, though I note that those who should know in the intelligence services are already expressing deep scepticism about this. But there is little purpose in wringing one's hands about how or why the campaign against Iraq started, though it is no secret that senior members of the Bush administration were already considering how to unseat Saddam Hussein before the horrors of September 11. There are, however, some real questions to be asked - and to which I hope the British Government knows some of the answers - about what is supposed to happen after the planned invasion.
We are frequently told by experts (usually in Washington) that they confidently expect an invasion of Iraq to be "quick and successful". But what is "success"? What sort of regime do the Americans expect to put in place instead of Saddam Hussein's Tikriti clan? Who is going to take on the horrendous task of putting Iraq together again and relieving the suffering of a divided population? Do the Americans really have the stomach for a long occupation of Iraq, or will that fall to their European allies? Have they any understanding (as we once had) of the difficulties and complications of ruling Mesopotamia?
And what do the Americans mean by saying that, after Iraq, they intend to "democratise" adjacent countries, such as Syria, Saudi Arabia and even Iran? Having served as British Ambassador to the first two of these countries, I have no illusions about the difficulty of any such attempt - let alone the risks for those who try to bring it about, or the potential damage to our political and commercial interests.
Just as we have found ourselves "shoulder to shoulder" with the Americans on Iraq, is the Prime Minister going to find his allies in Washington pressing us to help remove President Assad of Syria (whom the British Government received as an official visitor only one month ago)? And are we going to find our attempts (by the Foreign Secretary and others) to establish a modus operandi with the Iranian regime - after decades of virtual stand-off - undermined by aggressive calls for regime change from Washington? Is it not ironic that virtually the only Arab leader to have been democratically elected, Yasser Arafat, finds himself sidelined by both the Americans and the Israelis?
Mr Blair has utterly failed to engage the Bush administration on the Arab-Israel problem - a situation which poses a far greater and more imminent threat to British interests in the Middle East than Iraq, and a much more significant contributor to popular support, in the Arab and wider Islamic world, for al-Qa'eda.
It may well be too late to revert to a policy of containing Iraq which we and the Security Council have followed - without undue risk or alarms - over the past 11 years. But the implications for security in the Middle East, and for Kurdish aspirations vis-a-vis their populations in Syria, Iran and Turkey, if we attempt to impose the American view of history on Iraq and her neighbours, makes this a potentially lethal point in the history of our own country. I just hope that Mr Blair will have been persuaded to point out some of these dangers to Mr Bush this weekend.
Lord Wright of Richmond was head of the Diplomatic Service from 1986 to 1991 and was previously Ambassador to Syria and Saudi Arabia.



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