American Association
Electronic Voice Phenomena
Published by Tom and Lisa Butler
AA-EVP NEWS - Winter 2003

Founded in 1982 by Sarah Estep to Provide Objective Evidence That We Survive Death in an Individual Conscious State.
From Our Viewpoint
World events are very unpredictable these days. If we think about it, this is often the case, as we never really now what tomorrow will bring. One thing that is of great comfort to most of the members of the AA-EVP is the knowledge that we don't die. Now we are finding that more people are joining the ranks of the AA-EVP who share our belief in survival. Some of these people, you may be surprised to know, are respected scientists.
In the last couple of years we have seen an increase of the public interest in mediums and survival, due in a large part to the success of TV programs like that of John Edward and James Van Praagh. These mediums bring in messages that are very evidential and millions more people today are learning about survival through their television sets then were just two years ago.
Dr. Gary Schwartz, at the Human Energy Systems Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona conducted a series of experiments to test the validity of mediumship. Edward and Van Praagh were two of the mediums who were tested.
Schwartz's experiments were conducted using carefully designed protocols and provided credible evidence for survival. As you might expect, they created considerable controversy, especially with the skeptical press.
The International Association for Near-Death Studies held their Fourth Esalen conference on Survival of Bodily Death, in May of 2002. Researchers from the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, psychology and physics concluded that three areas of research provided strong evidence for survival. Near Death Experiences (NDE) was at the top of the list. Reasons sited were, accurate observations of medical operating procedures made by clinically dead patients, reported encounters with deceased persons even though the experiencer did not know the person was dead and accurate reports by blind experiencers.
Reincarnation was cited as a strong proof for survival based on examples, such as children accurately recounting previous lives and birthmarks corresponding to lethal wounds experienced in a previous lifetime. Mediumship was also noted as strong proof of survival because of the veridical messages often delivered by mediums. Dr. Sam Parnia is one of two doctors from Southampton General Hospital in England who has been studying NDEs.
The work is very significant in that it shows that a group of people who were clinically dead had well structured, lucid thought processes with reasoning and memory formation, even though their brains were shown not to be functioning. Parnia was quoted as saying, "The possibility is certainly there to suggest that consciousness,or the soul, keeps thinking and reasoning even if a person's heart has stopped, he is not breathing and his brain activity is nil."
Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands was published in volume number 358 of The Lancet. The Lancet is one of the world's most respected medical journals and publication of this article caused quite an uproar in the medical community. The article cites a study by Dr. Pim van Lommel and colleagues of Rijnstate Hospital in Arnhem. The results showed that medical factors could not account for the occurrence of NDEs. Although all patients had been clinically dead, most did not have an NDE. The researchers noted that, "If purely physiological factors had caused the NDE, most of our patients should have had this experience." The paper states that induced NDE experiences are not identical to spontaneous NDE experiences.
It questions, "How can clear consciousness outside one's body be experienced at the moment that the brain no longer functions during a period of clinical death with flat EEG?"
A National Science Foundation report based on interviews with 1,574 people across the country found widespread and increasing belief in what it terms, "pseudoscience." It also cited several other polls with similar conclusions. Among those was a Gallup survey last year that showed belief in ghosts, haunted houses, witches and the ability to communicate with the dead, all increased by double-digit percentage points in the past decade alone.
Belief in ghosts and haunted houses is now around 40 percent, and communicating with the dead is nearing 30 percent. Eight of 13 such phenomena included in the Gallup report showed significant increases and only the belief in devil possession declined. The Science Foundation survey showed that sixty-percent of the people surveyed believed that some people possess psychic powers or ESP.
Those of us who are doing research inEVP and ITC, not only have the advantage of knowing that consciousness survives but we also get to hear and see our loved ones. For instance, in our last Video ITC experiment, we asked for the first time to have a relative appear. We called on Tom's father and asked him to appear in the middle of a frame. Amazing enough, he came through in the center of the frame as requested. Interestingly, his pose is the same as that in a picture Tom keeps at his desk. When we saw the paranormal picture we immediately grabbed the picture off Tom's desk for the comparison. As you can see in the accompanying picture, the nose is distorted and enlarged. Also, from the nose down the face is mostly lost in the noise that is created with the Video ITC method. However, you should be able to make out the similarity of the eyebrows, high temple,distinctive widow's peak and nose.
Tom and Lisa
Larry Dean and Patricia Begley: ITC
Author, Larry Dean has been working on a book on Instrumental TransCommunications (ITC). Larry says that he was interested in spi ritual pursuits at a very young age when others were out playing sports. Later in his life he devoted most of his time to doing presentations and teaching classes on the development of psychic abilities and healing. Although Larry is naturally clairaudient and clairvoyant, it was only after he stopped teaching these classes that he took time to develop his own trance work. Larry is a deep trance channel. His ITC partner, Patricia Begley facilitates and records the sessions. It is generally only through her doing this, and the recordings she makes, that Larry knows what has taken place while he has been in trance. Many years ago the two were told by their main guide, Choi, that their spirit team was working with them to establish Video ITC contacts.
Larry and Patricia worked together on sitting for physical phenomena for many years. They were excited and encouraged by the ITC results of the Harsch-Fischbachs, and were even able to sit in on some of the Scole Experimental Group sessions. They continued to sit with a group and did experience limited physical phenomena, but did not achieve successful television or Video ITC contacts. Larry talks about the years that they sat around looking at dots on television screens and featureless video experiments.
Larry made contact with the two of us over a year ago regarding the ITC book he is working on. We spoke with Larry numerous times on the phone and found a common bond and interest in his enthusiasm for ITC. Since we had also begun work on a book on EVP and ITC in late 2002, we were able to send Larry the two chapters on Video ITC that describe how to conduct an experiment and some of the theories that attempt to explain Video ITC. We wanted to get his opinion about the usefulness of the chapters and to see if he could replicate what we were finding in our experiments. Within weeks we received an excited phone call from Larry. Larry and Patricia had followed the instructions and had received images on their very first experiment. One of those pictures was that of a close friend who is now on the other side.
Larry has the wonderful benefit of being able to use his trance work to receive advice and direction on future experiments.
He was told to ask for particular people to appear in their experiments. Larry and Patricia have only been working with video ITC for a few short months, but following that advice, they have received many images of people whom they have asked to appear in their video frames. For instance, they have collected images of Patricia's father and mother and also the image of Patricia's Aunt Ethel, which is shown here.
Signs and Messages from Cathy
By Martha Copeland
A couple of weeks ago, my sister, Ginny, and I were doing a recording session when she picked up my daughter's voice while I was out of the room. Cathy could be heard saying, "Mama, I have Muffin." This was followed by the sound of a dog. Muffin, was her dog of seventeen years. She died shortly after Cathy.
Yesterday, October 7, 2002, I was on the computer and received another message from Cathy saying, "I can=t find Fluffy." Fluffy was a cat we had about fifteen years ago, until having to give him to a good home before being transferred overseas. Like any animal lover, we planned to take him with us. However, I accidentally ran over Fluffy just before our departure date, so he was unable to make the long journey. Alas, Fluffy survived and recovered, and lived an active life.
Many of my meditations and dreams are with Cathy. We are walking in a meadow, surrounded by our animals, (some are animals I had loved as a child÷even beforeCathy's time). I had not realized, until after her last message, that I had not seen Fluffy.
When I tried to save the recording, the entire program went blank, and I thought I had lost it. Disappointed and sad, I decided to get out of the house for a couple of hours. Upon returning, I noticed Cathy's bedroom door was ajar. The door is always closed! Entering into her room, I noticed a piece of paper was lying on the floor in front of the doorway. The note was in Cathy's handwriting and read, "I smile because I love U, I love U because U care (then a picture of a smiley face) U care to make me happy & always be there!"
Checking around with family members and friends of Cathy, I found that no one else had been in my house.
Later, my niece, Rachel, was anxious to see the note for herself and dropped by. She recalled that Cathy had written the note a while back, but she had placed it inside a notebook. Still, why Cathy's door was opened, and the note left on the floor, remains a mystery.
This note seemed to answer a question of mine. What if I go to the other side, only to find that Cathy has already gone to another level? What would become of our mother and daughter relationship that I treasured? Receiving this note was reassurance that our relationship of love, would continue.
The Veil is No Barrier for Sarah
Sarah's Estep's husband, Charlie, transitioned to the other side February 15, 1998. We asked Sarah if Charlie had communicated with her through EVP about their pets. Sarah wrote, "On February 15, 2002, which was the fourth anniversary of his death, I devoted the recording to him. I do this each year at that time, and often have a response from him. This last February, I was ending the five minute recording and said: "We gave each other three wonderful children." Immediately, in conversational style (that made me feel as if he'd been sitting beside me during the five minutes) he replied, "And there's Misty." It was very clear, and so I duplicated it five times each on separate cassette tapes and gave them to our children. They all hear the same thing, and are so very pleased and happy that he came through like that. They'll always keep that tape.
"Misty was the dog of both of our hearts and was the last dog Charlie and I had together. Each afternoon, he'd go out and play ball with her, and they both looked upon that as one of the happiest times of their day. She was a small miniature poodle and died about two years before Charlie had his first stroke. While he was dying, I talked with him and one of the things I said was that Misty would probably be waiting for him at the end of the tunnel and I thought she'd have her ball in her mouth, wanting him to play with her. (We buried the ball with her). Several months after Charlie passed on, he came to my recording room and said, "brought Misty down with me." When I asked him in the next recording what he and Misty did, he replied, still Class A sound clarity - "We play."
So, yes, animals do survive death and we will be able to reunite with them, when it comes time for us to move on.
A lot of people wonder about animals surviving, and grieve very much when they die. Many of us have strong evidence that they do survive and we can be with them again."
Jutta Liebmann and "Extras"
Jutta Liebmann, board member of the EVP and ITC group in Germany known as the VTF, sent us some of her pictures of extras. "Extra" is a term that describes the presence of entities or objects in photographs that were not there in the physical sense. Jutta wrote, "I have taken these photos from my television screen with my Olympus
Standard Camera AF-10 Super, using the flash attachment. During most of the experiments I did not notice anything paranormal."
Jutta sent us several excellent pictures. In the picture shown here, Jutta had video taped a documentary about the early beginnings of mankind. At the end of the program an earth view with clouds was shown. "When I played back the videotape, I discovered this paranormal face in the clouds. I then put the video recorder into the stop/standby position and took the picture." "It is interesting to learn that my photos look much like what you get with the video loop. I plan to continue to take paranormal photos in this way and think that it is another way to promote TransCommunication in the future."
Video ITC also shows extras, even though Video ITC is accomplished with a chaotic video signal, rather than exposing a physical or video scene. We are fascinated to see Video ITC-like features in photographs of a taped television program. This gives us good reason to look closer at other photographs and video recordings that include visually "noisy" scenes.
Alexander MacRae and the Alpha Device
You probably know about Alexander MacRae and his Alpha device. The Alpha Mystery, by Jose Feola, appeared in the July 2000 issue of Fate Magazine. Alec has upgraded the earlier Alpha model and added a Digital
Signal Processing system designed to provide noise reduction and increase the intelligibility of the voices.
He plans to take an Alpha device to the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in California for testing. IONS should have the Alpha for three months, and will conduct tests with it in a combined Faraday Cage and soundproof room. This means that any voices picked up during testing will not have come from a physical source.
Alec is talking to one of the United Kingdom's largest betting companies about the Faraday Cage experiment to place a wager that it will produce EVP. They are looking at the proposition so they can decide on odds and agree on a third party judge(s). He wrote, "No one thinks it will work, of course, so I am hoping for good enough odds to be able to place a substantial bet. I have also been in touch with the Randi people for the last few months but they still haven't accepted or rejected my challenge. Either way, if the experiment is successful, I win." (The famous debunker, James Randi, has offered a million dollar prize to anyone who can provide evidence of any paranormal or supernatural event.)
Alexander is also going through a final draft of a paper titled, A Bio-electromagnetic Device of Unusual Properties.
The paper is on how the Alpha produces EVP. It has been reviewed by the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) judges. The final version should be in the April '03 issue. When asked for his reason for writing the paper, he said, "I wanted to bridge the 'reality gap' between science and things not explicable in normal terms. With the Alpha you can describe it in perfectly acceptable scientific terms but it does things which no normal device should. I thought I would try the prestigious SPR Journal first."
Linda Williamson - Telephone EVP
Last month we ran an article on Brazilian researcher Sonia Rinaldi's use of the telephone in receiving EVP from those on the other side. Scottish EVP researcher, Linda Williamson, has also been using the telephone to capture EVP with great success.
Larry Dean was the first to tell us about his experiences with Linda and her use of the telephone to record EVP.
He left a message on her answering machine and then completed the call to her a few days later. At that time Linda told Larry that she had placed the answering machine recording into her computer and listened to it using
Windows Media Player. Linda sent the results to Larry, who was amazed. An EVP saying, "Jim," was on the tape several times. This is the name of Larry's father and grandfather. Another EVP clearly said, "This is Edison."
Through trance Larry and Patricia have been told that Edison is one of the scientists working with them to establish ITC contact.
Linda recorded a subsequent phone call and received an EVP saying, "I love you." Patricia immediately recognized the voice as that of her father who had also come in on one of the couple's ITC experiments.
Recently Tina Laurent wrote to us about a tape that Linda had sent her. Tina, we can say, was astonished at what she heard. Linda had recorded a telephone conversation that the two had on Nov.1. Tina said that there were nearly forty EVP utterances and although some of them were indistinct most of them were quite loud. The word, "Tina," was spoken frequently. Tina recognized the voice of her first husband saying, "I'm Helm." Tina
has received EVP messages from him on several occasions and is familiar with his voice. The word, "Mona," was also received and this is the name that Helm had called Tina when he was on earth. One of her favorite uncles also came through giving his name, "Horace."
Linda is deeply committed to using EVP to help people through the grieving process. Her team of spirit helpers has a great ability to do just that by bringing in love ones from the other side.
The Christmas Greeting
Alexander MacRae wrote, "This is a true story. Around 1974 I used to write lots of letters for a certain organization. I had lots of letter chums, all over the world. This lady, who had these powers, wrote to me from Australia with her Christmas card saying "I will come to see you Xmas morning." Woo - ho ho - what a nut case! All the way from Australia?
"Christmas morning, at work, at my desk in the lower hall, door open to let some fresh air in. A robin flew in and fluttered over to me, landing on a long string of Christmas cards I had hung up in front of and above my desk. It stood for a moment and bobbed at me - then flew out again. The card it landed on was the one the lady in Australia had sent me."
Richard Hatem's Work Hits Primetime
AA-EVP member, Richard Hatem, was the screen writer and co-producer of the movie, The Mothman Prophecies. His work is now hitting primetime on ABC. Miracles will premier January 27th, 2003 at 10p.m on everyone''s local ABC station. This will also be its regular time slot. Miracles is written and produced by Richard. Richard told us that, ABC was looking for a show that would be a sort of "Spiritual X-Files." They owned a script about a young seminarian who investigated miracles.
Richard was hired to re-work the script, which was intended to be a theatrically released feature, into a one hour television pilot. It was his script for The Mothman Prophecies that brought him to the attention of ABC.
Miracles is a show about a young man, raised as a Catholic, who discovers that the world of the paranormal is much larger than anything described by any one religion.
He investigates miracles, usually disproving them, until something very strange, frightening and miraculous happens to him. He also learns that his notion of dividing the supernatural into categories of "good" and "evil" is severely limited.
When asked to tell us a little about what viewers can expect, Richard wrote, "I've tried to inject as much of my own interests into Miracles as possible. Episodes involve everything from reincarnation to poltergeists and from apports to time-slips. I manage to mention Ian Stevenson, the reincarnation expert, by name and also put in a plug for Raymond Bayless and D. Scott Rogo's book Phone Calls From The Dead. If you look closely, you will find character names like Jurgenson, Bander and even Estep.
One of the main characters, Alva Keel (named after John A. Keel, author of the book, The Mothman Prophecies) relates an EVP experience as the main reason he began to investigate the paranormal. His story will sound familiar to anyone who knows about Friedrich Jurgenson's first EVP experience. In fact, in an up-coming episode I'm planning to reference Raudive and the whole EVP phenomenon head-on. Ultimately, I hope the show is uplifting.
Our goal is not to just scare you; we also want to make you cry.
"So far there have been no paranormal occurrences on the set. But everyone seems to feel very strongly about the show and many people from the cast and crew have said that this show has meant more to them than anything they've ever worked on, which is a bit of a miracle in its self."
We were able to preview the pilot and found it exceptional. The networks often cancel shows after airing only one or two episodes. We want Miracles to be a hit. So watch and tell as many friends as you can about the show.
Miracles airing on a main network is truly phenomenal and a real tribute to Richard Hatem's work.
Use of Background Noise in EVP
In one of his communiqus with AA-EVP member, Karen Camus, Dr. Dean Radin, who is currently associated with the Institute of Noetic Sciences, offered an interesting view of the use of white noise in psi research. "I tend to agree with you that noise itself is probably a stimulus for opening the unconscious mind to psychic impressions (although perhaps this includes the conscious mind for highly experienced listeners). The Oracles at Delphi apparently knew about this and used it for thousands of years. The Oracle site itself is located inside long tunnels near the ocean÷the result being that not only were the Oracles likely inhaling intoxicating fumes from natural hot springs or vents deep inside the mountain cliffs, but they were also hearing the sounds of the surf echoing and rumbling through the tunnels. That noise (not exactly white noise, more like "red" noise) is said to stimulate audio hallucinations, and in fact this is exactly why to this day we use white noise to stimulate the receiver's imagination during telepathy tests."
As you know, broad-spectrum background noise is often used in EVP research because it has been shown that communicating entities "transfigure" the noise into voices on recording media. For those of you who like to delve into the mechanisms behind phenomena, it is interesting to speculate that the subtle psi energy of thought might be amplified through the process of stochastic resonance to produce a physically discernable signal. This hypothesis describes a mechanism that would apply to any low-level psi signal in a noisy environment. It predicts that the same effect found to occur in the neuro-electric field of the mind would also occur in the magnetic film of recording media, a noisy electric circuit such as is found in the Panasonic RR-DR60 or in the loopback used in Video ITC. In fact, this is what we have found to be true. You can personally apply this information by using something like the white, pink or rain noise generated by something like a sleep noise machine for your EVP experiments, and with or without headset during meditation.
The Nature of Phenomenal Voices
We previously reported about EVP and ITC research conducted by Paolo Presi. That report and an article published in the
March 2001 ITC Journal seemed to require clarification. See the Italian language web site for "Il Laboratorio," the research group Presi works with, at For information on the excellent ITC Journal write to Anabela Cardoso at Apartado de Correos 3157, Vigo, Pontevedra, Espana or visit
Question: In your article in the March 2001 ITC Journal concerning analysis of phenomenal voices you used the phrase, "Thickening of the noise." Is the significance of this that the background sound is increased in the voice?
Presi: A normal human voice is constituted by both a fundamental frequency produced by the vibrations of vocal cords and the formants that are an increasing in sound intensities of some groups of harmonics due to resonance in the vocal tract. In a human voice either the fundamental frequency or the formants have a sinusoidal trend. In some paranormal voices the formants seem to be produced not as consequence of resonant but as localized compression of background noise. This confers to the voice its tone (for example, male or female) similar to the human voice but using a different (or abnormal) process of formation. This is what I mean as "thickening of the noise."
Question: You made several references to how the paranormal voices strongly correlate with living human voices. Were you confirming a phenomenal quality or arguing that the voices were, therefore, not paranormal.
Presi: Not all the paranormal voices have the same anomalies. In the cases of EVP, such anomalies are very often found. For instance we found many of the paranormal voices obtained by Marcello Bacci seem to be quite near to the human voices even if, sometimes, other anomalies are detected. (Baacci collected voices from Friedrich Jrgenson via radio.)
From my point of view it could depend on the grade of mediumship of the experimenter, if he is without stresses during the experiment or if he is tired or not, etc. I do not believe in the "radiophone model," but in a process where the experimenter is a key-element for producing voices. · I am strongly convinced that information coming from another plane of consciousness has to pass through an element of the same nature. That is, from the spirit world through the spirit inside the man.
Question: In the article we used in the AA-EVP newsletter (Summer 2001), you made an argument that one characteristic of EVP is the lack of the fundamental frequencies associated with the human vocal cords. In the article we are asking about now, you show that several of the samples did show signs of a vocal cord. Does this say anything about the validity of the sample as phenomenal?
Presi: A lack of fundamental frequency is not always detected. This is not a good reason to refuse such voices as paranormal voices. · it could depend on many causes, mainly from the influence of the experimenter.
In addition you have to know that you can find the presence of the fundamental frequency, but at the same time, find an anomalous configuration of the same. For example, some anomalous peaks are completely out of predictable ranges applicable to the human voice.
Question: It would be interesting to our members to know how well some of these different instances of voice phenomena compare to living speech.
Presi: It is difficult to summarize the differences between a normal voice and a paranormal voice. Currently we are carrying out deep analyses of many supposed paranormal voices in order to collect as many anomalies as possible for characterizing their paranormality. A final assessment will be only possible when a sufficient database of peculiar elements is available.
Haunted Restaurant
By Lisa Butler
We were asked by Janice Oberding of the Nevada Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society, and Mark Guilford of Sacramento Paranormal Investigators, to present at the 2002 Virginia City Paranormal Conference last October.
Virginia City is located in Northwest Nevada. Janice told us that, "The town is rich in Wild West history.
When the Comstock Lode was discovered, Virginia City became a haven for those seeking their fortunes. Millionaires were made and bankrupted by its silver mines, and gunslingers ruled the streets. Mark Twain began his career in Virginia City writing for the Territorial Enterprise, and stars of their day, such as Shakespearean actor, Edwin Booth performed at Piper's Opera House."
Janice, author of Haunted Nevada, did a presentation on the ghosts of Virginia City. Dennis Hauck author of Haunted Places showed photos and gave information on some of the fascinating cases that he has worked on, and we followed up with a presentation on EVP and ITC. Janice had asked us if we would go, with a few people the evening after the conference, to check out a restaurant in nearby Dayton. The next day we were to tour Piper's
Opera House and St. Mary's Art Center in Virginia City; two locations with known paranormal activity.
Janice did not know much about the restaurant in Dayton.
A woman had approached her at a book signing to tell her that her restaurant was quite haunted. Janice had liked her and felt that she was a credible and honest individual, and had agreed to take a preliminary look after the patrons in the restaurant had gone home.
At least for us, what took place on this preliminary look was phenomenal. Let us first say that the restaurant has been in existence since 1887. It is quite elegant, broken up into several eating areas, with lace tablecloths and many old pictures on the walls. You walk into the eating areas through the Bar, which has a wonderful historic feel that is accented by an enormous rock fireplace.
After an interview with the owner, team members began preparing their equipment. One of the members of the team had an electromagnetic field detector and immediately detected an exceptional reading at the fireplace. She wondered if the rocks were setting the detector off. Janice's husband, Bill, began taking pictures with his digital camera and I turned on our Panasonic RR-DR60recorder. Bill immediately found orbs in his pictures, and I later learned that we had recorded an EVP saying,"Looking to meet forces here, John Coney."
The walk through of the site took place over two hours. Tom and I captured only about six minutes of recording because of our recorder's voice activation feature. We only recorded away from others or when just one person was in a particular area, otherwise, we left the recorder on "Hold" so that we would not mistake the voice of someone in the room for an EVP.
Employees had seen apparitions around the two wait stations just off of the Kitchen, so I went alone in the dark with my flashlight to the closest station and turned on the recorder. With my flashlight I could see that it was recording something. This area produced a male EVP voice louder than my own that said, "Flashlight hunt!"
The second wait station was very interesting. The energy in that small space felt like pressure, as if I were being pushed down. On the recording you can hear me say to a psychic, who did not want to enter the area and only did so because I had, "Do you feel that pressure." Immediately a woman's voice says, "Shot man, is sick."
There was a commotion going on in the back dinning room. Janice had seen a blue streak and possible apparition go by her. Several people were taking pictures and getting meter readings. Tom was using our Olympus C700 Ultrazoom digital camera, set at an ISO of 800, with the flash turned off. The room was fairly dark with some light coming through the windows from the street. The picture you see here was taken in that room. The bright spots are not light fixtures that were turned on.
Notice the face in the light on the right. The "U" shaped light was not made by a single point of light and camera motion, as we were able to reference it with known objects in the picture. The original also shows an interesting electric blue area of light under the "U" shaped streak of light. When the picture is blown up, other ITC type images are evident in the optical noise of that area.
Leaving the back room, I went down a long narrow eating area on my own. "Oswald James" was recorded in that area. A girl with another recorder came up to me and the two of us walked through the kitchen. On my recorder you can hear her voice ask, "What is your name" and a man's EVP answer back, "Payne and Isaiah."
Tom joined me in the long narrow eating area and we recorded a voice saying, "That's Niccolites." Several interesting raps preceded this EVP on the recording.
Other EVP in this amazing recording session were, "This is Matt Simmons" and "Speak to me, so unhappy."
Knowing that we would shortly have to leave, I saw a chair that was sitting by itself and away from the tables in the main dining area. It just looked inviting and I sat down on it in the dark alone. Out loud, I said something about how beautiful the place was and that, "I would certainly live here and I know that you are here (meaning the spirits)." Immediately a woman's poignant voice replied, "No, I didn't mean to stay here."
It is interesting that this site produced more EVP thanhe two buildings we toured the next day that have documented ghost activity. We are researching the history and the group will go back to investigate further.
EVP Experiment using the DR60
As we reported in the last newsletter, many of the members of the AA-EVP Egroup who had a Panasonic RR-DR60 solid-state audio recorder participated in a group experiment. This was the first time we had several people with the same type and brand of recorder, so the objective was to see if using the same equipment and questions would offer useful information about EVP.
Danny Williford volunteered to coordinate the experiment and was the one who both designed the protocol and waded through the resulting reports. He used three desktop tape recorders to set the baseline. The experiments were conducted one day a week for four weeks. DR60 owners used the same questions each week and then reported their results to Danny. Danny also attempted to see if solar, geomagnetic and moon phase influence EVP.
Some of the more interesting results included evidence that the DR60 scored EVP 63% of the time for each question compared to 18% for the baseline. The object recognition question, "What is the object on the table in front of me?" scored 25% compared to 0% for the baseline.
Danny reported that there was evidence that the number and quality of EVP collected by each individual may have been influenced by that person's ability to detect EVP in recordings. This brings up an important consideration for future experiments. That is, how do we normalize the experimenter's ability?
We thank Danny for his efforts. It is clear that the DR60 is a valuable addition to our EVP tool kit.
AA-EVP Now Nonprofit
One of the milestones achieved this year was that of making the AA-EVP a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit educational corporation. The IRS and the state of Nevada granted us this status as of August 6, 2002. Now, all donations over the membership fee are tax deductible in the United States.One of the projects that we will fund through donations is an online searchable archive. Sarah Estep's newsletters will be the first items that are placed in this archive. She published 74 newsletters and members will be able to input a phrase on the web site and find all newsletters in which it appears. We have been researching the cost to have the hardcopy scanned and proofread, and believe that it will cost from $800 to $1000 with additional costs for web site maintenance. We hope that other historical documents and research papers will be added to this archive over time.
Incorporation establishes the AA-EVP as a legal entity and offers assurances to the public that its assets will be devoted to the legal activities of the Association. The Association also has a better opportunity to continue if something should happen to the present directors. The archive needs to be protected beyond any individual's lifetime and incorporation will help assure that this happens.
Thoughts From Members
Karen Camus wrote that she had an interesting experience with screaming EVP. The extremely loud EVP really upset her, and so she explained to "them" how it was making her feel. Although she usually could not even make out the screaming EVP, it sounded hostile to her. She also told them that, when she listened via headphones with the volume up to hear the low parts, it hurt her ears to be suddenly hit with such loud yelling
The next time she recorded after that, she heard a soft female voice say in a very gentle and rather bewildered/hurt tone, "We do not understand why the recording disturbs you." It then occurred to her that what she was interpreting as hostile intermittent screaming might simply reflect a sudden increase in amplitude which they were not yet able to control, and possiblywere not even aware of from their side. Karen had frequently complained to them that the EVP were often too weak to decipher. Could the screaming have been an attempt by the entities to be better heard?
Richard Hatem wrote to the Egroup in regards to a discussion on fraud. "ITC is by definition an instance in which communication is sent by a non-physical entity and received with earth-based equipment. It makes one wonder--what are these communications "supposed" to look like? Sheer "otherworldliness" does not seem to me the best indicator of authenticity. No matter where these messages are coming from, they are being received on and with manmade items. Therefore, how can we complain when they look like something any one of us could produce on our home computer, when in fact that is exactly what is happening?
"Even in cases of EVP, the voices we consider "Class A" are the ones that sound the most like our own. Certainly nothing is more easily "faked" than EVP. People have complained that Bill O'Neill's "Dr. Mueller" voice sounds like an electronic voice-box, and therefore is fake. But what was Spiricom other than, well, a physical electronic "voice-box" to facilitate communication with someone whose own voice-box is now less than physical?
"Isn't the goal of both ITC and EVP to reach a point when pictures and voices of spirits come through as easily and clearly as those of living people currently do on manmade telephones, tape recorders and televisions?
And if that goal is ever reached--can you imagine how "fake" it will look then?"
Eddie Beloate wrote that he always uses two tape recorders for EVP and that because of this he has captured sounds that he would have missed otherwise. As an example, he was walking with a friend down a path. On one tape you can hear the two walking, but on the second tape you hear what sounds like four or five people walking.
Eddie said that the coyote was an animal on his totem. He wrote, "Just about every time we go out, we hear them.
There have been nights that we did not hear a single one, but on one of the tapes, there they are just howling away.
So many people keep their ears open for voices and don't notice littlethings like these. I believe that a lot of spirits have never taken human form so they will not always speak in words. I guess since I am ' Cherokee Indian I have always had a lot of respect for all living things so I am not surprised to find them in my recordings."
News From Members
Dale Palmer reports that, "It appears that Sonia Rinaldiand her team in Brazil will conduct tests of her work pursuant to criteria laid out by Euvaldo (Cabral)and myself. Her work will be financially supported by NII (Noetics Institute, Inc.) for at least a test period."
Dale also told us that, "We have a paper 90% completed which will very soon, we hope, be ready to submit to scientific journals for publication. This will be step one in our work · to establish "scientifically" that the phenomena does exist."
Jacques Blanc-Garin has informed us that, "We are in the process of analyzing voices using an international protocol. This is being performed by the International TransCommunications Platform with Adrian Klein as Coordinator, between Italy as Director, Brazil and France."
Judith Chisholm, who runs The EVP & Transcommunication Society of Great Britain & Ireland, will be giving "The Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture" at the Collegeof Psychic Studies on January 28, 2003. This is a great honor and a first for EVP in the UK.
Alexander MacRae will soon have a book titled, Listening to the Spirits, The Alpha Story, available. Those interested should contact Alec at or write to Grianan, Portree, Skye, Scotland IV51 9DJ.
The book had previously been available on CDROM.
Now Alec is updating it, adding some things and putting it in the traditional book format.
Alex also told us that he has begun placing research notes online at These include notes on sound spikes, white noise and EVPMaker.
Tina Laurent's appearance recording EVP in the UKseries, the Scream Team, was voted best in the series.
Several of Tina's EVP were played on the show that was filmed in the Edinburgh Vaults. She has spent many nights since the show played, responding to questionsregarding EVP on an online Scream Team forum.
An interview of Michele Hardison ran in the St.George Utah newspaper The Spectrum. The article titled "Your House? Strange noises, Unexplained Happenings" quoted Michele's answers to many questions on investigations and ghosts. Michele is now the representative for Southern Utah with the American Ghost Hunter's Society.
Tapers Report
Susan Bov's group recently did an investigation in a Masonic Lodge. Susan was with a group on the second floor. They heard a woman singing near the steps leading to the third floor. A member who was on the third floor also heard the singing and felt that the sound was coming from the second floor. Susan radioed other team members to make sure that no one was singing.
The singing was heard for approximately fifteen seconds. On the tape, you can hear a woman singing, "I hear you·are you here?" You then hear one of the team members ask the spirit if she's female and what she is doing there, as the lodge is a men's club. The spirit responds, "Singing" and then another female voice says, "She likes to sing."
Michele Hardison was doing an investigation. On her recording you can hear her say to another team member,
"Do you want me to go get it?" An EVP voice immediately says, "Please."
Karen Camus placed her small recorder in a seashell and placed it inside a paint can to shield it from radio, cell phone and other interference. She recorded, "Hi to his family," and said that perhaps this was one spirit relaying a greeting from another spirit.
Charli Claypool wrote to the Egroup, "Just as it is here, they make their own reality: from the happy, "Everything is light here!" to the religious: "Heaven is so beautiful"; to the malcontent: "The place is not Xanadu." Not many differences from here in my opinionwith the possible exception of being able to "fly.""
Erland Babcock responded to the above statement by saying, "Thank you for confirming a statement that I have claimed for about 25 years. The message I got was, "We are all lights...some are brighter then others."
In my communications over the years that have talked about optics. One said they are getting a new lens so we could hear them better. They often spoke in terms of light. That is one of the reasons that I use light in my experiments. I am getting voices now but have to develop a method of removing certain complex tones that can not be removed, even with CoolEdit Pro. The voices ride on these tones."

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