You Can't Call Them
'Crap-Circles' Anymore
A comprehensive review of William Gazecki's
"CropCircles -- Quest for Truth"
By Alfred Lehmberg

It is a much larger world than we know.
Much grander and more expansive than we even -could- know, it is composed of times, spaces, and dimensions suspected and unsuspected... but times, spaces and dimensions only beyond chaffing limits perhaps too reflexively and fearfully self-imposed... or suspiciously imposed upon us! In this larger reality, likely, swim the prerogatives, imperatives, and unfathomed purposes of gargantuan cosmic beings, swift on any level and -all- levels of that measure. Presently? -We- are but a mote in some distracted God's hoary eye. We barely but exist.
That's -enough- as it turns out.
Be not too disheartened, discouraged or otherwise depressed, good reader. To the contrary, rejoice! Be invigorated and energized, sir and madam, be electrified with excitement concerning not a rebirth... but a -new- birth of human intelligence, cognitive ability, and our elevated place in an impending LARGER reality, slowly (quickly?) resolving as we speak!
Truly, a new renaissance reveals itself (if the reader would allow) -- one that will -not- take five hundred years to individually actualize for -some- of the masses like the last one. It will happen soon, very likely, in a matter of days, weeks, or months (for -all- the masses!), if it does not occur more swiftly in hours, minutes or seconds!
This is what Academy Award nominated director/producer William Gazecki brilliantly succeeds in doing with his landmark documentary, "Crop Circles -- Quest for Truth". He delivers the (even skeptical!) viewer, dazzlingly, to the threshold of that "new renaissance" and informatively, -intelligently-... comprehensively... educates him with concerned regard to a very measured, painstakingly recorded, photographed and otherwise passionately studied... enigmatic series of *cereal* events! In other words, Crop Circles are real, flatly, in the aggregate, and so they are nowhere -near- as dismissible as a corrupted mainstream would have its rank and file reflexively believe. Not by a -long- shot.
Moreover, hoaxed circles are dismissed as beneath contempt, concern, and favorable consideration by Gazecki (and -this- writer!). Of course there are hoaxed circles, he will readily admit! But that's not the issue, he informs, and no time is wasted in the film on its discussion save a few seconds in, pertinent, passing. One can go anywhere else, actually, and be flam-boozled with knee-jerk dismissals of laughed at and derided crAp-circles from both sides of the ufological aisle. Ufologist Dr. Kevin Randle and CSICOP's Dr. Phil Klass, both card carrying "crAp-circle" advocates, spring readily to mind.
But as Gazecki comments in a director's interview on the DVD (and briefly in the film), how is it that these *hoaxers* "always finish what they start", and where do they "-practice-" this meticulous perfection of flawless execution? Where are the blunders otherwise abundantly found in any other human execution of an extremely complicated task?
Where? No! Tell me WHERE... is this army of genius artists "without egos" (astoundingly selfless and uncontestablely talented men and women)? They are REQUIRED to execute, flawlessly, delicate artistic balances of line and curve, light and shadow, and other rules of artistry (to include the sacred or eternal geometrical or the strict adherence to the natural measure of the artistic "golden mean")? Verily, who hoaxes 200 quality circles a year, world-wide, for the last ten years? Who operates with no recognition, no pay-off -- no reward? Who? Clearly, few to none. Not enough to make -all- these Crop Circles -- safe to say.
Most circles may -be- fake, respected reader. But MANY are -not-. Seriously, says Gazecki. That should, at least, give one pause... even if it does not help fuel a continuous personal epiphany as it does for -this- writer.
Moving on, what's so convincing about Gazecki's documentary is the completeness of its production package. If the watcher wants "Science", it is there. It the watcher wants "History", it is there, too. If the watcher wants the very experience of wandering around in a new circle and perceiving the same kind excitement and energy that the principal researchers feel... they can have it by the sprung-sided boxcar!
Science is reflected in the measurement of these enigmatic circles, and it is science that determines the degree of the circle's complexity. It is science that handily obliterates the now tedious argument that any amount of erstwhile "Doug and Daves" would be stomping them out, drunkenly, with a string and a board! Plant studies and soil analysis by Doctor W.C. Levengood, among other competent and respected scientists, indicates that the energy creating Crop Circles has seemingly magical growing properties which are stunningly profound. Node length studies demonstrates that an unknown energy is used (in some cases) that unevenly expands the stalks of some crops to lay them down, evenly expands them to keep them standing, or blows out the "node" of them altogether like an exploding aerosol can (!) as some circles are materialized!
Other studies find strange magnetic properties and enigmatic artifacts in the soil. They also detect a linear effect of these anomalous energies and artifacts that tapers off from the center of the circle... but still inexplicably manifests the effect all the way out to control plants that are not even in the construction. The suggested scope of these effects and the complexity of the energies producing them is HUGE, Gazecki plainly demonstrates.
Other mysterious Crop Circle effects are determined to have -measurable- linear distributions. Indeed, as Gazecki makes abundantly clear, dozens of quality scientific investigations have been made, are -not- conclusive, and are ongoing, still. Serious science comes up significantly short, and is now compelled to break bread with spiritualists, who in turn take meta-physicists and pragmatists into their intellectual beds... which can only be a -good- thing, Gazecki illustrates.
History is accounted for in the filmed testimony of the farmers involved, farmers who make every indication that the phenomenon has been going on with them (and their neighbors) since they were children, and then long before that! Lettered historians interviewed point to old wood cuts and prints from the fifteenth century that talks about fairy rings and devil's circles, thought (to this day, actually, in some parts of the US!) to be playgrounds or meeting places for demons, witches, and other satanic imps!
Earlier, before the common era, stone circles and mounds were said to have perhaps been laid out on suddenly appearing Crop Circles in an effort to keep the power of the circle contained beneath them or to commemorate them in these hoary times gone long passed. In short, the viewer gets a very clear picture of the historical evolution of the entire phenomenon as Gazecki's film cunningly unfolds.
As a cinematic effort, the film is a masterpiece of tight storytelling and stunning photography. I can understand, completely, why Jeff Rense was virtually jumping up and down about it on his program -- Gazecki had it all in his film! Science, philosophy, and metaphysics meet precipitously in cooperative meta-cognition the viewer is -present- for! Many times I felt like I was down in the fields, myself, with the Crop Circle principals (affectionately known as Croppies) -- seeing what they saw and feeling what they felt!
To say the film was beautifully photographed is a massive understatement! The play between the score and the visuals is nothing short of breathtaking... nothing short of ongoing spiritual epiphany! One could almost smell the rape seed oil as an early morning sun glittered through crop stalks still standing. One could almost taste the dust being kicked up with their -own- feet, or feel the damp chill of an English summer dawn! In Gazecki's film the individual is more -participant- than passive observer!
Flatly and frankly? The film was just a complete and total enchantment on any level one cares to name!
I saw the film on television DVD and all the previously described effects were plain -there-. I can only imagine what the feature looks like on the wall to wall silver screen of a real theatre. I'm sure that it would be a whole new experience, an experience very INCOMPLETELY described in -this- article, to be sure! The reader -must- campaign to see the film herself and demand that it comes to her town Cineplex. See how this can be done at Mr. Gazecki's web site, found at: or even purchase an inexpensive copy DVD (of the reader's own) to see again and again!. Truly a few bucks -well- spent -- a small price to pay to be abundantly informed on one of the most consciousness-changing, mysterious, and baffling occurrences of our time!
Finishing up, this review of Mr. Gazecki's effort barely scratches the surface of what is in store for the viewer as they take in (or internalize) this film. The experience is as satisfying as a dinner feast, full of interviews with competent, committed and dedicated men and women who are educated, intelligent, aware, open-minded -- "with it", in short (in every sense of the word), so the film can be taken just as seriously as it was meant to be!
In all candor, one may, and should, take this film -very- seriously. There is no hyperbole or histrionics found in an ardent contention that watching this film -now- will go a LONG way towards preparing the viewer for the larger reality mentioned, earlier, at the start of this review and coming (inexorably) later. Michael Glickman, professor, author, and lecturer (featured heavily in the film and who this writer wants to -be- when he grows up...) suggests this clearly when he opines at the close of the film (as it pertains to his certainty of a coming new reality or age) that we, "are... on the... -edge- of it." Along with that thoroughly convinced assertion, Glickman communicates a genuine optimism (with regard to it) that -this- writer readily and enthusiastically echoes, reaffirms, and otherwise heartily endorses. Real truth here, folks, is this writer's assessment...
Without reservation, "CropCircles -- Quest for truth" just may be the most significant piece of documentary film work -this- writer has ever seen. I'm confident the reader will think so, too! Lastly? They can't call them "crAp-circles" any more. No. William Gazecki puts -that- nonsense to rest.
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