Opposition To UC Davis
BioLab Upgrade Grows

From Stop UCD BioLab Now

Dear Friends:
Please read the following response from Patricia Doyle Ph.D. RE: UC Davis Bio-Lab
and what the proponents behind the scenes aren't telling you...
From: Patricia Doyle, PhD
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003
To: George Holden
Subject: No chuckling over biosafety
Hello George - I see some emails from you and will try to answer each one.
I did read the one in which you suggest that I might go to California to
speak. As you know I have Hepatitis C, end stage and was subsequently
infected with Ehrlichiosis (June 2000) and Lyme Disease (Oct 1999.)
I will be more then happy to submit a written article and any information on
Plum Island that you would like me to provide
I am not sure if I would be able to travel to California. I had hoped to go last year.
I have wanted to go to California for some time, but health problems last year precluded
me from visiting.I will consider going, if needed.
It is very important for people to get involved in stopping the upgrade at UCDavis
as well as the hastily pushed upgrades at other universities around the Country.
I use West Nile virus and Lyme Disease as the perfect example of how far
viruses and other pathogens can travel. At one time, my neighbors asked me
"why I spend so much time and energy fighting the upgrade at Plum Island,
since I live in upstate New York relatively far from the Plum."
Well, Fall 1999, when West Nile Virus was first diagnosed at horse farms in Suffolk
Country not far from the Plum, and human infections in Queens, New York, my
neighbors felt safe and far removed from West Nile Virus. It only took a
couple of weeks and we learned that WNV infected crows had been found in
Dutchess County, just under 10 miles from my house.
The same situation occurred with Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease "emerged" and
infected a youth who lived not far from the Plum Island Ferryboat dock. Over the past few years, since 1975, Lyme Disease has been found in EVERY
State in the Continental US and in Canada.
We, therefore, must worry about safe operation of labs wherever they are
located. Living in close proximity to an unsafely run lab, or a lab that
was upgraded with haste or living across the country from that lab, affords
the very same risk. There is a "clear and present" danger from escape of
pathogens for which there are no known cures, or preventive vaccines.
It is urgent that people at UC Davis who are trying to stop the upgrade,
form a coalition with people from across the US, Canada, and Mexico. Birds,
insects and wildlife can vector or act as reservoir for many diseases.
Remember, whether you live in Canada, Mexico, the Continental US, Alaska, or
Central and South America, there is a risk of contagion should the lab have
an accident. If a pathogen that escapes the facility is a vectored disease,
as was West Nile Virus (spread by mosquito and perhaps, ticks)
and Lyme Disease (spread by ticks) it is quite possible for that disease to
spread throughout North and South America.
We really need to rethink our position on hastily fabricating labs. I feel
that the federal government is using fear of a bioterrorist attack to push
through its own agenda. We need to assess the difference between actual
risk as opposed to theoretical risk.
I have written about my proposed isocenter health care centers that would
diagnose, treat and identify emerging infectious diseases and victims of
chemical, nuclear or bioterrorist attack. I believe that our first line of
defense is not hastily upgraded labs, a plethora of vaccines, many of which
are unsafe and efficacy in doubt, but rather early detection and treatment of
victims of terrorist attack. I can send you a copy of an article that I
wrote regarding Isocenters.
The question at hand is, "does the US really want to upgrade labs for the
purpose of bioterrorist defense" or "does the US really want to return to
offensive bioweapons research?"
Thank you,
Patricia Doyle
Is it safe?
UC Davis officials want to build a Biosafety Level 4 lab, but some scientists and experts aren't so sure it's a great idea...
By Jeff Kearns
Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) is the classification given to the handful of laboratories in the world where researchers can safely handle the planet's deadliest pathogens, things like: Ebola virus, Hantavirus, Marburgh virus and Smallpox. Biosafety level 4 is the highest classification; even anthrax spores can be studied in labs that fall into the second-to-highest classification, biosafety level 3. Level-4 labs, which feature airtight rooms and ultra-fine air- and water-filtration systems, are designed from the ground up to contain dangerous microbes.
No Chuckling Over BioSafety
Re "Is It Safe?" by Jeff Kearns ( SN&R News, January 2 ):
Response By UC Davis Provost Virginia Hinshaw
As citizens we owe it to ourselves
Response: Letter to SN&R (not published to date) "No chuckling over biosafety" & "Is It Safe?" by Jeff Kearns ,SN&R News,January 2 )
By George Holden
International Citizens Activist Network (ICAN)
UC Davis Provost Virginia Hinshaw states that she, "looks forward to a continued dialogue with her fellow Davis residents and with the broader regional community" - letters 1/16/02. As Samantha McCarthy, Davis Activist and organizer of "Stop UCD Biolab Now" and former City of Davis Mayor Julie Partansky point out, nothing could be further from the truth.
Provost Hinshaw has been working (to promote the upgrade) "behind the scenes for quite some time without public dialogue or dissenting voices." In fact, Hinshaw recently led a group of UC Davis, city of Davis and Yolo County representatives concerning the safety of a BSL-4 lab to Winnipeg.
Patricia Doyle, PhD has been involved in investigating Plum Island - also seeking to upgrade to BSL-4 - since Sept. 1999. She explains: "A BioLevel 4 facility would entail the use of self-contained respirator suits to work with deadly pathogens for which there are no known cures or vaccines. This upgrade would also would enable them to work with zoonotic diseases. A zoonotic disease is a disease that jumps species barrier. In other words, a disease of animals that would also infect humans such as Nipah virus, a new paramyoxivirus that killed 100 people in Malaysia in 1999 and caused the slaughter of thousands of pigs."
There are a growing number of researchers who believe that Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus emerged, albeit, accidentally, from Plum Island. Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis and tick borne encephalitis - diseases studied at the Plum - have recently emerged in surrounding areas. If labs are going to operate and request public approval for upgrades, then it behooves them to operate with utmost caution and employing the most stringent biosafety measures.
As you may also be aware, there is a court cases in which Dr. Thomas Butler of Texas Tech University (also a lab seeking upgrade to level 4) filed a false police report in which he asserted 30 vials of Plague (samples from 'Tanzania') were missing. He then claims to have 'destroyed' the vials.
Dr. Patricia Doyle's sources indicate that the vials might have been found in Dr. David Smiths on campus office/lab. Dr. Doyle has not been able to verify that but, if true, the implications are extremely grave. TTU does have NATO, WHO, HHMI, and SUBCOMM military funding for some projects.
BTW Plum Island still faces the ongoing strike of essential personnel and had 2 strange 'power failures' in December. The December 15th failure lasted for 3 hours and ALL Plum's back-up generators failed as well.
UCD wants to receive the money for its upgrade BEFORE an EIS (environmental impact study) is even completed. Question: Are the benefits greater than the risk? The entire Sacramento Valley Region is at risk. As Citizens, we owe it to ourselves to voice our concerns. Follow the money...
George Holden
International Citizens Activist Network (ICAN)
From Mary Wulff
Coalition for a Safe Lab
Please, have them contact us and/or the Sunshine Project....we HAVE formed a coalition of coalitions to work on stopping the proliferation of BSLs across the states...the more people we can get on, the better!
Here is a map of all the proposed upgrades of BL's
or a gif is at:
It's a work in progress... keep your eyes out for updates.
Mary Wulff
Coalition for a Safe Lab
P.O. Box 1803
Hamilton MT 59840



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