Functions Of Profitability

By Hsing Lee

Capitalism is about making profits for those who invest capital into a successful business venture. That's what it's supposed to be about. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines capitalism as an economic, political and social system based on private ownership of property, business and industry, and directed towards making the greatest possible profits for SUCCESSFUL ORGANIZATIONS AND PEOPLE.

Somewhere along the path of the American experience, from 1619-2003, the definition of capitalism changed. Literally. The Cambridge American Dictionary of English defines capitalism as an economic system based on private ownership of property and business, with the goal of making the greatest possible profits FOR THE OWNERS.

Note that success or failure of the company doesn't come into play in the American definition of Capitalism. All that matters is making profit for the owners.

By hook or by crook, make a profit. Buy the politicians to write the legislation, live on pork barrel profits, and create demand by buying your own media companies.

But there is a catch to the greatest party of all time - finite energy resources. Oil and gas is running out, and production will peak in 2012. This is a problem because if energy gets expensive, it is going to slow down economic growth.

To keep the party going, the economy has to continue to grow faster than the interest rate, because the party is being run on borrowed money, and if interest exceeds growth - CRUNCH.

Another problem is fresh water. Billions of people have insufficient access to fresh potable water. 99.5% of all our fresh water is used by industry, not by people. This is VERY important to understand, so let me say it another way -

If we were to add just 0.5% to the world's fresh water supply, marking that water for human consumption only, we would double the fresh water supply available for the subsistence of human beings, and could end death from infected water-related sicknesses overnight.

The third major problem is the Western Democracies themselves. A democratic government needs a power base - a voting bloc that keeps it in power. Without that voting bloc, no political party can maintain power.

Under the current system, maintaining people in power is crucial to any multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise, in order to ensure that no legislation unfavorable to one's company is ever passed, and to ensure that many laws or contracts favorable to one's company are passed.

These contracts are the lifeblood of the military industrial complex, the insurance companies, and the FOCCED brigade (Finance, Oil, Chemical, Credit, Energy and Defense), so they buy political representation by outspending Joe Six Pack.

The penultimate problem emerges when capitalism, lack of resources, and the compromises of democratic politics meet each other head onÉ when the companies are threatened by international competition, energy prices are rising, and the power base of the democracies feels its way of life beginning to erode, people start to panic.

Panicky people do stupid things. Things like turning their back on compassion for others in the quest for profit, or starting a war to secure the raw materials needed at a cheap price to pump up the economy. The politicians play ball with Wall Street, because without Wall Street's money they can't get their faces on TV, because commercials are expensive. And because of the way the electoral process works, the cycle never ends. The corporations always get their way, because they can outspend Joe Six Pack on campaign contributions.

They also get their way because it is easier to go to one corporation for a million bucks than it is to go to a hundred rich citizens for that same million bucks, at ten thousand a pop.

But eventually, things reach the point of no return. The old way of life can no longer be maintained for the voting bloc, unless drastic measures are taken at the expense of others. To keep his fifty million voters, the politician has to appease a panicky, greedy, self-interested horde that doesn't care to ask how their way of life is being provided, so long as things don't change FOR THEM.

And thus begins the long walk down the road to Hell, paved eternally with good intentions, unheeded warnings, and the tears of those who have gone before.

In the early 20th century, Fascism was the rage in Europe, and popular in certain American circles. Many American industrialists were in love with Mussolini's ideas on fascism. Mussolini said that, "Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it's the merger of state and corporate power."

After the Nazi Party gained footholds in the 1932 elections and Hitler seized power in 1933, Hitler was faced with serious economic problems. The horror of his solutions for those problems will be forever etched in human memory. Tens of millions died fighting the Nazis after Hitler began his quest for Empire.

Adolph Hitler was a genius. An evil, psychotic genius, but a genius nevertheless. His charisma and understanding of the modern media allowed him to implement economic and political programs unmatched for their inhumanity to man.

Hitler understood that his power base must be kept happy. That meant putting the lower class Nazis into middle class jobs, and giving the rich and middle class Nazis as many perks and investment opportunities as possible in a weak economy.

The way Hitler found to do this was to merge the government with the Military Industrial Complex, by using a company called IG Farben to create lots and lots of high paying jobs for Hitler's supporters, and crazy profits for his financiers.

IG Farben ran a large number of Hitler's concentration camps, and enjoyed a healthy government contract to do so. In exchange, Farben got to sell the services of those in concentration camps to German companies. The companies receiving this slave labor made great profits, forcing their domestic competitors to follow suit.

It was a smashing deal for IG Farben. They ran the camps, then partnered with other companies in making steel, weapons, vehicles, chemicals, rubber, and other war materials, for which Hitler was creating a demand. Some of IG Farben's partners were German, some were American, and some were from other nations. George W Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was one of Farben's business partners.

A quick google of 'PRESCOTT BUSH CONSOLIDATED SILESIAN STEEL' or 'VESTING ORDER 248' will lead the curious to the details of the matter.

Slave labor and the confiscation of the property from German and Polish Jews was a major factor in Hitler's early success. Without that labor to fuel the military industrial complex, he couldn't have afforded as many weapons - German labor was too expensive.

For Hitler, The IG Farben controlled prison camps were simply a function of profitability. The camps helped Hitler stay in power and stay popular by making comfortable lives for his supporters, and money for his financiers. The camps helped him create an army the likes of which the world had never seen, and to do it on the cheap.

After Hitler built his army, in November 1938 he took a shipment of 500,000 tons of Tetra Ethyl Lead, a fuel additive needed in the 1930's for combustion engines to prevent engine knock, from the Ethyl Corporation, a subsidiary of the American company Standard Oil. And then he want a-marching.

When Hitler's TEL ran out, the Nazi war machine should have stopped cold, because modern combustion engines in 1942 couldn't run without lead in the fuel. The war continued however, because William Farish of Standard Oil was kind enough to provide the Nazis with the patent process to make their own Tetra Ethyl Lead.

Even more shameful, in exchange for the TEL Patent, Standard Oil received a patent from IG Farben for a new synthetic rubber process developed in Germany. Standard Oil chose not to share this patent with the US Government or the Allied forces.

To add insult to injury for Europeans, in 2001 George W Bush appointed William Farish III, grandson of Standard Oil's William Farish, as Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Bush appointed the grandson of a man who made the bombing of London possible as US Ambassador to England!

American companies, in particular defense, steel, wire and cable, chemical, and rubber companies, made billions of dollars during World War II from government contracts, allied contracts, and even from trading with the enemy. The financial centers also did extremely well providing loans to allied nations to finance their military purchases for the war. The Marshall Plan after the war ensured that Wall Street's bankers would be repaid in full by both the Allied and former Axis nations.

The ultimate irony is that a large number of the vehicles, weapons, and ammunition used against Allied Forces by the Nazis was being made by American companies and financiers in partnership with IG Farben. Millions died on the fields of Europe never knowing that it was their own people who were doing them in, some of whom like Prescott Bush went on to use their fortunes gained by trading with the enemy to become successful politicians or business tycoons after the war.

It's time for the truth to be known by all. Rather than go further in depth, I'd refer the reader to:

Loftus, John - The Secret War Against the Jews
Higham, Charles - Trading With the Enemy
Simpson, Christopher - Splended Blonde Beast
Sutton, Anthony - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Chaitkin, Anton and Tarpley, Webster - George Bush the Unauthorized Biography


We come back to the present day.

Capitalism is like the ultimate game of Monopoly and Risk combined. Corporations are able to overthrow Third World leaders time and again, and millions have died since WW II in an endless cycle of conflicts. Conflicts create demand for goods, which creates jobs, which stimulates the economy until the next financial crash, when the cycle starts all over again.
We are nearing the endgame, unless sustainable energy sources become the norm within ten years. Per capita available energy is depleting, operating costs are rising, the voting bloc's standard of living is being eroded, and no one has yet implemented a long term renewable or sustainable energy source to eliminate the need for all this alpha-male, chest-thumping idiocy.

Rather than have to use their brains to do any actual thinking, the corporate Pig prefers the traditional method of keeping business in the blackÉ pork barrels. Buy good government, get that government to feed you pork barrels, and then found think-tanks to write papers for the government that give the government a reason why they should invade so-and-so 'for the good of all humanity', in order to keep the party going.

So time after time, we watch the corporate controlled media demonize so-and-so. Then we invade his country, kill millions, cheer, and buy defense stocks. And somewhere south of the Mason-Dixon line, Jerry Falwell and his stock portfolio say Amen.

And the bloc keeps voting GOP or Democrat, because either way, the game continues, which ensures that the voting middle classÕ way of life continues in the manner to which they are accustomed.

Eventually, the FOCCED brigade needs a war, because after a contract expires, they need to re-supply the military in order to stay profitable. The more war there is, the more stuff the FOCCERS get to sell. And the more they sell, the higher the stock goes. The voting bloc's investment portfolios start to breathe again, because good-ole Uncle Sam's in a buying mood.

But it's a false sense of security, because it's cyclical, and the good fortune only lasts till then end of each contract. But with each new contract and ever expanding operations, more and more money ends up getting wasted on people who are used to taking way too big a slice of the pie.

It is like our own need to eat to maintain homeostasis. The more we eat, the fatter we get, and America's growing obesity problem is an external reflection of a society saturated in fat, greasy pork barrels.

Sure, we are bigger, fatter; and maybe a bit happier.

But are we HEALTHIER? 

Or are we just fatter, requiring an ever-increasing supply of raw materials to maintain our ever-increasing waistlines?

Naturally, all this pork comes at a cost. Programs for the poor, underprivileged, and unemployed get cut. Many unemployed become homeless, and need shelter. But Bush closed 50 homeless shelter programs in 2001; so basically, homeless people have been FOCCED by Bush and Dick.

But hey, the homeless have great potential as a source of slave labor for Wall Street! Once they get desperate enough to commit a crime, off they go to a privately run prison, where their labor can be contracted out as property of the Prison Corporation.

People are starting to notice the budget cuts coming fast and furious as the military budget grows fatter and fatter, and Bush is starting to show the same disdain for the poor and the economy as his father did. I would imagine that the millions of newly unemployed since Bush took office have noticed. It is going to cost him votes.

But Bush has some other problems. The stealing and dirty accounting at Enron, Arthur Anderson, AOL, Worldcom, and a hundred other places, has left the economy in a lurch. America's reputation has been smeared badly, consumer confidence is low, and the market's depressed.

Bush's latest answer to the current economic crisis is both cynical and infuriating. His so-called economic stimulus package was a 640 billion dollar tax cut for his voting base. This helps the voting bloc, and also the corporations, because the voting bloc will save money on dividend taxes that will be reinvested in the stock market.

The more money that stays in the stock market, the faster the market grows. That's the theory anyway. But when companies can't make profits, they start looking for shortcuts, because quarterly losses translates to lower share prices, and lower share prices increase the cost of doing business, because borrowing money becomes more expensive.

It's a vicious cycle once energy, the thing fueling the economic bubble, becomes scarce. We've been creeping toward this since the 1970's, and have reached the point where there are very few untapped petroleum resources left on the planet.

But not to worry, the Republicans and the Democrats have been working hand-in-hand to secure YOUR middle class future. Republican and Democratic Presidents, from Nixon to the present, created an entity known as FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, by way of Executive Orders. Through FEMA Executive Orders, successive Presidents have been making FEMA more and more powerful.

In 1995, Clinton approved the Federal use of Civilian Inmate Labor.

By 1996, CCA and Wackenhut, the two biggest players in the American privatized prison industry, were using Civilian Inmate labor to subsidize operating costs. The prisoners are paid as little as a dollar a day, or sometimes not at all, with the Company keeping what is paid by the outside contractor for the inmate labor.

Today, CCA and Wackenhut actually have manufacturing output deals with the government for certain products that forces the government to let CCA or Wackenhut match any bid from the private sector, and keep the contract. The US General Administration Office (GAO) can't even buy certain products from anyone BUT CCA or Wackenhut.

In 1980, the Nashville-based Corrections Corporation of America was formed. They kicked off the Reagan Era by taking over the Hamilton County, Tennessee, workhouse in 1981.

Richard Nixon, at his most oppressive, arrest-happy, and fascist, never had more than 300,000 people in prison at any given time. During the Reagan Era, thanks to a CIA created crack cocaine epidemic and racist sentencing laws passed by Reagan and Bush, the US Prison population swelled from 300,000 to 2,000,000, and it continues to grow at an alarming rate.

The general consensus is that there are eight million people in prison worldwide. Two million or more, 25% of the world's prisoners, are in American prisons, even though America is only 5% of the world's population. Even China, with four times the population of the US, doesn't have as many prisoners.

As many as 75%-85% of arrests in America are of white people. And yet people of color make up 70% of the prison population, due to selective prosecution, selective sentencing, and the inability of poor ethnic minorities to afford good lawyers, where a middle class kid can afford good legal representation.

Thus, Wackenhut and CCA have many hundreds of boatloads of slave labor in their bellies, up for sale to the highest bidder. No labor code, no unions, no minimum wage, discounted insurance costs, and a whole bunch of other attractive selling points for the corporate use of civilian inmate labor.

It's precisely the 'edge' America needs to keep it's middle class voting bloc in the manner to which they're accustomed, by helping keeping American goods and services competitive in the international arena during economic crises, and by making the government a captive client of privately-owned Prison Industry products, just like Germany was with IG Farben. It provides job security, or a leg up, for millions of members of the voting American middle class, just as it did for Aryan Germans.

So, we close our eyes to the more disturbing details of the Prison Industry, which parallel another era. We turn our heads so as not to notice how closely the American Prison Industry resembles the Nazi economic model, and go back to sleep.

Since the Reagan Era, America has been building Prisons at a faster rate than schools or hospitals.
It's become a multi-billion dollar industry whose client is the taxpayer, who ends up paying for his or her own eventual incarceration.

Why such determination by both parties to lock up poor, underprivileged Americans?

One, it's good politics. A state politician wants to look tough on crime, but also sympathetic to the conditions facing those in prison in states where inmates can vote. So contracting new facilities gets good headlines for the politician, as well as campaign finance money up the ying-yang from the lobbyists.

Prisons add to a state's population, which adds to the amount of federal money given each year. Thus, everybody from the local to State level likes the idea of more prisons, especially if they can spend less on the prisoners than the prisoner's per capita share of federal money. More pork for the voting bloc.

Adding a prison means votes. The additional inmate labor helps local industry get a competitive edge by side-stepping inconvenient things like minimum wage. This leads to campaign finance money, middle class job creation, and lots of angry, poor, mostly colored men and women in prison, whose numbers are growing faster in the USA than in any other country.

If education were being pursued in America with half as much zeal as the quest to build newer-bigger-better super-max penitentiaries, most of the people in those prisons would never have ended up in court.

Convenient little circle, isn't it?

At the same time as Reagan and Bush the Elder were slashing education and social services to the bone for the military industrial complex, they were passing racist sentencing laws, and using CIA back channels to create the drug epidemic in Black and Hispanic communities. With the sweep of a pen, and a little help at the voting booth, Ronald Reagan took America from 1984 back to 1864 in the blink of an eye.

The result has been the creation of millions of middle class jobs in the prison service industry for the GOP and Democrat voting blocs. The middle and upper management demographic of these companies and the prison industry in general is nearly homogenously White. And this minority of 100 million dictates to 200 million others the way things are going to be, year after year. Their actions also have dire consequences for five billion others worldwide.

Thousands of small businesses thrive off supply contracts with the privatized prison operators. Many more thrive off the labor supplied by the prisons. The bottom line is, locking up poor people is a great way to keep the voters fat and happy.

It's simply a function of profitability.

It's good for middle class voters and Wall Street, so it's great for the politicians, even if it sucks really bad for a couple of million poor people. But most of them don't vote anyway, so the politician doesn't care.

Do you?

You should, because we're on the road to Hell, and it may be too late to stop it.

As energy becomes hard to acquire over the next decade, more and more rich corporations will get panicky. And panicky people start wars. These wars will kill millions, if not billions, in order to propagate an economic model that we already know is tragically flawed and doomed to implode.

We all know what the Atomic bombs did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On the path Bush is pursuing, a nuke being detonated by SOMEONE is inevitable. And today's nukes are many hundreds of times more powerful than Fat Man and Little Boy.

With Bush at the helm, it's only a matter of time before a nuclear attack by or against the USA becomes someone's function of profitability.

And all of it will have been for nothing more meaningful than keeping a few ten thousands of people on the top of this dung heap we call planet Earth, at the expense of everyone else. And only for a few more years at that.

America needs to think long and hard about Election 2004, but even harder about 2008 and beyond. Yes, Bush has to go in 2004. But to replace him with a Democrat and then think the battle's won is stupid. ALL politicians who've FOCCED the people, who support the prison industry, racist sentencing laws, and pork for the military have got to go.

Paper entities should not be allowed to participate in campaign finance, or should only be allowed to participate by matching their employeeÕs campaign finance contributions. That way, the interests of ALL company employees, and not just the owners and directors, would be represented. 

But it's all a pipedream until that sleeping sixty percent of American voters, who've become too angry, frustrated, and disillusioned by the system to vote, decide to get off their disenfranchised asses and save the world, by going to the polls on Election Day.

If they were to vote as a bloc, they would outnumber any Democratic or Republican candidates best possible outcome to date by three to one.

Change IS possible. Peaceful change. But the world needs a little help from the pissed-off, not-voting Americans. YOU have the power to change the world.

Yes, I'm talking to YOU!

You have the potential and power to do more good than any other empire in history, if you put your minds to it.

You have the power to fulfill the American Dream, for all mankind.

Power to feed the world. Power to bring water to the thirsty, by using a small portion of our world water supply to provide water for human beings instead of using that water for the manufacture of bombs. Power to heal the sick, and make blind men see. Power to walk on Mars, and explore the Solar System.

Power to end fratricidal wars of aggression for all time, by putting all our resources into finding a sustainable, renewal energy source that could make energy freely and easily available for all humanity.

It's time to say, "Enough is enough! No more blood for oil. No more human lives lost to pad the bottom line. No more putting paper before people. We, the People, have spoken. Now GET OUT OF OUR CAPITAL, and find yourselves good lawyers, because you're going to need them at your War Crimes Tribunals."

If one day soon the sleepers awaken, emerging on Election Day to vote with once voice, one heart, and one mind -

Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us...
And the world will live as one.
--John Lennon

Or, you can choose to let the Bush family keep doing things their way, at your expense, by not voting in 2004 instead of going down to a Polling Station and demanding change.

Of the People, by the People, and for the People. Or more greed and insanity.

The choice is up to you.

And you.

And YOU.




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