- Vaccination programs in the late 19th and early 20th
century decimated the populations of many countries where government sponsored
vaccination programs were introduced. Japan suffered 48,000 deaths from
smallpox vaccination; England and Wales experienced 45,800 smallpox deaths
in a population that was 97% vaccinated against smallpox. Australia and
- combined with a total of 120,000 deaths from the very
smallpox for which they had been vaccinated. European deaths amongst the
vaccinated portion of the population totaled 3,000,000. Deaths from smallpox
vaccination programs began to decline when a revolt against mandatory vaccination
programs emerged from the chaos.
- The revolt started in England. In the late 19th century,
England was jailing an average of 2000 parents a year for refusal to vaccinate
themselves and their children. Property seizure and prosecution were commonplace
for refusal to participate in vaccination programs. The battle was a
- political one. The people started to win when a number
of leading scientists went public with the truth about these vaccination
- Doctor Edgar Crookshank Professor of Biology at Kings
College led the charge against mandatory vaccination programs with his
book "The history and Pathology of Vaccination." Other leading
scientists of his generation soon jumped on the bandwagon.
- They demonstrated the scientific poverty of the entire
vaccination concept. The revolt was successful. Within twenty years mandatory
smallpox vaccination laws in England were repealed. In 1919 the death
rate from smallpox promptly plummeted to a total of 28 deaths in a population
of almost 40,000,000 people. Previously, with mandatory vaccinations they
had averaged over 44,000 deaths from smallpox.
- Meanwhile at the same time in the Philippine Islands,
with a population of 10,000,000, a compulsory smallpox vaccination program
administered by the US government produced over 47,000 deaths from smallpox.
Over the entire ten year span of the vaccination program mandated by the
US government in the Philippines 25,000,000 vaccinations were forced on
a population of 10,000,000 people in a series of three per person. This
produced 170,000 cases of smallpox of which 75,000 were fatal.
- In the USA, an article in the July 1969 issue of Prevention
Magazine described how 300 children had died from smallpox vaccination
in the period from 1948 to 1969. In that very same reporting period there
were no incidences of smallpox in the country.
- In the USA in 1937, Dr. William Hay in his address to
the Medical Freedom Society on the Lemke bill to abolish compulsory vaccination
said: "I have thought many times of all of the insane things we have
advocated in medicine, that is one of the most insane - to insist on the
vaccination of children, or anybody else, for the prevention of smallpox
when, as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove that vaccination
saved one man from smallpox."
- We are indebted to the work of Ian Sinclair for the excellent
investigative work involved with the discovery of many of the relatively
suppressed facts in the archives of history. He has published this information
in his book "Vaccination: The Hidden Facts" The true story of
the horror produced by compulsory vaccination somehow seems to be totally
lacking in today's media reporting.
- The theory of vaccinations.
- In theory, vaccinations are designed to provoke a healthy
immune system to manufacture antibodies to defend itself against some future
exposure to disease. Vaccinations are specific. Each vaccination is purported
to offer protection against a single specific disease or combination of
diseases. There is no evidence whatsoever, that vaccination provides immunity
beyond what the immune system without vaccination would normally provide.
- There is much evidence that the "one size fits all"
philosophy of the vaccines overwhelms the childhood immune system, those
with weakened immune systems, those already coping with some other disease
and those with allergies and sensitivities. Our immune systems are more
unique than our fingerprints. To presume that all will have the desired
response to vaccination is not just bad science, it borders on lunacy.
Albeit, it is a very profitable lunacy for the drug companies.
- In an article that appeared in the New York Journal of
Medicine in July 1899 Charles Rauta,Professor of Hygiene and Material Medical
in the University of Perguia says: "Vaccination is a monstrosity,
a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; it should have no place
in either hygiene or medicine....Believe not in vaccination, it is a world
wide delusion, an unscientific practice, a fatal superstition with consequences
measured today by tears and sorrow without end."
- Professor Rauta was involved with the horrible smallpox
epidemics in Italy at a time when Italy had achieved 98.5% compliance with
the compulsory vaccination laws of the country. Professor Ari Zuckerman,
a member of the World Health Organization advisory panel on virus' said:
"Immunization against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease
itself." The British medical Journal in January 1976 stated: "It
is now accepted that the risks of routine smallpox vaccination outweigh
those of natural infection in Britain." Doctor Robert Gallo a well
known AIDS researcher said: "I have been saying for some years that
the use of live vaccines such as that used from smallpox can activate
a dormant infection such as that from AIDS (HIV)."
- The active ingredient in each vaccine usually consists
of an attenuated form of the infectious agent. When the infectious agent
is simply weakened it will multiply in the host body and theoretically
stimulate the production of antibodies by forming a pocket of rapidly growing
infection without producing the disease. Historic practice was to grow
the active agent in animal tissue and then use it in human tissue. This
greatly reduced its virulence in human tissue.
- For example when smallpox is grown in cow tissue it acclimates
to the cow tissue. When the vaccine thus made is then transferred to human
tissue it is found to be much less virulent to humans. When its virulence
is thought to be sufficiently attenuated by successive cow hosts, it can
be harvested and used for humans. The term "vaccine" actually
comes from the root word "vaca" meaning cow. However, it is now
applied to any vaccine used in any vaccination program and now often has
little or no association with a cow.
- However, this process is slow, marginally profitable
and subject to whatever contamination exists in the animal tissue. So a
variety of chemical ways to attenuate or kill these agents have been developed
amongst which are: the use of carbolic acid, formaldehyde and heat treatment.
Modern practice is to attenuate the active agent with chemistry and to
grow it in a more controlled environment such as human fetal tissue. This
speeds up the process and unfortunately places late term abortion on the
firm commercial base needed to insure profitability for the industry. It
also often leaves traces of carbolic acid, formaldehyde and fetal serum
in the retail version of the vaccine.
- The vaccination itself, in addition to the presumably
attenuated infectious agent, contains adjuvenants, preservatives and a
remnant of the media in which the vaccine was grown. In theory these contaminants
are of little or no consequence. In practice they are of immense importance.
For example one theory of the origin of the AIDS virus is that it was caused
by contamination of the Hepatitis and Smallpox vaccines by growing the
virus' in monkey serum media.
- When the active agent is killed however, it does not
rapidly reproduce or spread in our bodies. Our immune system then has a
tendency to dispose of it quickly before a satisfactory development of
antibodies throughout the body can occur. To prevent this, adjuvenants
are added to the vaccine. These adjuvenants prevent the rapid assimilation
of the active agent throughout the body. They cause the active agent to
be localized in a small pocket of foreign protein thus providing a longer
stimulus to the immune system. In theory this will result in the increased
production of host antibodies. Thus the adjuvenant actually inhibits the
natural tendency of our immune response to remove the foreign proteins
from our system.
- Since the active agents consist of proteins that have
been killed or attenuated, it is necessary to include preservatives in
the vaccine in order to provide a profitable shelf life for the product.
Thimerosol is the preservative of choice in our vaccines. Thimerosol is
an extraordinarily toxic Mercury compound. The amounts contained in a
single vaccination contain up to 125 times the EPA permissible amount of
toxic mercury. This mercury comes in a particularly toxic form that has
been known since 1929 to severely damage the nervous system and to overwhelm
the kidneys, liver and immune systems of children.
- Thimerosol has now been determined to be a causal agent
in the exploding epidemic of autism, ADD, ADHD devastating our children.
Instead of simply removing the cause of these disorders, the State, in
many cases, has mandated the use of Ritalin to counteract their symptoms.
- Vaccinations are routinely given in childhood on the
theory that they will confer immunity upon the child in the event of future
exposure to infectious disease. Before the age of five many children are
required to have over 30 vaccinations, many of them are multiple vaccinations.
Some of these vaccination requirements are simply idiotic, for example
a Hepatitis vaccine for an infant. Drug users and the promiscuous are at
risk for Hepatitis, certainly not the large majority of infants.
- Congressman Burton, in a recent congressional hearing
on the use of Thimerosol in vaccines, has threatened criminal charges against
the government agencies that are responsible for this horrific example
of negligence. In the hearings it was revealed that the dangers of Thimerosol
had been well understood since 1929. The only test ever conducted on the
safety of this preservative was conducted in 1929. All patient participants
in the test died and all investigations as to the safetyof Thimerosol were
abruptly discontinued. It has been used in childhood vaccines since without
investigation or comment.
- This poison was finally removed from veterinary vaccines
in the early 1990's. However, it was retained in human childhood vaccines
until just recently when the huge numbers of vaccine damaged children could
no longer be ignored.
- Dr. Rimland MD when discussing this said: "When
the link between unsafe mercury laden vaccine and autism, ADHA, asthma,
allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be
sporting a huge, self inflicted and well deserved black eye. Then will
come the billion dollar awards, by enraged juries, to the children and
their families. I can't wait".
- It was the explosive growth of diabetes in America that
directly caused this investigative reporter to become interested in the
medical community. He contracted a serious case of Diabetes and quickly
discovered that the medical community no longer cures it. This, despite
the fact that a cure has been well understood since the late 1950's. After
having to cure his own diabetes because his doctor would not cure it, he
began to take a good hard look at some other widespread medical practices,
particularly the highly profitable ones.
- Deceptive medicine.
- Note that the vaccination itself does not confer immunity.
The immunity, in theory, results from the body successfully developing
sufficient antibodies quickly enough to avoid acquiring the disease conferred
by the vaccination.
- The childhood immune system is heavily dependent upon
the antibodies it receives from its mother's milk. To stimulate the immature
immune system in an effort to produce antibodies that it can not yet produce
is at best insanity; at worst it is a most culpable criminal activity.
- Neither the kidneys nor the liver of an immature child
can clear the relatively huge amounts of mercury poison given along with
the active agent in these vaccines.
- Perhaps the most pernicious of the incredible deceptions
foisted upon a trusting public is the idea that vaccination programs ended
the smallpox epidemics of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The only
thing about these vaccination programs that ended the epidemics was the
discontinuance of the programs. Sometimes many people were jailed and disenfranchised
by an arrogant and unresponsive government before they changed the law.
- What then did finally eradicate smallpox, which at one
time really was a serious matter irrespective of vaccines? The great improvements
in the health of people came through the eradication of diseases of filth
and of filthy water. These advances consisted of major improvements in
diet, hygiene, sanitary and health measures, underground sewage disposal,
availability of uncontaminated water, as well as refrigeration and better
preservation and distribution of food.
- The Center for Disease control in their Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report, July 20, 1999, 48:621-628 stated that improvements
in water quality, sanitation and hygiene were the most important factors
in the improvement of health and the control of infectious disease. Vaccines
were not even considered to be among the factors.
- Scientist's John and Sonia McKinlay show the same thing
in their research. In fact they were able to quantize these findings. They
stated that 97% of the increase in life span since the beginning of the
twentieth century is due to the enormous improvements in sanitation of
food, water and environment.
- World Health statistics Annual 1973-1976 Volume II also
attributes the vanishing of infectious disease to improved standards of
cleanliness in our food, water and environment.
- Do vaccinations really reduce either the incidence of
or the severity of smallpox? From the many, many quotations from responsible
knowledgeable, and honest, medical professionals that could be used to
answer this question perhaps this one will give the most focused response.
This quotation is by J.W. Hodge MD. In his book "The vaccination superstition"
he states: "After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination
gleaned from an impartial and comprehensive study of vital statistics,
and pertinent data from every reliable source, and after an experience
derived from having vaccinated 31,000 subjects, I am firmly convinced that
vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the diminution
of cases of smallpox. Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders
its subjects more susceptible by depressing the vital power and diminishing
the natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which
they contracted after being vaccinated"
- Perhaps the second most damaging deception provided by
the modern medical propaganda ministry is that medical intervention, particularly
vaccinations, played a decisive role in the reduction of infectious disease.
The real truth is just exactly the opposite. Coincident with the rise in
improved sanitation, massive compulsory vaccinations were discontinued
and the disease epidemics disappeared very shortly thereafter.
- We often hear the statement "there is no doubt that
vaccines save lives". Actually there is a very great deal of doubt
that vaccines are helpful at all and a great deal of evidence that they
are quite harmful. That information just doesn't make it into the popular
conciousness. It often doesn't even make it to the retail medical practitioner.
The American propaganda ministry makes sure that popular belief is well
- By taking credit for something that they did not do and
by suppressing the history of what really happened, our medical elite set
the stage for the calamities that now face us as a nation.
- Criminal government legislation.
- The Model States Health Powers Act contained provisions
to mandate compulsory vaccination. Property confiscation, incarceration
in "quarantine" centers and the use of law enforcement to ensure
compliance was all carefully detailed. This is reminiscent of the "concentration"
camps employed by another twentieth century despot when he was redesigning
the government of his country. This was to be essentially a state activity.
However, many States failed to adopt this totalitarian monstrosity as being
alien to our American sense of fitness. Many States tabled it, one State,
Alabama, rejected it outright.
- To many, it appeared to provide too much power to a government
that is showing disturbing signs of being willing to kill large numbers
of people any way that they can just so long as they can accomplish their
hidden goals.
- When it became clear that mandatory vaccination was dead
at the State level, it was included in the most totalitarian piece of legislation
ever attempted here in America. It was included in The Homeland Security
Bill which recently passed and will soon be signed into law by the president.
Even many that voted on this bill do not realize what it contains.
- Many congressmen did not even read the final draft upon
which they voted.
- This bill provides for "mandatory vaccination of
the entire population at the discretion of the director of Homeland Security."
All options for refusal of the vaccine have been deleted. Personal, religious
and medical exemptions have been deleted; informed consent is no longer
required. Refusal will lead to arrest, property confiscation and imprisonment.
Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services is already on record
as saying "I have a vaccination with the name of every American on
- This bill also authorizes "other medical interventions"
as specified by the director of Homeland Security.
- One of the most outrageous clauses in this bill is known
as the "vaccine injury indemnity clause." This clause holds the
makers and distributors of vaccines harmless for any injury that they cause.
The theory is that vaccination is a necessary response to terrorism and
that any injury caused by the vaccine is an unavoidable collateral casualty.
This clause removes any redress at law. If, as will happen to many, you
are injured by the vaccine you or your survivors cannot even sue for damages.
- Prior to the passage of the Homeland Security bill, federal
law required all suits against vaccine makers to go before a special court
before any civil action could be brought in the State civil court system.
This court is known as the "vaccine court." It was set up to
help protect vaccine makers against large punitive awards provided by outraged
jurors in the State courts. This court is presently facing over 1000 suits
brought by parents of autistic children whose autism was caused by MMR
- On November 25, 2002 the Bush administration asked this
court to order the evidence from hundreds of cases of autism by vaccine
be kept from the public. The "special master", George Hastings,
of this court has promised a "speedy" ruling on this request.
- If this request by the Bush administration is approved
it will make it very difficult for the parents of these damaged children
to obtain redress in the State civil courts. It is to be noted that the
State civil courts were set up to handle precisely this sort of action.
- Michael Hugo, a Boston lawyer, in commenting on this
situation said: "We dealing with real injury to real children in a
program that is funded by taxpayer dollars. It is unbelievable to me that
the president of the United States, in the name of trying to help the drug
industry, would put the interests of the drug industry over the interests
of neurologically impaired sick children and their parents."
- In another current vaccine issue, Boyd E. Graves J.D.
has been given the right to file a lawsuit in a federal court of his choice.
Mr. Graves is charging the federal government with "the creation,
production and proliferation of HIV (AIDS) through the secret federal virus
development program." Mr. Graves is a civil rights lawyer and decorated
naval veteran.
- He charges in his lawsuit that "The United States
purposefully and intentionally, complemented the "smallpox"
vaccine that went to Africa and the "Hepatitis B" vaccine with
the HIV virus and that this latter was then given to homosexuals in the
United States recruited for that purpose."
- Graves and his supporters say that they are confident
that the evidence of the laboratory birth of the AIDS virus as a biowarfare
agent is irrefutable.
- Making sense out of nonsense.
- When we observe highly educated and intelligent men and
women in government doing heinous criminal things with our health and life
expectancy, our tendency is to think that they really do not understand.
We think that it is all a horrible mistake and that it will soon be corrected.
It is only when we observe carefully that we see a frightening pattern
emerge in the posture of modern governments toward their people.
- Modern medical practice is deadly to those that must
depend upon it. Disease is no longer cured; it is treated. The defenseless
unborn are now fetus' to be murdered at will. In our schools great pressures
exist to turn our young people into ignorant promiscuous homosexuals. All
of these practices as well as many other similar politically correct cultural
norms are being forced upon a people that really do not want them.
- Promiscuous homosexuals have no issue; an ignorant citizenry
need never realize the motivations of government; aborted children never
burden our commercial system; vaccination no matter how criminal and deadly,
is to be presumed an Orwellian public good regardless of the facts of the
- It all makes sense when we realize the underlying motives
of our governing elite. These problems of our people can be summed up in
the words of Robert McNamara, when he was president of the World Bank.
During an address to a group of international bankers that he gave on October
2, 1979 he remarked: "We can begin with the most critical problem
of all, population growth...short of a nuclear war itself, it is the greatest
issue the world faces over the decades ahead...Either the current birth
rates must come down more quickly, or the current death rates must go up.
There is no other way."
- This same Robert McNamara was later quoted by the French
j"ai tout compris" as saying "One must take draconian measures
of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing
the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore
increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness"
- A major, politically contrived, famine is going on in
Africa at this time. An unprecedented program to innoculate the masses
is being forced upon America.
- Henry Kissinger, speaking before a Bilderburg conference
in Evian France May 21, 1992 made quite clear the management policies of
the US government when he stated: "Today Americans would be outraged
if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be
grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very
existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world
leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing that every man fears
is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will
be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted
to them by their world government."
- Many in our trusted leadership very much subscribe to
these expressed beliefs of Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger. These beliefs
are widely taught in our Universities. Many in high government office in
the US are now known to have been involved with the murder of Africa by
the use of smallpox vaccines contaminated with the biowarfare virus (AIDS).
This agent is known to have been developed here in the US. These same people,
obsessed with the population problem of the world, also administered a
contaminated Hepatitis B vaccine to the gay population of both New York
and San Francisco.
- Now we are asked to trust this same group of government
administrators, as they ready a sneaky and unconstitutional program for
the compulsory vaccination of America. The underlying cover story offered
to justify this act is that some terrorist might attack us with the very
same agents that America developed in its laboratories. The underlying
assumption is that the vaccines work as advertised and are administered
by ethical people who do not lie to us.
- At this point, it would be smart for Americans to do
their homework. We must make sure that any decision we make about the vaccination
issue is a voluntary one that doesn't outrage our trust in government and
grossly violate our common sense.
- Thomas Smith is a reluctant medical investigator having
been forced into curing his own Diabetes because it was obvious that his
doctor would not or could not not do it. He has published the results of
his successful Diabetes investigation in his special report entitled "Insulin:
Our Silent Killer" written for the layman but also widely valued by
the medical practitioner. The book may bepurchased by sending $25.00 US
to him at PO Box 7685, Loveland, Colorado 80537. He has also posted a great
deal of useful information about this disease on his web page www.Healingmatters.com
During business hours (MST) he can be reached by telephone at: 1 (970)