Clowns With Hatchets

By Judith Moriarty

What's more American than the County Fair or in rural America, the excitement of the carnival coming to town? The magic of the midway of a summer's eve, the bustle of folks in from the farms and hills. Cotton candy, popcorn, stuffed animals, the Merry-Go-Round, the Ferris Wheel and the side show out back.
Terrorism---"act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of governing or of opposing government by intimidation" To date our imagery of "terrorism" is a bearded man with his head wrapped in cloth, a man who appears to have just escaped from an insane asylum, called a 'shoe bomber', men in orange suits being kept in dog cages in Cuba, Kim Jong, with his collection of Daffy Duck videos, Saddam at some conference table surrounded with his henchmen, men in caves making video tapes and planning an attack with $1.29 box cutters; against a Super-Power with approximately 26 different intelligence agencies and NORAD, and some group called Al Queda, coming to get us! Today, Feb 7, '03, a bulletin comes on TV," Alert now High orange! Alter your routine!!! Keep vigilant!" Alter my routine!! There's six feet of snow outside, the driveways a sheet of ice, I haven't been outside in weeks! Should I go down the hall through the bedroom, and then into the front hall before entering the living room? Or should I sneak out the bathroom window, crawl through the snow and creep in through the basement to make that cup of coffee in the kitchen?? I'm having a real problem!!
Vigilant! I peek through the blinds and spot a bunch of wild turkeys (no not politicians) scrounging around for some left over sunflower seeds, two bluejays, a stray cat creeping into the barn, a broken branch, (not noted yesterday) in the stand of pines out back, and more snow falling!! Nobody in robes or anyone remotely tanned!!
Colin Powell, at the UN, with supposed proof positive of the need to bomb away!! Some pictures of trucks, a couple metal outbuildings, and some various indistinguishable blobs of something or other. Then some garbled tapes of "We had better not let the Americans seeing us hiding all these weapons of mass destruction or we will have some real problems....hurry get everything on the trucks........" Something like that!! Then, horror of horrors, Colin holds up a crack vial, oops, no a vial of some white stuff that represents the amount of anthrax that shut down the Capital. Of course, that anthrax was found to be from our own labs, but I guess I'm nit picking again. All in all, seemed a pretty good reason to me to start the War of the Worlds!! I had expected pictures of Saddam and bin-Laden, in lab coats in some secret lab whipping up concoctions of vile poisons, camel racing, or watching Daffy Duck videos with Kim Jong of Korea! Something! 
I was trying to imagine taking all this 'evidence' into court to prove a shoplifting charge or even mass murder! "Yes, your Honor, these trucks could well have hauled the loot out from Bengie's Superette, or bodies! These photos taken from space, absent any landmarks, are conclusive! And then your Honor we have these tapes of the shoplifters or murderers, talking about getting the stuff out of there before anyone shows up". "No, your Honor, we don't have the names or the location or even the time of all these happenings........".
I don't like Colin Powell and I never believed him. Maybe I'm the only person in the whole of the U.S.A. who doesn't buy the Black hero matter if he were purple. Being Black, (which he doesn't consider himself) and dressed in a spiffy uniform, doesn't make him any more credible or heroic than my mailman! Convenient, his son getting a the top position at the FCC. Wonder how many other qualified, unconnected people were passed over to set him up in that cushy job? Colin's parents came from the Islands. Now, if you've never worked with the poor in the inner city, you wouldn't know that Blacks in America have a real disdain for those from the Islands. They say they're stuck up thinking they're superior. The Blacks from the Islands on the other hand, are outraged if you identify them with American Blacks, as they think of them as lazy ner' do wells! I lost all respect for Colin in Gulf War I, with his riding the fence and then returning home to a 5 million dollar book contract! Not once have I seen him or Norman Schwarzkopf, with his own 5 million dollar deal, championing or speaking out for the Gulf War Veterans, or for the reservists returning home having to go on welfare to receive needed medical care! Didn't see them turning over any of their book profits or lucrative speaking fees to veterans living under bridges or in city parks. Some leaders!!!
I attended the inauguration of President Clinton (the first one). We got to the Capitol grounds early and were right up front. Soon, tens of thousands filled in behind us. We waited hours for the ceremony to begin. Beside us stood an elderly Black couple with their two young grandsons, ages 4 and 6. Crushed in as we were, we soon became acquainted and I made up stories for the kids to keep them occupied. In front of us was the podium and a number of chairs. One of the little boys said, "Nanna, how comes those people get to sit in chairs and we gots to stand?" The grandmother, in her black dress coat, gloves and hat, leaned down and whispered, "Honey chil', those chairs are for the house niggers, we's the field niggers!" We never got to see the inauguration, because just as President Clinton stepped up to take the oath of office, the grandfather had a heart attack. Giving him CPR, while sending word out through the multitudes to the Army medics, had the ceremony long ended by the time we took notice. He was taken away by stretcher over the heads of the crowd, but I never forgot that grandmother's surprising remark to her grandson. She had it right. All these (including Powell) getting their special jobs and appointments are nothing more than house niggers and we're all the field niggers.
I firmly believe that a form of psychic terrorism is being perpetuated on the American public. Towers crashing, flags, memorial services, church choirs, walls of pictures, survivors stories, war on Afghanistan (even though 15 of the supposed hijackers came from Saudi Arabia), warnings of smallpox, biologicals, chemicals, snipers picking people off, warnings, war drums, bin Laden disappears, Saddam back on the scene, drum roll, music accompanying "Countdown to War with Iraq", Shuttle blowing up, more memorial services, funerals, alert days.....!
Be vigilant! What an asinine thing to say to people! Who writes these scripts? First sign of trouble, and they're all off to their sumptuous underground bunkers, that WE built with tax dollars. We're left with a crew of eight guys in chemical suits and a hose! Hungry? Well, I guess we're just going to have to go scrounging through tunnels, city halls, and institution basements for those rusted, rotted civil defense supplies! We have absolutely no civil defense in this country!! Israel sure does! And we paid for their gas masks, and sealed rooms! Nope, we're on our own...waiting for Cheney to speak to us from some mountain hideout. "Do not panic, do not riot, cover your mouths with old towels, do not take deep breaths, stay indoors, be vigilant, alter your routines!"
I'm not sure when it happened; but I imagined I was walking down the mid-way of the County Fair, listening to the music the laughter of the children, when it all became a surreal madhouse! A Salvador Dali painting of melted Ferris Wheels, dismembered carousel horses, blinking warning lights, sirens, carney men demanding my ID, metal detectors, funerals in the Big Top, flags waving, the rocket ride disintegrating, someone picking people off from the Grange rooftop, men in black with masks, beating clubs on shields, pushing the crowds back to the Fun House, stuffed animals jumping from their booths with M-16s; and in the chaos and mania of exits all barred; clowns waving hatchets with lewd smirks and vacant slug eyes quoting Scriptures, screaming, "Charge! Those not with us are against us!" Ducking into the 4-H tent, I spotted a small child with her lamb holding a blood soaked dove in her outstetched hand. "Peace" she whispered. That's how I see our America today! Clowns with Hatchets, gone mad! 



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