-- In various streams of the alternative informationworld on the Internet
there are numerous writers and researchers who try to expose the Jews whereever
they can. Most of these people are honest-to-goodness anti-Semites, and
along the way, became anti-Israel as well.
- One of their big claims is that modern-day Jews are not
descended from the Jews of the Bible because in the seventh century, a
tribe of Turko-Asiatic people converted on mass to Judaism and thus Jews
have no claim to modern Palestine as there is no direct linkage between
modern Jews and the Jews who inhabited the Holy Land two millennia ago."
This means, these people claim, the Jews have no right to claim any rights
to the "Biblical Land of Israel".
- The theory was given respectability by the Arthur Kossler
when the well-known author wrote The Thirteenth Tribe in the late 1970s
which set out to prove that the modern Jews of the western world descended
from the people of the kingdom of Khazars- an empire which ruled from the
seventh to the tenth centuries and dominated eastern Europe between the
Volga river and the Caucasus.
- It is accepted by all that the person who is credited
with converting the Khazarian nobles to Judaism is Judah ha-Levi (1075-1141
CE), a Sephardic Jewish religious thinker from Spain. But that would mean
that all modern European Jews- who supposedly descended from the Khazars
then European Jewry- would be primarily Sephardic in character and culture.
Rather, modern European Jewry is primarily Ashkenazi and not Sephardic.
- Says David Whitaker, author of Are Modern Jews Really
- "The Khazarian nobles obviously accepted the Ashkenazi
form of Judaism upon entering Eastern Europe after the Russian invasion
and conquest of the Khazarian Empire."
- Thus if the Jews of today really did descend only from
converted Khazarians, there would have been no Ashkenazi Jews in the world.
- One of the mysteries surrounding the conversion of the
Khazars is why they would they chose Judaism and not Christianity or Islam?
Judaism had no political support but was universally persecuted. And while
at the time Christianity and Islam were actively seeking converts- Judaism
was not.
- David Dankenbring, author of the book, The Incredible
Identity of the Khazars, believes that the story here may not be that the
Khazars "chose" Judaism rather than the other two monotheistic
religions- but rather, the Khazars' leadership believed themselves to be
Jews which were cut off from the rest of the mainline Jewish community
centuries before.
- In his book he points out how important the number 40
was to the Khazars which he believes could be a clue to the real story
behind the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism
- According to the Arab historian Ibn Fadlan, the king
of the Khazars was allowed to rule for 40 years. The number "40"
important to Israel. It rained for 40 days and night during the flood.
Noah opened the window of the ark after 40 days. Ancient Israelites wandered
for 40 years. The land of Israel had rest of 40 years the high priest Elijah
judged Israel for 40 years. The first two kings of the dynasty of David,
and Solomon reigned for forty years. Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving
the torah from god for 40 days.
- Dankenbring believes that in the time of the Roman Empire
when Jews were persecuted by the Romans, it would have been natural that
they should migrate to a kingdom where tolerance and fairness and freedom
of religion was character of the culture. To the Arab geographer Istakhri,
one of the mains Arab sources of information on the Khazars, the kingdom
of the Khazars were known as practicing religions tolerance as Muslims
were allowed to have their own mosques and Christians their own churches,
as well as each religion having their own courts and clergy. Dankenbring
claims that in Europe at the time the prevailing mentality was fanaticism,
ignorance and anarchy, this "level of religious tolerance stands out.
- Says Dankenbring: "The Khazar kingdom was located
in the region where the northern ten tribes of Israel migrated and eventually
settled after taken into captivity by the Assyrian Empire in 718-721 BCE.
During the time following their release from Assyrian captivity, with the
conquest of Persia and Babylon by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE, the Israelis
blossomed and grew strong. But they had lost their knowledge of their religious
and ethnic identification during the 1400 years spent in the steppes of
Asia prior to the kingdom of the Khazars. They had lost the Torah, gone
into Baal-pagan worship, and appeared just like the Gentile cultures around
them. They had departed from the laws and commandments of God and had lost
the religious and spiritual identification marking their heritage."
- Dankenbring claims that the reason the Khazars converted
to Judaism instead of Christianity or Islam: it was in fact, the religion
of their ancestors, centuries before. He contends that the Khazar tribe
is not Turkish in origin, but Israelite comprised of the remnants of the
tribes of Simeon, Manasseh, and Ephraim.
- Dankenbring writes that the very name Khazar is also
proof of this conclusion. In Hebrew, "sar" or "tsar"
which we get Caesar, Kaiser and Tasar, mean "lord", "chief"
ruler" the Prifix "ka"is an advert of quality as "so,
as much as possible" therefore "to be so in a very high degree"
Thus using "ka" as a prefix of the sar "sar" it has
the inference of the "very great or high king" "powerful
ruler" "very high lord" mighty chief.
- Sar or Shar also means "to be left, to remain, "remnant"
The Khazars were a "remnant" of the lost tribes of Israel. Thus
"ka-Shar" could mean "special remnant" the unique remnant.
- Kevin Alan Brook is one of the most respectable historians
on the subject of the Khazars. In 2000 he published his book The Jews of
Khazaria, in which he writes: "No Polish place-names were directly
named after the Khazars" nor "did Polish shtetl life derive from
the Khazars. The majority of Polish Jews came from the West, not the East,
and most Ashkenazi Jews have Germanic, not Turkish surnames and customs."
- Brook claims Eastern Europeans Jews have ancestors who
came from Central Europe rather than the Khazar kingdom. He reports that
genetic tests carried out by Dr. Michael Hammer showed that based exclusively
on the Y-chromosome (paternal) shows that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely
related to Yemenite Jews, Iraqi Jews, Sephardic Jews, Kurdish Jews, and
Arabs than they are to European Christian populations.
- Another researcher on this subject is the Australian
writer, David Maddison
- He claims there were Jews on the Rhine who came with
the Romans long before there was a Khazaria and even before many Germanic
tribes settled there. As well, there were very large Jewish communities
in Northern and Eastern Europe before the Khazar-Jews arrived there, and
thus just a tiny percentage of Khazar-=Jews are the ancestors of the Ashkenazim.
Thus, he concludes, these Jews are clearly descended from the Jews of the
- "There were Jews in Russia from the first centuries
and from there the Jews immigrated to the Caucasus and beyond," writes
Maddison. "Jews were in Yugoslavia and Romania in the third century
and not long after in Hungary and France. Evidence of Jewish communities
is abundant from 465 onwards. Jews were living in all Mediterranean countries
for many centuries and were also living in most other European lands from
a very early period. However it can be assumed that a tiny portion of present-day
Jews may very well be descendants from converted Khazar Jews".
- Joel Bainerman has been writing about Israeli and Middle
East political and economic affairs since 1981. An archive of his publishing
record and current essays can be viewed at his website at <http://www.joelbainerman.comheat/>www.joelbainerman.com.
He can be contacted at isratech@netvision.net.il or by telephone at 972
4639 6673
- Comment
- From Verhoeff
- To the author... Get Your Facts Straight Regarding Khazars
- Having seen your article on the Khazars, it is clear
where you are coming from. It seems that the Identity message (Saxon Kelts
are Israelites) is bothering you so you put out a bogus Khazar tale.
- Points that make this clear; You talk of the Jews of
the bible. What Jews of the Bible? The Bible talks of Israelites. Nowhere
does it equate these with Jews. Anyone who does is either a Jew, a beguiled
church twit, or a dummy. Which are you?
- You then state that being Sephardic or Ashkenazim is
a matter of culture when the tradition tries to teach it is a matter of
ethnicity. Maybe it is a case of turning to either option when it suits
you to make a twisted point!
- Then the claim that 'Zar' of 'Khazar' is proof of Jewish
roots as if again the word 'Jew' means 'Israelite'. It is not proof of
what you claim at all because 'zar' means 'king'; as in 'Kai-ser' or 'Cae-sar'.
Well it is true that the word 'sar' is found in the two later examples
but if we were to use your reasoning as proof of of a claim that Jews are
Israelites then this would back the claim that the Germans are too! So
too the Romans. They are all Isrealites as they have the word 'zar' in
their language; well at least according to your reasoning.
- So then there is a weakness in your tale again. The use
of 'BCE' is a dead give away. 'BC' is a term of Christian Western civilization.
Those who baulk at this, baulk at Western and Christian culture. If your
business is about name calling, which it is when you use that dumb term
'anti-semitic', then you can take it thrown back at you. You are anti-Christian
or anti-Christ.
- Lastly, only an establishment clown uses the term 'anti-semitic'
to waylay those who so much as dare to debate anything about the Jews in
a way that the Jews are not happy with. You call those who deny that the
Khazars are the 'Jews of the Bible', 'classic anti-semites'. Bunk! No one
makes that claim other than you and your stooges.
- The true claim is this, the Khazars are not the ISRAELITES
of the Bible. Of course that makes one anti-Semitic; how very pitiful...
It is clear that you are trying to regain lost ground. Well it's not working.
Lies tend to expose themselves and you're making it easier for us all to
see the truth.
- For that, we can truly be thankful.