- Early in the 20th Century, Coca-Cola Company was prosecuted
on issues relating to cocaine. Many have forgotten about this. Recently
the very popular website, rense.com, posted a story about a controversy
involving Coca-Cola. Authorities in Bolivia reportedly contend they are
aware of shipments of coca leaves, used in producing cocaine, were ostensibly
shipped for or to Coca-Cola Company which denies the same.
- Since 1971, I have been putting commentaries of a controversial
nature on a whole series of phones, known now as (773) 731-1100. In years
past, I called it HOTLINE NEWS, with me as the editor/commentator.
- In 1977, on my phone message, I ran a taped interview
with a vice president of Stepan Chemical Company,[(847)441-7822], Northfield,
Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. I ran the message numerous times in the
years thereafter. The top official confirmed that they are the manufacturer
of the base, because it is proprietary,it is secret, of Coca-Cola, the
soft drink. He confirmed that they, at that time, were among the largest
importers of coca leaves for producing Coca-Cola base and that in the
process, produced cocaine for the pharmaceutical industry.
- In 1977, several alternative publications raised the
question of cocaine and Coca-Cola. Others raised the issue that Coca-Cola
has no actual nutritional value. Despite that, in years past, their advertisements
showed robust and athletic types, powering speedboats, and acting in a
way to give the subconscious impression, that Coca-Cola is a supposed healthy
nutrient, which it is not.
- The Stepan Chemical Company executive pointed out that
because of the cocaine issue, he has to be very careful in what he says.
By what he said, he plainly meant the law enforcement issues and whether
cocaine somehow enters "The Underground Empire" (which some later
called the dope trade, such as John Mills, in his 1990 heavy opus).
- Similar issues, now long forgotten, were in the 1970s,
raised by alternative publications, most of which by now are presumably
defunct. My interview was a follow up on such issues. Of course, the monopoly
press, heavily dependent on Coca-Cola 's monstrous advertising budget,
would not dare raise or comment on such matters. Further, as we have pointed
out in this website series, COCA-COLA COMPANY appears to be, in part, an
espionage operation. And they seem to rely on federal judges who are "for
sale", as outlined earlier in this series.
- [In rejecting and nullifying a contract and copyright
claim against Coca-Cola Company, the softdrink firm benefitted from having
their case in Chicago's Federal Courts, which are considered by knowledgeable
observers, like those of our group, as "The Cheapest Judicial Whores"
in the nation. The case was on the docket of Chicago U.S. District Judge
Blanche Manning. As we pointed out, in the court record, by way of my
court-filed Declaration, her position in the courthouse was obtained by
a reputed gangster type, for upwards of one million dollars. In the course
of that case, mentioned earlier in this series, she illegally sat as a
"Judge in her own case", the judge having been accused in six
or more court filings of having committed judicial frauds upon her own
court. We call that, judicial perjuries also. I was a sworn witness to
confront her in the case. An appeal, to the federal appeals court in Chicago,
is a statutory right belonging to the one who does not prevail in the U.S.
District Court. Despite that right, the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit,
Chicago, sabotaged the right to appeal, by rejecting two different lawyers
of choice for the appellant, Robert Kolody. The appeal was arbitrarily
rejected by Judge Richard Posner who has written books and articles on
HIS judicial philosophy. Judge Posner contends it is against judicial efficiency
to allow an underdog to prevail against a large corporation. More about
his criminal-style behavior is in our website story, "Chief Crook
Enters Microsoft Case".]
- [Also, see our related website item "Buying a Judgeship".]
- A related item is that physicians reportedly have treated
stomach ailments using Coca-Cola base. Revealing is the contention that
physicians have NOT used Pepsi-Cola base, or the base of Royal Crown Cola,
or other softdrinks like Coca-Cola, for treating similar ailments.
- More coming, as it develops....Stay tuned.
- ===========================
- Since 1958, Mr. Skolnick has been a court-reformer, and
since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.
Since 1991, a regular panelist and since 1995, Moderator/Producer of "Broadsides",
a one-hour weekly taped public access Cable TV program, cablecast within
the city limits of Chicago, to upwards of 400,000 viewers, each Monday
evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable TV. Segments of some of the programs
can be seen ON-LINE, worldwide, through videostreaming linked to our website.
- Office, 8 a.m. to midnight most 7 days (773) 375-5741,
MATTERS. For a recorded phone message update of our work, NOT an expensive
call, (773) 731-1100.
- For a heavy packet of our printed stories, send $5.00
[U.S. funds] plus a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [ #10
envelope, 4-1/8 x 9-1/2 ] WITH THREE U.S. FIRST CLASS STAMPS ON IT, to
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman,
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870.
- WEBSITE: http://www.skolnicksreport.com [NOTE "s"
after name in website address].
- E-MAIL: skolnick@ameritech.net