Just Terrible

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And now, The Owls will try to convince you all that war is absolutely necessary in order to insure peace.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
Tomorrow night, Our Beloved Leader will appear on national television to assure us all that everything is going just fine, and we're going to bring the evil terrorists to justice. Maybe The Owls have discovered "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, maybe not. At this point, it doesn't matter.
There is going to be a nuclear war.
See, there's more than one truth here. The fact that there are elements of truth in so many arguments leads only to confusion.
Because that's how The Owls want you. They want you confused, and fighting amongst each other. They want to make sure that you believe your opponents are "the pro/anti war folks".
It's also true that you want to believe. You want to believe in a free America. You want to believe in a land where we have freedom of choice, where we are free to speak our minds. You want to believe that all you have to do is worry about your own life. You want to believe that your greatest concern in life is to make sure the bills are paid on time and the kids get to school.
You want to believe you elected your government. You want to believe you're in control of your life. You want to believe that our government is doing their damndest to rid the world of terrorists. You want to believe that we live in a democratic society where each person has the same voice. You want to forget about all the inconsistencies and lies told to us by the media and our politicians.
You want to believe in the system. You want to believe that it still works. The alternative is too scary to even think about.
So, those who believe in the system will yell at you until you're blue in the face. They'll repeat the mantras they've been given, to give them comfort. You know the mantras, right? "These colors don't run", "God bless America", "land of the free", "if you don't like it here, then leave", "it would never happen here", "you're a psycho", etc etc.
We all know the mantras. Our schools indoctrinated us into the American way of life. We've all been taught how to be a good American. We all know about the proud history of our country and how the flag still stands for freedom.
But you're aware that something is wrong, aren't you? Maybe you know what's wrong, maybe you don't, but you know something is.
Liberal-bashing has become the newest sport in America. It's gained quite a following over the last year, as they point out how hypocritical many of the liberal arguments are. Liberals are called anti-American because they oppose everything the government stands for.
But it would seem that those who criticize liberals do have a couple of valid points. Many liberals have succumbed to elitism and fascism. Some have become the very things they seek to change.
But they're still correct on some level, aren't they? Something is wrong with the system. Most liberals just haven't figured out quite what it is yet. This explains the plurality of the liberal voice.
Some believe the problem is America and capitalism. They know that a monetary system that rewards greed and punishes the poor must be to blame. They know that war is not good, and they know that Our Beloved Leader was not elected democratically.
Isn't that the problem? Isn't that what's wrong?
Partially, yes. It is these partial truths that keep you focused on one aspect of the problem. You have been trained to have tunnel vision. You have been trained to be stupid. If you don't believe me, just turn on Entertainment Tonight.
Nuclear war is imminent, yet Entertainment Tonight still airs every night all over the country. While the dogs of war are readying on the starting blocks, you're to be kept occupied with George Clooney and Julia Roberts.
We live in a country where stupidity is rewarded, where mediocrity is the goal, and where those who choose to stand out from the crowd are seen as absurd.
What is the problem? The problem is that we have already been enslaved without our knowledge. While Entertainment Tonight airs, and anti-war protests go on, people believe that these are symbols of freedom. That these events represent what America stands for. That you are still free to dissent.
You're free to dissent as long as you don't stumble upon the truth. You're free to dissent as long as you follow the rules. You're free to dissent as long as you don't realize the predicament you find yourselves in. You're free to dissent as long as you don't actually accomplish anything.
Did your anti-war protests work? Of course not. Why would they? The war is going to happen, whether you like it or not. You were allowed to protest so that you feel like you accomplished something. You were allowed to protest so you could spend all that pent-up rebellious energy. You were allowed to protest so that you could feel you actually made a difference.
You accomplished nothing. Because you have been enslaved. Because your voice has been taken away. Because your rights have been taken away. Because your freedom has been taken away.
Because we are all slaves. Incarcerated without our consent or knowledge. We have been given the illusion of choice in order to keep us under control.
The last thing Our Benevolent Leader wants is a revolt on his hands.
That would be terrible.
Just terrible.



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