- In nailing bribe-taking judges and bribe-giving lawyers,
we do NOT proceed applying some overall conspiracy or plot. We do not like
to think of events solely in terms of a conspiracy, nor we do wish to be
falsely labeled as "conspiracy theorists", a favorite put-down
of the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press.
- We do not like "pie in the sky" ideas or mere
philosophies. Our group's corruption investigations have turned on highly
technical details, our specialty based on over one million records, court
files, secret notebooks, audio and video tapes, and similar items compiled
over four decades of our work. Fingering corrupt members of the bench and
the bar, from our standpoint, does NOT depend on whether they are conservatives,
liberals, Democrats or Republicans. In four decades we have hit enough
of them between the eyes, in our public interest crusading, more than in
the entire previous history of the nation. These are matters of record,
not theories, that should reassure even skeptics that we are not inclined
to make idle statements.
- So, when we call the PRIVATE Central Bank, masquerading
as a U.S. Government unit, the conspiratorial FEDERAL RESERVE, we do not
know of any more specific way to describe them.
- If you watch with an eagle-eye, occasionally the instruments
and mouthpieces of The Establishment, "the powers that be", the
Ruling Class, whatever you call THEM, you sometimes get an advance warning
from a faction in the Aristocracy.
- Notice this item:
- "The Federal Reserve may have lowered interest rates
to the once unimaginable level of 1.25 percent, but senior officials insist
they can still FLOOD THE COUNTRY WITH MONEY if they need to."
- "'The U.S. government has a technology, called a
printing press---or, todays, its electronic equivalent---that allows it
to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes AT ESSENTIALLY NO COST', Ben
S. Bernanke, one of the Federal Reserve's seven governors, said in a speech
to economists here today."
- "In a detailed analysis that tracks fairly closely
with more general comments last week by Alan Greenspan, the Fed chairman,
Mr. Bernanke described the many ways the central bank could INJECT VAST
SUMS OF MONEY into the economy to combat DEFLATION, even if interest rates
were to drop to ZERO."
- A story, datelined Washington, in the New York Times,
11/22/2. (Emphasis added.)
- Like in the wake of 1929, the Establishment currently
is not about to admit that an horrendous financial meltdown is in the works.AND
THAT A FACTION IN THE ARISTOCRACY, with prior treasonous knowledge, diverted
attention, temporarily, from an impending financial debacle by way of Black
Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
- The small to medium so-called "investors",
having become sour on stock losses, have been advised by the brokerage
trade, "Well, then I'll put you into bonds instead". And the
price of U.S. Treasury Securities goes UP as the interest rates go DOWN,
and vice versa.
- To just TEMPORARILY delay the inevitable financial collapse,
the Federal Reserve is going to RE-FLATE WALL STREET, just long enough
for the "big boys" to get their rear ends free and clear, if
possible, of financial fall-out, destined to rain-down on know-nothings,
the unsuspecting suckers, like so much mostly fatal nuclear economic residue.
- After all, who remembers. that the greatest losses were
inflicted AFTER 1929, on those that believed the newsfakers and the Herbert
Hoover White House that "prosperity is just around the corner".
By 1930, plenty of suckers were lured back into the stock market and got
clipped and ruined.
- A good text book of the events in and after 1929, is
J. Kenneth Galbraith's opus, "The Great Crash-1929", several
times re-printed since 1959. NOT in October, 1929, BUT IN SEVERAL YEARS
AFTERWARDS, quite a number of wrecked "investors", caught also
in the real estate bust that followed, "took the gas pipe", then
typical lingo for snuffing themselves out at a time that not all gas stoves
had safety pilot lights.
- No, they do not nowadays jump out of windows in some
spectacular "end it all" situation. In fact, cynics point out
that it cannot now happen anyway. After all big buildings, such as near
Wall Street, La Salle Street, and such financial districts, do NOT have
windows that open, and roof entries are locked.
- Only old-timers remember the unemployed bond brokers
of the 1930s, walking down the street, without a topcoat in the winter,
in the last of their fancy suits. Who remembers the Wall Street Journal
almost went into bankruptcy in 1935. Then and now, as the peddler of Establishment
lies, the Journal is trusted by WHOM, and WHO needs them, after all? (Some
sarcastic sorts read the Journal the cheap-way, on-line, just to see what
the "Big Lie" is currently being circulated. For the purpose
of dissidents and commentators to be able to refute the Journal on Internet
or wheresoever outspoken types can be heard.)
- In the Fall of 2002, the Wall Street Journal apparently
got tired of their skilled team writing stories about corporate finagling.
So, in the name of "cut-backs", the Journal dismissed their entire
"legal team", the label for 23 of their writers of cover-up and
whitewash stories of corporate bandits and pirates. If you believe in conspiracy
theories, can it be said the Bush and Cheney White House ordered this head-chopping?
AND, who, if anyone, will write such big lies in the future, to protect
the Aristocracy and their corporations? Will it be their worldwide wire
service pack of liars, the Associated Press, AP, the same ones who promoted
big CIA lies, such as a "lone gunman" assassinated President
John F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy?
- So, will the Journal merely re-print AP stories of corporate
gangsters, the Journal's own writing team having been wacked?
- In their item 11/22/2,the New York Times does not
dare go into more specifics or contradictions, such as:
- [1] Is the re-flating supposedly of the economy, going
to be quite temporary, just long enough to get the "big boys"
out and lure the suckers back in?
- [2] What will happen to U.S. Treasury Securities, now
that so many ordinary Americans have been herded into that?
- [3] Will the re-flating actually be able to stop, what
savvy sorts see, namely, that dreaded long-term, on-coming DEFLATION?
- [4] Will the Federal Reserve's trick device be able
to actually stop the impending real estate bust, considering that real
estate is one of the only free markets in America?
- [5] Actually, if not theoretically, would not re-flation,
even if temporary, cause the good stuff, the independent, real MONEY, namely
GOLD, jump way up? And would the big-time derivatives swindlers, like J.P.
Morgan Chase be already out of their wrong gold positions, being some 23
or more TRILLION dollars, like three times the gross product per year of
the whole U.S.?
- [6] Why is a faction in the Aristocracy through their
mouthpiece, the New York Times, supposedly warning any of us commonfolk
at all? To head-off a pro-Nazi-like, fascist-type of element, an opposing
faction in the Aristocracy that installed a financial incompetent named
George W. Bush?
- Do we have to right HERE include all the details elsewhere
posted on various websites, showing the documented items that the Bush
Crime Family promoted and financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, before,
DURING, and after World War 2? [Some examples are in Webster Tarpley's
book, "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush".]
- Do we right HERE have to show the list of the Ruling
Families that formed the Federal Reserve in 1912 and their descendants,
agents, and surrogates that continue to own and operate the Federal Reserve?
Others on various websites have shown the 1976 Congressional Report
detailing the same.
- Unfortunately, some not-well-informed sorts, highly naive,
would require us to re-invent the wheel of history every few paragraphs..And,
greatly heckle us for not doing so.
- A small correction: on a recent posting on some websites,
we erroneously called our story "The Red Chinese Secret Police in
the U.S.", as Part 3. Actually, it should be as on our own website,
as Part 4.
- More coming...Stay tuned.