Too Much Computer Work
Causes Insomnia, Depression


LONDON (ANI) -- A new study has revealed that people who work in front of a computer even just for five hours a day run the risk of mental illness such as depression and insomnia.
The study conducted on 25, 000 people has found that those working for hours in front of the computer complained of feeling depressed, anxious and reluctant to get up for work in the mornings.
The researchers said that many even reported problems getting along with fellow- workers and added that they were plagued by broken sleep and daytime fatigue, reports The Telegraph.
After studying the effects on health over a three-year period in one of the biggest investigations into the hazards of computers in the workplace, the experts are calling for employers to restrict time spent at terminals.
"This result suggests the prevention of mental disorders and sleep disorders and this requires the restriction of computer use to less than five hours a day," said the lead researcher, Dr Tetsuya Nakazawa, of Chiba University in Japan.
"Mental health and sleep-related symptoms were significantly higher in the group having more than five hours of daily computer use," the researcher said.
For three years, researchers monitored changes in workers' mental health and matched them up to time spent working at computers.
The results, published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, showed one in four staff was tied to their terminals for five or more hours a day. Once they crossed that threshold, the dangers of psychological disorders setting in appeared to increase sharply.
So far most research has focused only on how computers affect physical health. Sitting at terminals has been linked with repetitive strain injury, headaches, eyestrain and back and shoulder pain.
But the latest study looked for psychological effects by tracking thousands of office staff working for a large information technology company in sales, customer services, accounting and planning.
British experts said that working alone at a computer for hours on end could lead to a sense of isolation, even in a busy office.
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